GMOs should be fed to the human population. GMOs are innovative assets to everyday life that are in no way detrimental to any aspect of an organism, ironically the exact opposite. Implementing GMOs reveals signs of improving the health and growth efficiency throughout the course of a study done on 100 billion animals. GMOs did not harm other organisms, which proves they will not harm humans. GMOs also help resist horrible diseases and create meaningful change in the lives of all species. Also, GMOs provide more food to a constantly growing population in which approximately 12% is found undernourished. Also, they provide more money to the unsung heroes of our nation, farmers. For all of these factors that make GMOs superior to non GMOs, it should be second nature to the population that humans should be fed GMOs.
“‘Europe is famous for being the place with the greatest objection to GM crops, so I think it’s instructive that the European Union spent nearly $300 million to study the impacts of GMOs, and what they concluded (was that) there is no substantial difference between GM and non-GM crops in terms of either food safety or environmental impact,’ said Roush. (…)
A separate review of the scientific literature published in 2014 examined animal health in particular. The review examined data on over 100 billion animals following the introduction of GM foods and found no ‘unfavorable or perturbed trends in livestock health and productivity (3).’ In fact, during the period studied, animal health and growth efficiency actually improved” (LaJeunesse 2015). This study shows that the efficiency of using GMOs does not affect the quality of the product. Even reluctant continents took enough time and had enough care for the welfare of humans everywhere and research if these GMOs were really what they were cut out to be. This immense deal of accuracy and precise research conducted clearly that the human race cares for their safety, and the research done is what they have to show for it. The results of the research that the Europeans spent 300 million dollars on concluded that neither humans’ health or their environment are at risk with GMOs versus non GMOs. Likewise, 100 billion animals were all found to be changed in no way from GMOs rather than non GMOs. In a nutshell, even the most reluctant of continents and 100 billion other organisms concluded that GMOs did not negatively affect the population of animals it was tested on, making it safe for organisms to be fed GMOs.
“More than 7 billion people live on Earth, and 870 million of them suffer from chronic undernourishment, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. By 2050, the world population will be close to 10 billion, and the world will need to produce 70 percent more food to keep up with this growth. The promise of GMOs includes providing more food—even more nutritious food—to a growing population. GMOs also can bring financial security to farmers. For example, GM technology adoption has increased crop yields by 22 percent and farmer profits by 68 percent (11). This, according to Ott, is the reason GMOs have been so widely adopted, especially by the poorest farmers” (LaJeunesse 2015). The rate of food being grown is skyrocketing along with the population on Earth. As this population increases, 3 billion more people will have to be fed. If GMOs are fed to the human population, 22% more food will be produced to eat, making it an inventive solution to world hunger and sparing many lives. According to, 1 billion people are employed in the agricultural field (n.d), meaning one seventh of the people in the world could be promised a brighter future because of the income that is earned from the production of GMOs. If a simple thing like feeding GMOs to the human population could mean a safe solution to world hunger, an inventive way to increase crop yields, and a promise for more income and a stabler life to people working in the agricultural field, then it should be implemented as soon as possible.
“Later, in 1982, Humulin—a form of human insulin produced by genetically modified bacteria—was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (…) In 2009, the FDA approved the first GM animal, a goat that produces an anticlotting agent in its milk that can treat people with clotting diseases (…) (Scientists have developed) pink pineapples that contain cancer-fighting lycopene, and wheat with reduced potential to cause allergies” (LaJeunesse 2015). These modifications of foods that humans normally eat could be the natural medicine that humans everywhere need. For example, a goat’s milk can indirectly play a part in sparing a person from suffering the pain of clotting in their veins. Also, taking five minutes to eat a pineapple could prevent cancer, and injections of Humulin could help people fight through diabetes. These blessings of genetics could change the way that humans live their lives in the future by making them safer, healthier and longer. What seems like a simple bite of an altered fruit, vegetable or otherwise could save lives, making GMOs essential to the human population.
Through extensive research and expensive precautions, GMOs have proved their worth to the human population. Even the most skeptical of places can agree that GMOs have no negative effect on the human population. But what sets these miracles of genetics apart is the impact it leaves on people’s everyday lives. Just by implementing this principle of modifying organisms, all of the trials and tribulations that plague society can diminish. From promising a steadier future to farmers, to ending world hunger; from increasing farmers’ crop yields, to helping people to fight cancerous threats, GMOs have truly showed that they surpass old – age farming, and could be the beginning of a better life for humans everywhere.