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Essay: Guidance on Distance Learning: Home Learning Modalities Matrix International Literature

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 October 2019*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,277 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)
  • Tags: Online learning essays

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The section of the research shall present related literature and studies that are relevant to the study on the effects of learning delivery systems on students’ learning.

Guidance on Distance Learning: Home Learning Modalities Matrix
International Literature
The twelve learning modalities proposed by the United Nations’ International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) were divided into four classifications. Accordingly, when planning initiatives in regard to the continuity of education, it is necessary to distinguish between high-tech modalities (online platforms and applications), and low- or no-tech modalities (TV, radio, SMS, and printed learning materials). Another significant factor is between self-learning or one-way modalities which require the students to learn by themselves, though still possibly needing the assistance of their parents/caregiver or even older siblings, and those which are teacher-guided which is done through calls and SMS, or social media. It is important that teachers continue to communicate with their students and provide assignments, as well as timely feedback regarding their performance.
The Home Learning Modalities Matrix is classified like this:
1. Low/no tech – self-learning
2. Low/no tech – teacher-guided
3. High tech – self-learning
4. High tech – teacher-guided

Learning Delivery Strategies and Modalities
Local Literature
In response to the educational challenges posed by the coronavirus disease, the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) was provided by the Department of Education (DepEd). Operating the BE-LCP includes streamlining the K-12 curriculum through the use of the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs), or skills the learner needs to continue in the next grade level.
The BE-LCP by DepEd is similar to the Home Learning Modalities Matrix by UNICEF’s Guidance on Distance Learning. Included in the BE-LCP were the learning delivery strategies and modalities, which require the use of technology and an internet connection. This way, students can continue their education in remote areas via online/offline platforms, television and radio, and printed modules. They can use these tools in a variety of ways, including blended learning and homeschooling. Blended learning combines any of these modalities to maximize its benefits and ensure satisfactory learning. On the other hand, homeschooling involves the assistance of qualified parents, guardians, or tutors to assist the student’s education. (ChildHope Philippines, 2021; DepEd, n.d.)
The following are the learning delivery modalities by DepEd.
In this educational set-up, teachers and students are physically present in the classroom, like the way it was before the lockdown. This learning setting gives opportunities for active engagement, immediate response from teachers, and socio-emotional development for learners.
Based on the context of severity in the school area, if the location is under the moderate and high-risk severity grading, this modality is not optional. However, there are learners with disabilities who require face-to-face instruction. In the meantime, this will be under discussion within DepEd, with partners, and with parents.
This option is available in low-risk areas including geographically isolated, disadvantaged, and conflict-affected areas (GIDCA) with no history of infection. They must also conduct an accurate risk assessment and follow all established health regulations. Potential learning spaces in the community near the school may be investigated in order to add spaces for class conduct with appropriate social distancing.
Distance Learning
This learning modality takes place between the students and teachers who are in geographically distant areas during classes. Under this modality are three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction.
Modular Distance Learning
This involves the use of self-learning modules (SLM) whether in soft-copy or hard copy which can be attained in their schools. Students can access digital copies of SLMs on a computer, tablet PC, or smartphone. CDs, DVDs, USB storage, and computer-based applications can be utilized to deliver e-learning materials, including offline e-books. Teachers are responsible for monitoring the progress of the students, and in turn, they can ask for assistance from the teacher via email, telephone, SMS, and even in social media platforms. Family members can serve as para-teachers.
Online Distance Learning
In this setup, teachers are the facilitators. Classes and responses occur in real time which encourages active participation by the students through the use of technologies and the internet. This promotes teacher-learner and peer-to-peer communication. It requires students to have a stable internet connection, so they can download materials from the internet, submit assignments online, and attend webinars and virtual classes. Moreover, it is performed effectively with the use of a Learning Management System (LMS).
TV/Radio-based Instruction
This converts SLMs to video lessons and radio scripts for Television-based instruction and radio scripts for radio-based instruction respectively. This is for learners who are not capable of learning independently, which is the purpose of the Distance Learning Modality since teachers, parents, and other family members cannot focus on the learners 24/7.
Blended Learning
This learning delivery combines face-to-face with any or a mix of online distance learning, modular distance learning, and TV/Radio-based Instruction. Blended learning allows schools to limit face-to-face learning, maintain social distance, and reduce the number of people outside the home at any given time.
This is an Alternative Delivery Modality (ADM) facilitated by qualified parents, guardians or tutors who have received relevant training in a home-based setting. It enables families to educate in accordance with their personal faith, philosophy, and values, as well as to tailor learning schedules to family schedules and circumstances. However, several issues remain in its implementation, including the guidance of licensed teachers and curriculum alignment.
Synthesis of the Local and International Literature
In implementing a learning delivery option, it is important to consider the situation, location, and financial capability of families and students.
Effectiveness of Distance Education
Local and International Literature
The global emergence of the COVID-19 outbreak prompted schools to close. Different distance learning modalities were implemented to ensure the safety of teachers and students without discontinuing their pursuit of education. However, since it was the first time for Philippine schools in this kind of learning environment, undoubtedly, it presented numerous struggles. Sasan (2022) mentioned that because of its novelty, nobody fully understands how distance learning works.
Moreover, the lack of adequate training for both schools and teachers was identified as a barrier to the adoption of online learning because it was costly (Tartavulea, et al., 2020). In addition to that, instructors may feel uneasy teaching digitally, especially if other factors contribute to the lack of training, such as limited tools at home, insufficient equipment at school, or technical difficulties encountered in technology-assisted teaching. Some of the factors that influence how each school implements distance learning are the ability of teachers and students, as well as the accessibility of services and equipment in the form of technology and internet connectivity in the area. (Basar, et al., 2021, as cited in Sasan, 2022).
In correspondence with the distance learning modality the schools choose to implement, internet connectivity contributes to that. For instance, urban areas tend to have a strong internet connection. Due to that, schools there most likely often use online learning. On the other hand, schools located in rural and remote areas typically adopt offline learning because of poor networks.
Aside from these external factors, students also face internal difficulties with their studies. Some of them lose interest because of distance learning. According to Sasan (2022), the performance of the students will be affected if they are demotivated. Motivation is one of the most crucial factors that impact the learning of students. Furthermore, they may also be prone to experience feelings of isolation. Tartavulea et al (2020) added that this affects their confidence, which may determine how disciplined they are in their online classes.
Synthesis of Local and International Study
This review of related literature presents students’ external and internal struggles, which question the effectiveness of distance education.

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