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Essay: Using Drugs – What Are The Symptoms Of Your Drug Addiction?

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  • Subject area(s): Health essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 31 October 2015*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,020 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: Drugs essays

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People experiment with drugs for most various factors. Several first attempt drugs out of curiosity, to have fun, simply because mates are doing it or in order to improve athletic performance or relieve additional problems, like stress, anxiety or depression. Use doesn’t instantly result in abuse and there is absolutely no certain level at which drug use moves from casual to complicated. It ranges by individual. Drug abuse and addiction is much less regarding the quantity of substance utilized or the rate, and more to do with the implications of drug use. Regardless of how frequently or how small you’re consuming, if your own drug use is leading to issues in your life’at work, school, home or in your own relationships’you possibly have a drug abuse or addiction issue.
1. You’re ignoring your duties at school, work or home (e.g. flunking classes, skipping work, ignoring your kids) because of your drug use.
2. You’re using drugs under unsafe situations or taking risks while high, like driving a car while on drugs, using dirty needles or having unprotected intercourse.
3. Your drug use is growing you into lawful issues, such as arrests for disorderly behavior, driving a car under the influence, or stealing to support a drug habit.
4. Your drug use is leading to issues in your own interactions, such as quarrels with your companion or family, an unhappy employer, or the loss of old friends .
It is very important understand the symptoms and signs of drug abuse earlier. If you’re troubled that a friend or relative might be abusing drugs, the following are some of the warning signs to check out:
1. Physical and health warning signs of drug abuse
Inability to sleep, wake up at unusual times, strange laziness.
Loss of or raised in appetite, variations in eating habits
Cold, sweaty palms; shaking hands.
Red, watery eyes; pupils larger or smaller than normal
Uncommon odors on breath, body or clothes.
Extreme hyperactivity; severe talkativeness .
Slowed or staggering walk; poor physical coordination.
Needle marks on lower arm, leg or even bottom of feet.
Nausea, vomiting or sweating in excess.
Tremors or shakes of hands, feet as well as head.
Unusual heartbeat.
Runny nose; hacking cough, puffy face, blushing or paleness
Frequent rubbing of the nose, regular twisting of the jaw, back and forth, deterioration of hygiene or physical health.
2. Psychological warning signs of drug abuse
Strange change in character or attitude.
Instant mood changes, frustration, angry outbursts or laughing at absolutely nothing.
Periods of uncommon hyperactivity or agitation.
Lack of commitment; failure to concentrate, appearing lethargic or ‘spaced out.’
Seeming fearful, withdrawn, worried or paranoid, without having any clear reason.
3. Behavioral Signs
Change in overall attitude/personality without other recognizable cause.
Drop in grades in class or function at work;
skips classes or is late for classes.
Change in activities or interests.
Chronic dishonesty.
Instant oversensitivity, temper tantrums or resentful attitude.
Difficulties in focusing; forgetfulness.
Overall lack of commitment, energy, confidence, ‘I don’t care’ attitude.
Change in behaviors at home; loss of interest in household and family activities.
Silliness or giddiness.
Moodiness, frustration or anxiousness.
Severe desire for privacy; unreachable.
Secretive or suspicious behavior.
Car accidents.
Change in individual grooming behavior.
Possession of drug paraphernalia.
Changes in friends; friends are likely drug users .
Unexplained desire for money, stealing money or things
Possession of a false ID card
Avoiding prescription pills
Issues of a sore jaw (from teeth grinding while in an ecstasy high)
Existence of strange number of spray cans in the trash
Signs of Intoxication, by Specific Drug
1. Cocaine/Crack/Methamphetamines/Stimulants :
Fairly dilated pupils. Dry mouth and nose, unpleasant breath, consistent lip licking. Excessive activity, issues sitting still, lack of desire for food or sleep. Moody, argumentative, nervous. Talkative, however conversation often lacks continuity; changes topic quickly. Runny nose, cold or chronic sinus/nasal problems, nose bleeds. Use or possession of paraphernalia like small spoons, razor blades, mirror, small bottles of white powder and plastic, glass or metal straws .
2. Ecstasy:
Frustration, blurred sight, quick eye movements, chills or sweating excessively, high body warmness, sweating profusely, dehydrated, confusion, faintness, paranoia or extreme anxiousness, panic attacks, trance-like state, transfixed on sights and sounds, involuntary clenching of the jaw, grinding teeth, muscle tension, very passionate. Depression, headaches, dizziness (from hangover/after effects), possession of pacifiers (employed to stop jaw clenching), lollipops, candy necklaces, mentholated vapor rub, nausea or vomiting (from hangover/after results).
3. Alcohol:
Odor on the breathing. Intoxication/drunkenness. Issues concentrating: glazed appearance of the eyes. Uncharacteristically mere behavior or combative or argumentative habits. Steady decline in personal appearance and hygiene. Constant development of problems, particularly in schoolwork or job performance. Absenteeism (mainly on Monday). Inexplicable bruises and injuries. Frustration. Flushed skin. Loss of
memory (blackouts). Effectiveness and consumption of alcohol gets to be the focus of social activities. Changes in peer-group interactions and even friendships. Impaired interpersonal interactions (unexplainable termination of connections and parting from close family members).
4. Inhalant:
Short-lasting euphoria, giggling, silliness, dizziness. And then come the headaches and full-blown “faintings” or likely unconscious. Longterm Use: Temporary memory loss, emotional instability, impairment of reasoning, slurred speech, clumsy staggering gait, eyes flutter, tremors, hearing loss, loss of sense of smells, and escalating stages of brain atrophy. Occasionally all these significant longterm effects are reversible with body detoxing and nutritional treatment; at times the brain damage is irreversible or maybe partially reversible.
For individuals that have begun utilizing drugs or actually have increased their use to the level of misuse, the optimum solution is usually to start treatment. Treatment will be tailored based upon what exact drug one is abusing. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the most efficient treatments for drug abuse focus on the whole lifestyle of the individual, including her medical requirements, psychological desires, relationship difficulties and work desires. In general, treatment actually make use of a combination of behavioral therapy interventions and medications to cut down the person’s want or plan for the drug and provide the individual the skills to refrain from future drug use.

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Essay Sauce, Using Drugs – What Are The Symptoms Of Your Drug Addiction?. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/health-essays/essay-using-drugs-what-are-the-symptoms-of-your-drug-addiction/> [Accessed 07-10-24].

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