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Essay: Exploring Hamlet’s Wavering Disposition Into True Madness: Yorick’s Skull, Pirate Ship, and Misogyny

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 23 March 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,002 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: Hamlet essays

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Imagine your friend or beloved says “Now whether it be bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple” (4.4.39-40). What would you think they are attempting to say? What mad language and absurdity are they talking about? The patrician of Denmark and therefore the title character of this play is heartbroken, bitter and filled with emotion. Hamlet is commonly associated as an indecisive young man, thoughtful and reflective. However at alternative times liable to rash into impulsive acts resulting in his antic-disposition of madness. In Williams Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, protagonist Hamlet conveys his wavering disposition into true madness within the manifestation through the allegories of Yorick’s skull and pirate ship, beside motifs of misogynism and ears and hearing
Physical objects are unremarkably accustomed to represent thematic ideas, that embody Yorick’s skull. Hamlet discovers such a bone within the graveyard in the initial scene of Act five. As Hamlet discourses to the bone of the King’s former motley fool, he fixates on death’s inevitableness and therefore the disintegration of the body. He speaks to the Yorick’s bone saying “That skull had a tongue in it and could sing once. How the knave jowls it to th’ground, as if ‘twere Cain’s jawbone, that did the first murder” (5.1.71-73). Hamlet is expressing his fascination with the physical consequences of death and the way it is “Abhorred in [his] imagination” (5.1.171-172). This following symbol is a crucial image sent throughout this play as Hamlet oftentimes makes comments concerning each human’s body’s ultimate decay. The Yorick’s skull signifies the acceptance of death and its inevitableness to Hamlet, heading to his wavering disposition of true madness. Symbolically staring into death itself and contemplates its connotation, this scene is a turning point to Hamlet’s acceptance and fixation with death, whereas before he would be connected to death and not acceptive of such fate for somebody (his father). The recurring deaths at intervals in his community has opened his mind to currently have associate enchantment towards death and therefore the decay of the human body.
Being sent off to the European nation attributable to his wavering disposition, Hamlet then proves his current rebellion to those of his authority. Once sorting out Claudius’ set up for Hamlet to be sentenced to death, Hamlet impetuously and volitionally jumps onto the pirate ship to rebel against Claudius, end the initial job that the ghost has sent him to do and gain safety from what would wait for him in England. During a letter to Claudius from Hamlet, he (Hamlet) writes “High and shall beg leave to see your kingly eye when I shall, first asking your pardon, thereunto recount the occasion of my sudden and strange return” (4.7.42-46). Pirates represent rebel/rebellion. Hamlet connects to the pirates. It shows that he does not need to be dominated by his step-father/uncle any longer. Hamlet may be a quiet and respectful man however since his wavering disposition into madness, his deterioration lead him to disrespect, rebel against his blood. Herewith his impulsive manner, it shows that Hamlet is prepared to prevent procrastination and kill Claudius once and for all.
Misogynism is that the dislike, contempt for, or constituted prejudice against women. Shattered by his mother’s call to marry Claudius shortly after his father’s death, Hamlet becomes misanthropical regarding women generally, showing a definite attraction with what he distinguishes to be a relationship between feminine gender and ethical corruption. Hamlet begins the play very upset, “Frailty, thy name is woman” (1.2.146) he says in his initial soliloquy. He shows dishonor on his mother then extending it additionally to all or any women. His growing associate disposition wavering from an act to true madness is shown by his progression of losing respect towards women whom he loves. This motif of misogyny/hatred of women happens unpredictably throughout the play however it is a powerful constituent in Hamlet’s relationship with Ophelia and Gertrude. Hamlet looks in charge of his questionable ‘madness’ on women, significantly on what he sees as women’s habit of disguising themselves with makeup and feminine like behavior saying “I have heard of your paintings well enough. God hath given you one face and you make yourselves another […] It hath made me mad” (3.1.142-146). Though it is not bound to hunt the precise nature of his wavering disposition into true madness, his misogynistic disturbance insinuates his feelings regarding women plays a big role in it.
One facet of Hamlet’s exploration of wavering disposition into true madness is that the problem of achieving real information by the slipperiness of language. Words are accustomed to communicating ideas, however, they will even be accustomed to seeing reality, manipulate people and function devices in corrupt quests for power. Hamlet says “And wants not buzzer to infect his ears with pestilent speeches of his father’s death, wherein, the necessity of matter beggar’d will nothing sick our person to arraign in ear and ear” (4.5.89-93). The contaminated uses of words are painted by pictures of ears and hearing, the damaging impact of dishonesty on the health of Danmark. By distorting reality, Hamlet is confused, never knowing who may be a companion or attempting to govern him. By having this current wavering disposition, the madness, manipulation, lies and distorting the reality will play a job in his disposition. This slipperiness in language causes him to act resolute to attain the reality, whether it being causing a scene and disturbing/disrespecting those of the opposite gender.
Overall, in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the protagonist Hamlet, a victim in his flaw, wavers between real madness and his antic disposition. He shows his thoughts into such a disposition within the use of symbols and motifs. Yorick’s bone, pirate ship beside misogynistic thoughts and ears and hearing from his style and therefore the truth behind his words. Hamlet shows his character growth and development through allegories in several ways which regards the shape and look of his antic disposition.

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Essay Sauce, Exploring Hamlet’s Wavering Disposition Into True Madness: Yorick’s Skull, Pirate Ship, and Misogyny. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/essay-examples/2019-11-21-1574346180/> [Accessed 07-10-24].

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