Group discussions have similar issues that occur in one-to-one communications, however there are even more issues.
Group discussions usually work best if everyone wants to be involved. People may feel scared to conversate with a formal group of people or they may not speak at all due to worrying about what other people may think or say. It is crucial for the group to have the correct emotional atmosphere. People in groups usually use humour or alternative friendly behaviour methods to create a good atmosphere. This makes people more at ease and feel like getting involved in the conversation. Creating a good atmosphere within a group includes maintaining the group so this is also known as group maintenance.
Some group communications e.g. team meetings or classroom discussions, may have a leader who takes charge. This can be helpful as the leader can give people encouragement to get involved and express their feelings. Sometimes people may talk over each other so a group leader can help to allow people to take turns to talk. A group leader may also encourage people within the group to focus on a specific task.
When you are conversating in a formal group, you should try to think through your thoughts before actually saying them. Due to this preparation, talking in a group may feel different in comparison to having a one-to-one conversation.
Group communication will not have a positive outcome if everybody talks over each other. It is more difficult to figure out who should be talking in a group discussion than in a one-to-one conversation. When somebody is nearly finished talking, they often give a signal by lowering their tone of voice and slowing down their speed of talking. They may also look around at others within the group. The next person to speak should know it is their turn by looking at the eyes of other people in the group. If people are unable to recognise these patterns, everyone will end up talking at the same time and it will make it more difficult for everyone to understand each other and be understood.
Sitting in a circle is very helpful as it allows everyone to see each other’s faces. This is crucial because a positive atmosphere within the group and being able to take turns to talk will usually depend on people
being able to read people’s facial expressions and understand what they are trying to say. Bad seating positions can make group communications more difficult.
Informal communication
We usually use informal communication with people we are close to, such as close friends and family. Some friends or relatives might use phrases that other people they don’t know wouldn’t understand. People who live in different city’s often have different ways of speaking and use different terms that others may not understand or may misinterpret.
Formal communication
Work within health and social care usually involves formal communication. Formal communication is a form of communication that is understood by a variety of people. It is also a way of showing respect for people. The degree of formality is known as the language register. It can be risky to use informal language as sometimes people can misunderstand what you are saying and get offended, even if you did not mean it in an offensive way. Some people see informal communication as a lack of respect towards them.
Communication between colleagues
People you are close to, such as friends and family will often understand you, whether you communicate informally or formally. Communicating with colleagues at work is not so simple as it is crucial to show respect for your colleagues, you might need to greet colleagues and ask them how they are to show they are valued, you must show that you are able to listen well and remember information from conversations you have with your colleagues, you must also be able to trust one another and it is very important to show that you are able to keep conversations confidential if necessary. In a work environment, people have different views on the right way of communicating feelings and thoughts. This is often different to what you would expect from communication with family and friends. Even though communication between colleagues can sometimes be information, it is crucial for care workers to use good communication to show respect and trust for one another.
Communication between professional people
Professional people e.g. nurses and doctors, usually work in their own specific language community. A language community is a group of individuals who have developed their own unique words, phrases, social expectations and methods of communicating that make them different from other groups of people. Professionals often recognise if they need to speak differently to someone to allow them to understand better.
Communication with professionals
When a service user communicates with a professional, there is a possibility of misinterpreting what the professional is saying. This is because people from different language communities have different ways of communications. It is important for professionals to make an effort to ensure that service users are able to understand what they are discussing.
Multi-agency working
People who work in the health and social care sector are usually required to communicate with colleagues working for different organisations. For example, a therapist may have to contact an individual’s GP.
Multi-professional working
Professionals with different backgrounds usually have to work together at some point to be able to assess and meet requirements of service users. Multi-professional working is when different professionals work together. Formal communication will usually have to be used to allow everyone to understand.
Forms of communication
Communication allows people to express their ideas and share information however it also helps people to create new relationships, develop confidence and feel safe. Bad communication may make a person feel vulnerable and not valued. Below I will list some types of communication:
· Verbal one-to-one communication
· Spoken communication in a group setting
· Written communication
· Non-verbal communication using facial expressions
· Texting by using a mobile phone
· Sign language
· Communication using technology, for example, emails
Types of interpersonal interaction
Different ethnic groups, cultural groups and people who work within different professions all use unique words, phrases and ways of speaking. These groups are sometimes known as different speech communities. Some people might feel intimidated or out of place when they experience different patterns of speaking in speech communities that they are not used to. Some people think that using formal language will resolve this however this isn’t always the case. The special language used by care workers can make it difficult when they are speaking to other people who aren’t in their ‘speech community’. When people from different communities use different words and have different ways of pronouncing words, they usually use a different dialect. For example, people who live in Manchester may
use a different dialect to those who live in London.
First language
Steven Pinker (1994), an author and psychologist, made an estimate that there might be around 60 languages in the world spoken by over 100,00 people. There are a lot of minority languages. Some people grow up in communities where multiple languages are spoken so they may be able to learn and speak several languages from when they are born. In the UK, a lot of people grow up only speaking one language so if they learn a second language when the are older, they will usually find it harder to communicate in their second language than they would in their first language.
