Evaluating compliance to Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) resuscitation bundles in hospitals across the UK and implications for nursing practice: An Extended Literature Review

Abstract This literature review aims to evaluate hospitals’, and more particularly nurses’ capacity to comply with Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) sepsis resuscitation bundles across the UK, as SSC guidelines have proven to increase sepsis survival rates when implemented properly. Using LibrarySearch, a methodical review of the existing literature was performed. A variety of health related … Read more

Sleep and academic performance

1. Introduction Sleep is defined as the rest for the mind and body which the receptivity to external stimuli and bodily movement decreases. Sleep is a reversible, active and repetitive behavior serving different functions, for instance memory or learning consolidation, growth and repair and restorative processes. The consolidation during sleep enhances qualitative and quantitative changes … Read more

Overuse of antibiotics

Penicillin was introduced in the 1940’s, and since the use of antibiotics (drugs that are antifungal and antibacterial) have become everywhere as many of the infections that have been posing threats that are immediate to the life of humans are now being treated readily. However, this extensive antibiotics use has led to consequences that are … Read more

Overview of sickle cell disease

SCD is one of the most common genetic conditions of the blood characterized by chronic hemolysis and acute, potentially life-threatening complications. [2] It includes SCA (HbSS), sickle cell’hemoglobin C disease, sickle beta thalassemia, and others. [2,32] This chronic and possibly quite disabling condition mostly affects persons with African, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Indian ancestry. [2, … Read more

Physical exercise as an independent factor influencing intrinsic academic motivation: A cross-sectional study of preclinical year medical students at Chulalongkorn University

Running title: Intrinsic motivation to study at medical school and its correlates: A cross-sectional survey of preclinical students at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Background: Motivated students usually go on to achieve academic success. However, despite being of great interest to the Asian medical academia the factors potentially stimulating students’ intrinsic academic motivation have yet to be … Read more

The cardiovascular system

The cardiovascular system (sometimes called the circulatory system) is practically the most vital part of the human body, without it humanity would’ve been extinct millennia ago. This system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the veins and arteries that run through the entire human body. Responsible for transporting the nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and the … Read more

The accuracy of Ultrasound versus Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of placenta previa-accreta: review of the literature

KEYWORDS: diagnosis, accuracy, placenta previa, ultrasound, MRI, accreta. Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of ultrasound (US) versus magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of placenta previa (accreta) to determine the most useful imaging modality in suspected cases. Methods: a search was performed on the following databases: Medline, PubMed and Science direct for appropriately … Read more

End of life, euthanasia and assisted suicide

In the UK today, around three quarters of deaths are ‘predictable’ and follow a periodic trend of chronic illnesses such as cancer or heart diseases. It was found from the survey of general practitioners that 63%of deaths in England involved an ‘end of life decision’ by a medical practitioner. The extent to which people should … Read more

Influenza A

Influenza A is a highly contagious virus, which can cause dramatic illness, periodic pandemics and outbreaks globally every year. The major source of these onsets per annum is the emergence of an antigenically novel virus which the human population lack protective immunity against. Meanwhile, animals are a source of panzootics which largely contribute to influenza … Read more

To what extent have approaches to infection prevention and control in NHS Hospital been effective?

This essay will discuss the main issues connected to the spread of infections in the hospital environment and explore how effective the approaches to infection control measures in the NHS have been. This is an issue for the NHS as a whole, to prevent infections in the hospital environment and to find a solution to … Read more

Nursing care assessment

This assignment will discuss and analyse the nursing care given to an 85 year old female patient, during a four week hospital practice placement. In order to fully comply with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Conduct (2008), full consent has been verbally granted by the patient to utilise personal clinical information for … Read more

substance abuse among adolescents

Introduction: This assignment will foster the nature of substance abuse among adolescents. It will provide the reader with information on how the intervention program will be applied and what to include in the intervention program as well as how it will be conducted. It will focus on the developmental stage of adolescents and why such … Read more

Schizophrenia – symptoms, causes, physiological and biological approach

The term schizophrenia was coined in 1908 by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugene Bleuler. The word was derived from the Greek ‘skhizo’ (split) and ‘phren’ (mind). Schizophrenia results from a variable combination of genetic predisposition, biochemical dysfunction, physiological factors, and psychosocial stress. (Sadock & Sadock, 2003). The DSM V (APA, 2013) identified the Schizophrenia spectrum as … Read more

Neurometabolites Alterations Judged by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy may Underlie Chronic Hepatitis C associated Fatigue

Abstract Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between chronic hepatitis C (CHC) severity and occurrence and severity of fatigue and to determine neurochemicals alterations using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and its relation to modified fatigue impact scale (MFIS) scores Patients & Methods: 100 CHC were categorized using modified Child-Pugh classification of liver disease severity and underwent … Read more