This motion picture is impeccable in its effort to convey a very clear and simple message. It displays Al Gore venturing to the far corners of the planet while setting out key causes, impacts, and answers to global climate change. The movie also gives a fascinating insight into the moral drive of one man to address this issue.
Gore very clearly presents the case that the increase in the overall global temperature over the last 100 years is mostly due to emission of greenhouse gas which stems from human activity. Mr. Gore then eloquently presents the three causes of our current situation which are: technology, population and barriers to new thinking.
Al Gore passionately begins to add many examples of global climate change, from the US and other places on the globe. The documentary even begins to detail the current and projected impacts of climate change. The movie then discusses the likelihood of rapid climate change, which may lead to many catastrophic events, for example, the melting of the Greenland ice sheet. This incident could lead to a global sea level rise of several meters. This leaves severe consequences for lower elevation cities and countries. Gore however does acknowledge that there is scientific uncertainty about the likelihood of such events.
Gore’s main argument remains crystal clear: whatever the subsequent impacts are, it is imperative as global citizens to act immediately to lower greenhouse gas emissions. This can be accomplished with inexpensive modern technologies and even presents plausible examples in the documentary.
Having said that, it is not until the credits that any real advice on action is given. Obviously, the movie was inundated with slogans such as “walk more” “buy a hybrid car” “demand politician implement laws for the use of green energy” and so on, but those suggestion can be seen as cliché to many audiences. Maybe the directors of this documentary would have been more efficient if more time was spent on viable unique options for action and their implications for individuals.
However, the film is very persuasive and Gore uses a substantial amount of data from well established scientific sources and non-governmental organizations, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to qualify his arguments. He also accomplished using these facts in a very convincing and transparent manor. As a result, the film is a good example in accurately communicating complex science jargon into simple laymen’s terms.
Gore discusses in detail not only about his own history of public service, but also his father’s. Al Gore specifically emphasizes how such service offers an individual with what he uniquely refers to as “the spirit of freedom,” which is known to be a defining feature of democracy in America. Former Vice President Al Gore states that because climate change is often gradual, people don’t tend to notice it, but it’s his hope that his documentary will wake people up to the dangers of global warming.
Al Gore and directors of this film go to huge lengths to highlight that the issue of global warming, the associated effects to climate change, as well as the necessity to do something about it, should not be only political issues. To the directors of the film, this issue of global warming is so significant and the pending penalties are so dire that it is imperative to put aside all political issues and go past politics. The scenes in New Orleans after floods in 2016 link the results of the US Administration's absence of action against climate change with the Administration's failure to act and help the people of New Orleans after the hurricane. To Former VP Al Gore, global warming and its consequence go beyond politics and borders, it is simply a moral issue. If we as global citizens do not take an active approach to stop global warming, we will be acting unethically. He compares our country’s present disposition of “doing almost nothing” against global warming to the disposition of governments in power during the 1930s while the Nazi were rising to power in Germany.
Ultimately, Gore demands on American citizens to increase their activeness on the matter and to consider the nation’s capabilities of accomplishing amazing feats. He provides adequate resolutions for people who truly want to make a positive influence on the ecosystem, such as using alternate sources of power, and conservation when possible, or taking an active stance in politics to make an impact at the local level.