Non-verbal communication
It only takes a few seconds to notice what a person is feeling when you meet them. You will be able to feel if they are happy, upset, annoyed or anxious before then even speak. You are able to recognise a person’s feelings by looking at their non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is a way of communicating without words. This can be through our eyes, facial expressions, body language etc.
The way you are sitting or standing can often send messages. For example, if you sit with your arms crossed, this can give off the feeling that you are not interested or don’t care. Whereas leaning forward can show you are involved and interested.
The way you move
The way you move your body also can send messages. For example, if you walk with your head facing down, people may think you’re upset.
Facing other people
Standing face to face when communicating can create a tense feeling and may communicate that you are being serious.
Gestures are movements of the hands and arms and cam sometimes help you to understand better what a person is trying to say.
Facial expression
Your face usually shows how you are feeling. When someone is upset, they may look down and the tension will show in their face. When someone is happy, their eyes may appear wide and they might smile. Eye contact is a way of trying to read a person’s feelings and thoughts. For example, if someone stares at you for a long time, without smiling or with a serious facial expression, this will give off the feeling that they are angry and they may not seem friendly.
Touch is also a method of communication without using words. Touching someone can show care, affection, power or sexual interest. The social setting you are in and the person’s body language will give you a better understanding of what they are trying to communicate by touching. It is very easy for touch to be misunderstood. For example if you try to hold someone’s hand, they may see this as you trying to take control, but maybe you were trying to show them you care and make them feel better about something. Before touching someone, you should either ask them or make a gesture to show you are about to touch so that if the person doesn’t want you to touch them, they can stop you. When you communicate with a person, they can often tell how tense you are. They may look at the tension in your feet or hands to try to see whether you are relaxed or tense. For example, if a person’s shoulders look stiff, this might show that they are tense.
You can often feel comfortable in silence when you are around close friends and family however if you are with someone you don’t know well, some people may find this awkward. Sometimes when you pause in the middle of a conversation, the other person may think you weren’t taking notice or weren’t listening. However a silent pause can also suggest that you are thinking what to say.
Voice tone
Your tone of voice is very important when conversating with someone. If you talk fast and loud with a serious tone, you may come across as annoyed. If you talk calm and slowly, you may seem relaxed and friendly.
The space between people when having a conversation can often give an idea of how intimate the conversation is. People from different cultures have different traditions when it comes to the space between people who are having a conversation. In Britain, people often talk to strangers with a space of arm’s length between them. Shaking hands is a way of introducing yourself. Relatives and close friends may not have any restrictions when it comes to how close they can get. Proximity is extremely important in the health and social care sector. A lot of people require personal space. Someone who gets in your personal space may be seen as controlling or aggressive.
Reflective listening
We are usually able to understand people just by looking at their non-verbal communication. But we can’t always understand a person’s thoughts without listening well. Good listening skills includes, listening to a person’s words, thinking about what they mean and then thinking about what to say in reply to the other person. This is sometimes known as ‘active listening or ‘reflective listening’. A good listening will also ensure that their non-verbal communications show they are interested. A skilled listener will look interested and show they are listening, listen to exactly what is being said, remember what was said along with non-verbal messages and check their understanding with the person they were communicating with. Checking understand includes listening to what was said and asking questions to make sure you understand and everything is clear. Reflection can include paraphrasing and repeating it back to the person to make sure we haven’t misunderstood anything. When we listen to complex information about another person’s life, we usually create mental images in our heads based on what we have been told. A skilled listener will be able to check these mental images. A skilled listener will also think about what is being said whilst listening and checking we understand as the conversation progresses. Good listening may seem difficult sometimes as we have to ensure we understand and pay attention.
Communication and language needs and preferences
Not everybody prefers to use spoken and written English. A lot of deaf people use signed language as their main language. Blind people may use Braille to read information.
British Sign Language
British Sign Language (BSL) is the first preferred language of most deaf people in the UK. The British Association explained that British Sign Language was identified as an official British language in 2003. The Association campaigns for deaf people to have a right to an education in BSL and to have access to services and information using BSL.
Makaton is a system that is used to develop language using speech, symbols and signs to help those with learning difficulties to be able to communicate well and improve their language skills. People who use Makaton to communicate might say a word and then do a sign with their hands or use body language. There are a variety of symbols that can help those with learning difficulties to identify ideas or communicate with other people.
Written communication
Written records are important when it comes to communicating formal information that has to be reviewed in the future. People will often miss out or change details when they explain a previous conversation to someone. Writt
en statements help as they are accurate and ensure that no important details are missed out.
Pictures and objects of reference
Painting, photos, ornaments etc. are a way of showing emotions and communicating messages to others. For example if you saw a teddy bear in a person’s house, you may think they use it as a way of feeling comfort. Objects may be used as a way of communication for people who are unable to use a lot of signed or spoken language. For example, someone with a learning disability may recognise that a cup is aa way of offering a drink
Finger spelling
People who communicate using signed language will often use finger spelling, This allows them to spell out words that they are unable to communicate via sign language.
