Early childhood is the quickest period in developing of human life. The year from conception 2 to 6 year of age is critical to complete healthy and physical growth of children. In this all step firstly a child begin enjoy the learning skill at the age of 2 to 3. Then they starting to learn language skill, try to control their hangs and fingers and act like independently. After that at the age between 4 to 5 they starting ask more questions and talking to other, to express their feeling, to play with friends, and sometimes do not want to share their toys with other.
Young children are not only growing physically during early childhood, but they are also growing mentally. Children of this age continue to advance their skills in watching, notice and celebrating and interacting with the world around them. They also make huge leaps in how they process, store, and use information.
In the behavioral model, the tyke is readied to contact the conceivable occasions to join the audience and speaker. At the very center, verbal scenes include the turn of the part speaker and audience. These sorts of trades are called related to people talking with each other units. Behavior can be a good marker of psychological well-being status. Youngsters change after some time as they develop, and numerous practices are extremely run of the mill at particular ages. Kids can experience difficulty discovering the words to impart their musings and emotions.
Behavior is much affected in self-control. In this period babies actually controlled their words. They feel ashamed when they wet their nappies. Self-control is ability to control their emotions, behavior and desire.
Self-control means being able to express and successfully deal with strong emotions unsuitable ways–for a little kid, this may mean saying “I’m mad at you” instead of biting. Self-control also involves thinking skills, as we decide which of our sudden unplanned desires to Acton. Developing self-control begins at birth and continues across our lives. It is a skill that is very important to children’s school success and overall healthy development. It enables children to cooperate with others, to successfully deal with defeat, and to stop arguments/decrease angry feelings. Young children learn these skills through interactions with others and guidance from parents and other people who take care of people.
Older toddlers are still unable to stop themselves from acting on their desires. Again, recognizing their feelings and suggesting other ways they can express themselves is still the best response at this age. As they grow, encourage them to think about what else they can do–throw the balls into thelaundry basket instead of at the wall. The ability to substitute an acceptable action for one that is not acceptable is extremely important for functioning well in school.
Aggressive behavior
Sometime biting, hitting like that things is common for a little kid they don’t think about that does not mean you should ignore it, you must be know him that aggressive behavior is not good for him and other, he show the different way to express his feeling.
They want to communicate their needs and wants, but have a limited vocabulary.
Children need to be taught what socially acceptable communication hand movements are and what are not. What begin as simply socially wrong hand movements in infants can become aggressive behaviors in little kids if you don’t keepthem in check. Here’s how you can teach your child to communicate in a less aggressive way.
Between the ages of 2 and 3 most of these aggressive behaviors disappear on their own, as your child learns that nice behavior gets nice reactions and he develops more of a vocabulary to communicate with words instead of by aggressive actions.
Cartoons and other shows designed for young children can be filled with shouting, threats, even shoving and hitting. Try to watch (for changes, unusual things, etc.) which programs he watches, especially if he seems likely to experience or likely to get aggressive behavior.
Your 2-year-old thinks that the world and everything in it. The very concept of interrupting makes no sense to your little babies. She can’t understand that there are other people and activities that sometimes require your attention or capture your interest.
Having your child ignorantly break in every time you’re talking with a friend orscheduling an appointment is extremely irritating, but if you keep her opinion of the world in mind, you’ll understand that she’s not in a way where you carefully plan something trying to drive you insane. And don’t worry, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. By the time your child is 3 or 4, she’ll begin to understand what an interruption is and what therequest “Please don’t interrupt” means, and her short-term memory will develop enough thatshe’ll be able to hold on to a thought.
Tattle is actually annoying the other children to gain favor in the eyes of parents and teachers. Sometime babies like to do tattle. They felt joyful when they tell their teacher or mother about another behavior. It also has a positive side; it can also express your child’s want to show you that she understands rules andknows right from wrong. It does also alert you to a dangerous situation that needs your immediate attention.
Some kids tattle because they have not developed their emotional and social skills, they don’t know that his tattle can hurt someone. Many children tattle to watch someone or may be learn their siblings or adult. Like:
“As an adult, you know that “Dad, Sarah’s playing with my cars” is a very different situation from “Dad, Sarah’s playing in that person’s car.” But young kids can’t always tell the difference. It’s hard for kids this age to make independent judgments about what’s tattle-worthy and what isn’t,”
In this age each baby do tattle. We should apply different ways to solve this problem. Tattle is the misbehave of the toddlers, because they are babies so they are unconscious about that what they are doing.
It is much difficult for toddler that handles that toddler who teases someone. Teasing is much annoying for babies. Especially when then are already upset or uncomfortable.
You can’t do stop to other babies from teasing your baby, but you can teach your baby to find other babies who play and enjoy with you. When babies already feel uncomfortable and other babies started to tease then they begin to suck their thumbs and may be carry the animals which are around them.
Playful or good pleased teasing happens when it causes everyone to smile or laugh on him, including the person who is being teased. In contrast, hurtful teasing includes harsh words call his name with opposite word and gave like that expression, and saying or doing annoying things. Unlike playful teasing, hurtful teasing may cause the person being teased to feel sad, hurt, or angry. More hateful teasing, which may include punishing or teasing and threatening again and again. In a mean way, may require an action regarding that particular person bad thing which can hurt the baby or toddler.
Essay: Early childhood and behavior change
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- Subject area(s): Health essays
- Reading time: 4 minutes
- Price: Free download
- Published: 27 July 2024*
- Last Modified: 1 August 2024
- File format: Text
- Words: 1,207 (approx)
- Number of pages: 5 (approx)
- Tags: Child Development essays
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