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Essay: Tourism in Bournemouth

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  • Subject area(s): Geography essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 30 September 2015*
  • Last Modified: 15 October 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,174 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)

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What attracts tourists to Bournemouth?
Where is Bournemouth located?

Bournemouth is located on the South West coast in the county of Dorset, and is just over 160.93km from London and 53.108 km from Southampton.
The main route to Bournemouth is the A338. This branches south from A31 just west of Ringwood. Drivers from London can follow the M3 southwest to Eastleigh near Southampton.
The M27 links Eastleigh to the A31.
Bournemouth is on the railway between London and Dorchester. Passengers from London can take a train to Bournemouth from London waterloo station. Bournemouth is located on the South West coast in the county of Dorset, and is just over 160.93km from London and 53.108 km from Southampton.
The main route to Bournemouth is the A338. This branches south from A31 just west of Ringwood. Drivers from London can follow the M3 southwest to Eastleigh near Southampton.

The M27 links Eastleigh to the A31. Bournemouth is on the railway between London and Dorchester. Passengers from London can take a train to Bournemouth from London waterloo station. Budget airlines run from Bournemouth international airport.
Bournemouth is an accessible tourist destination for domestic tourists because it has easy access from roads and rail. It also has varied accommodation ranging from ??22 to ??797 per night per person (based on a single room).
Bournemouth is an accessible tourist destination for overseas tourists because it has easy access from Bournemouth international airport and is close to Poole port.
Bournemouth is a seaside resort this means that it is a town/resort by the sea where people spend their holidays
There are a number of physical features that attract tourists to Bournemouth these include:
‘ Climate
‘ The high environmental quality
‘ The Jurassic coast
‘ The ecology
‘ The geology, land forms and scenery
The climate graph shows us that Bournemouth is hot in the summer with very little rainfall and colder in the winter with more rainfall.
This will attract domestic tourists because it is the warmest and driest place situated in mainland UK and Ireland it is also voted the most beautiful place in the UK and Ireland.
It will also attract overseas tourists because it is the warmest and driest place situated in mainland UK and Ireland. It is also voted the most beautiful stretch of beach in UK and Ireland. This is good for overseas visitors because most of them are used to the hot climate and the average heat in Bournemouth isn’t the biggest change they can experience when they come to visit England.
Dorset’s cost has some of the UK’s most stunning costal scenery. This together with its wildlife, nature reserve and great beaches makes it very popluar. In 2001, UNESCO made it the UK’s first coastal heritage site. Places are only rewarded world heritage status if they are off global importance. The Dorset and Devon coast world heritage site (known as the Jurassic coast) has been rewarded this status because depicts a geological walk through time which spans several geological periods. It puts Dorset alongside places in the Up of similar importance egg. Stonehenge (for its ancient religion significance) and Kew gardens (for its global botanical importance) ‘ globally it gives the same status as the Daintree rainforest in northern Queensland Australia.
Bournemouth is near Jurassic coast. It is called the Jurassic coast because along the stretch of beach that they call the Jurassic coast dinosaurs have been found from all Jurassic periods. This is attracted to visitors because the dinosaurs’ bones are of historical interest and are very interested to look at and read about. The sorts of people that will be interested in the Jurassic coast are the people interested in archaeology, dinosaurs and / or history.
Ecologically means the relationship between the earth, environment and its features.
The Dorset coast is very significant because it lies on the Jurassic cost and it has beautiful scenery of scientific interest. Studland beach and its sand dunes were formed by the deposition of sand. The dunes vary in height, and much of the area is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI). Protected by law from humans interference. Dunes are home to rare plants (eg.marsh gentian), insects (e.g .ladybird spider) birds (e.g. Dorset heath nightjar) and reptiles (e.g. sand lizard, smooth snake). As you go inland the sand dunes change to heath vegetation ‘ a combination of low shrubs such as heather and gorse and trees such as birch. Heath vegetation and fauna are increasingly rare in the UK. Heath is often used cattle grazing or planning permission might be given for housing. Ecologists try to protect the dunes from further developments.
This attracts tourist because the ecology of Bournemouth extremely beautiful and the title of scientific interest is always attractive because if scientist are interested in it must be worth going to see.
A number of different types of visitors enjoy studying the geology of the Dorset coastline, for example scientist students, nature lovers and just the general tourists.

Geology, Landforms and Scenery
The geology (or types of rock) on Dorset’s cost is very varied. It has a major impact on landforms, especially the isle of purbeck ‘ where the combination of different rocks has led varied scenery. Rock types vary between the resistant purbeck limestone, which forms steep cliffs to les resistant clays and sands. These rocks alternate along the coast so that where a resistant rock is eroded (e.g. Lulworth cove) and the sea breaks through to the less resistant rocks behind, erosion follows more quickly. At Lulworth this has led to the formation of a small bay or cove.
Human features that attract particular groups of tourists
There are also a lot of non-natural attractions including:
Bournemouth balloon

There are a number of different events held in Bournemouth each year. These include Bournemouth air festival, Bournemouth pride, Pier to pier swim, Bournemouth marathon, Bournemouth 1/2 marathon, Bournemouth wheels festival.
People enjoy these events because they are different, interesting, fun, all are based on and give happiness like one ancient Chinese proverb said ‘happiness is not a destination but you may pass it once or twice on the journey of life’.
These might attract families because they are different, interesting, fun; all are based on and give happiness and it will give the kids something to do.
The oceanarium is an aquarium and the definition of aquarium is an establishment where aquatic organisms are kept and exhibited
Explain why UK Tourists are going on more Foreign Holidays.

There are a number of reasons why UK tourists go on foreign holidays. These include:
‘ the growth of global tourism
‘ the growth of budget airlines
‘ the growth of package holidays
‘ the growth of self ‘ packaging
Global tourism has increased since the 1960’s. There are a number of reasons for the increase in global tourism, these include:
‘ air transport destinations have developed throughout the world
‘ people have more money to spend on holidays
‘ the growth of package tours to all parts of the world has made organizing holidays much easier

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