Communication passports
Communication passports are often small books that contain simple practical information about an individual and their way of communicating. It can be used to help health and social care workers to gain a better understand of a person’s requirements when it comes to communicating as they may find it difficult. Communication passports usually include photos or drawings to allow care workers to understand the person better. These small books are usually made by working with the person who finds it hard to communicate and their carers. The person is able to tell what they like, don’t like and their preferred way of communicating.
Technological aids to communication
Information technology provides a variety of different facilities that can help with communication. It provides enlarged visual displays ad voice descriptions for those who have visual impairment. Electronic aids e.g. the minicom for those who have a hearing disability or voice typing for those who have dyslexia, can turn speech into writing. Some electronic communication systems are able to be activated
using air pressure. This allows a person to communicate using an oral tube that is connected to computerised equipment. At a more basic level, aids like flash cards or books with picture can help to improve communication with people who are unable to use sign or spoken language. Text messaging via mobile phone is a great method of keeping in touch. For example, for someone with a hearing disability, texting would be an easy way for them to communicate.
Human aids to communication
A lot of people have certain communication requirements. For example, if someone communicates using sign language, they might require an interpreter. Some carers learn to use systems like Makaton. This helps them communicate with others. If you are communication with someone who was hearing problems, it is important to face the person to allow them to see you facial expressions and read your lips if necessary. If you speak loud, your facial expression will change so the person may notice you are shouting and might think you’re annoyed. You should try to speak in a place where it is not too noisy. If someone has visual impairment, you should use language to explain problems that someone with good sight may take for granted e.g. non-verbal communication. Touch will also be an important feature of communication. For example, some blind people are able to get an idea of what you look like if they touch your face to feel your facial features.
Variation between cultures
Carers use a variety of communication techniques when working with people. They also ensure they are sensitive to cultural differences. Culture is the history and behaviour that people follow as they grow. People from different areas in Britain use different expressions and may use different phrases and ways of communicating. Non-verbal signs are different in different cultures. For example, white people in middle class see eye contact as a sign of respect and if they don’t show eye contact, they see it as the person is not interested or is being dishonest. In some black communities, looking down or away when someone is talking is seen as respectful. Nobody can leave every single non-verbal behaviour in every culture however you should try to learn about the ones used by people you are involved with. You may do this by recognising and remembering what people do or what non-verbal messages then are communicating. After this, you should try to understand what messages the other person is trying to communicate to you. Lastly, you should esnure you have a good understanding and if you don’t, ask questions. This includes reflective listening and taking into consideration and thinking about the person’s replies. It is vital for care works to take care and not automatically think that statements and signs will always have the same meaning. Differences in culture and environment can change what something means. A variety of meanings may be given to any form of facial expression, eye contact, gesture etc. All culture have their own way of communicating and communicate things with different meanings. Care workers are required to show respect to these differences although they will not be able to learn every single possible meanings of words and phrases.
Theories of communication
The communication cycle
To communicate effectively, each person needs to try to understand the other person’s point of view. Communicate is a cycle because when two people are communicating, they must ensure that their
thoughts and idea have been clearly understood. Good communication includes checking the other person understands and using reflective or active listening. Michael Argyle (1972) believed that interpersonal communication was a skill and people could learn and develop their interpersonal communication, the same way they would learn to drive a car. Argyle stressed how important feedback is in skilled activities. When you drive a car, you have to alter your behaviour based on what is going on on the road. Driving requires a lot of attention and it is a cycle of watching what is going on, working out how to react and responding. This is a continuous cycle until you reach your point of destination. Argyle believed skilled interpersonal interaction includes a cycle where you. must translate what people are communicating and continuously change your behaviour to communicate well. Verbal and non-verbal communication isn’t always simple. The communication cycle includes a type of code that must be translated You must try to figure out what a person’s behaviour means. Below I will explain how the cycle may work:
1. An idea arises – You then have this idea or thought you want to communicate.
2. Message coded – You think about how you will communicate this thought or idea. You then put this idea into verbal or sign language.
3. Message sent – You communicate by either speaking, using sign language or writing.
4. Message received – The person gets your message by listening, reading or seeing your signs.
5. Message decoded – The person tries to understand what you are trying to communicate to them.
6. Message understood – If everything goes well, the idea you were trying to get across will be understood.
Tuckman’s stages of group interaction
Communication in groups may be influenced by how much people feel like they belong together. When people initially meet in a group, they usually go through a group formation process. A lot of groups will experience difficulties before everyone is able to get to know each other and effectively communicate. Tuckman (1965
) had a theory that many groups go through a process which involved four stages. These stages are:
1. Forming – refers to people initially meeting and sharing ideas and thoughts.
2. Storming – involves tension and difficulties and sometimes there may be arguments about the way the group may work.
3. Norming – the groups comes together and tries to agree on their groups values.
4. Performing – once they have accepted the group values (stage three), they will effectively perform as a group.