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Essay: World War II: How America Transformed Overnight in 1945

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
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  • Published: 1 January 2021*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
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  • Words: 1,085 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: World War II

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Stephanie Mendoza

Professor Holmes

History 7B

5 April 2018

    6.) How did World War II transform America?


  The year 1945 marked the end of the second world war, and the final defeat of Hitler’s reign. The genocide of Jews and others was an atrocity and had to be put to an end and was. After the defeat of Hitler the world had to start reconstructing to its once beautiful structures and to find or bury loved ones along with the pain endured during this war. However, this second world war indeed left its mark throughout the world, but with most certainly transformed America. These’s impacts were not all bad but it was the start to America’s new transformation into being the world super power. America rose as one of the most powerful countries in the world.  World War II’s impact affected America socially, economically, and politically.

  There were many effects on American society after the war many African Americans who served in World War II had noticed that the racism found back home in America was not international. This which led to many different options about equality within the African American community, also leading to NAACP growth in numbers after the war. During the war African americans had encountered racism in Germany with in their own fellow white americans being segregated while fighting for the same thing. Also African Americans weren't the only ones facing racism, when returning home Mexican Americans who served in the war were also facing racism. This resulted to the Zoot suit riots and Civil rights movements, for the demand of equality to all people. After the War it had started its peak into people coming together to  fight for their equality. The war also led to a vast migration of the American people moving into suburbs which caused severe social problems. Another social impact that changed america was women at work during the war many women were encouraged to work while the men went to war. Many women rebelled and forced unions such as United Workers Union which confronted the issues such as equal pay of equal work, maternity leave and child care for working mothers. After the war many women lost jobs or stopped working to be the once again modern day housewife, but this changed people's opinion on working women in America forever. World War II’s imprint started a new social revolution

  There were also the changes to American economy as well during and after the war. American after the war had some negative post war economic issues but were quickly solved . The war caused a dramatic loss of jobs due to the war being over, the gov. had an enormous public debt , the economic growth decreased due to the lack of government spending. The positive outcome was how growth had different sources one being the automobile industry , as the demand on automobiles produced it annually quadrupled after the war. Also housing boomed as well stimulating in being part of an easy affordable mortgage for the returning veterans. This fueled the expansion for America. After the war it also caused major corporations to grow even larger. Variety of industries led the way :International Telephone, Hotels, Baking, Insurances, and Rent a Car, among other companies. Smaller franchise operated like fast food restaurants. Larger corporations had begun to develop holdings overseas, where the was labor would costs cheap. This caused industrial America to change. There were less worker produced goods and more white-collared jobs. Which in some firms guaranteed an annual wage, long term employment contracts along with other benefits. As the suburbs grew more  businesses moved to new areas. Also the era of large shopping centers had emerged, containing the great variety of stores had changed consumer patterns. The number of these shopping centers surfaced from eight at the end of World War II to 3,840 in 1960. The American Economy had began to grow due to post World War II making America one of the richest in countries and causing a change to industrial America.   

  There was also a change to the politics of America after World War II and also the way politics were run. Some of the transformations with in politics in America after the war was how  the United States gained naval bases in Europe and how they became one of the world’s super power. During the second world war, war time president Franklin D Roosevelt was a democrat, who met aggressive republican which were opposed over his “new deal” policy.  Which was meant to pull America out of its war time depression.  In an attempt to gain those opposition he ran in 1944 with a more traditionalistic democrat Truman because he had better views than Roosevelt.  However, in April 1945 Truman became president due to the death of former president Roosevelt. During Truman’s presidency he introduced the “fair deal” policy which intended to carry on with  Roosevelt’s work but involved less spending. The policy proposed to refine social security, provide full employment, increase the minimum wage, build more housing, and to secure employment for all races. Although, some points of his “fair deal” fell through Truman also met aggressive opposition due to his racial equality ideas. Afterwards, he was re-elected in 1948 with an unexpected victory over the republican Dewey, but his second term was a complete catastrophe with the failure of Korea and corrupt misconduct within his administration. One of the most significant changes after the war was the anti-communist threat. The fears of communism had been triggered by the Maoist victory in China and the Korean War. President Truman had built support to gain from his Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine, but it unfortunately had spiraled out of proportion. Another significant change was in taxes. The massive amount of government spending led to the high levels of federal taxation, and this large feature in income tax still remains today causing it to be quite a significant change after World War II.


  Overall, World War II left its mark on the world taking millions of lives, the destructions of cities, but most importantly taking the beliefs and hopes of others. This Second World War has made an abundance of significant changes in American lives  socially, economically, and politically. African and Mexican Americans whose acts of heroism did not exist due to the racial inequality. Women’s roles had changed and required equality as well . The economical and political changes in america would never be the same due to post World War II.  

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