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Essay: Stephen King's Creative Genius: The Traits that have made him World Renowned

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  • Reading time: 7 minutes
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  • Published: 1 December 2020*
  • Last Modified: 29 September 2024
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  • Words: 1,907 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 8 (approx)

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ay in heStephen King, considered one of the greatest horror/fantasy writers in the world. A true creative for his extensive collection of novellas under his belt, illustrating the dark recesses that could be  hidden with our world and those of his created universes. This power house of horror/fantasy writing is my choice for this essay as i find his creative ability to be inspiring and his keen ability to create stories off a small idea is amazing. I will discuss how he has become known as a creative, his traits that were important in him becoming creative , providing some background on how he came to be known and those who have influenced him in his life. Stephen King is known for his ability to create engaging and horrific horror novels, in which characters inhabit a realistic and living world, however are haunted by some of the most memorable monsters in human history, such as Pennywise the clown, Stephen King's most memorable monster due to the television mini-series and subsequent movie reboot or his original horror story antagonist Carrie White, from the novel Carrie. In this novel Stephen depicts the life of Carrie who is a highschool teen tormented by her fellow classmates, from throwing sanitary napkins at her in the bathroom after she has her period, or by knocking her books out of her hands. However Stephens creativity shines in this novel through his use of real life studies which suggested that adolescents coming into puberty have been seen to show minor telekinetic abilities however in Carries case she has powerful telekinetic abilities which she uses to enact her vengeance against her entire school in one of cinemas iconic prom scenes. The way in which Stephen came up with this idea perfectly shows how he is a creative. When he was younger his brother was working in a school as a janitor and Stephen was working with him when he was cleaning the girls locker room and he noticed they had curtains in the locker room and then from there came up the opening scene of Carrie and then from there when he heard of the study into the telekinetic abilities of kids around puberty(The Guardian, 2014). He then went on to create the story of “It” similarly with two seperate ideas that he abandoned time and time again but in the end added one thing to another to create as story. He says “A good idea is like a yo-yo–it may go to the end of its string, but it doesn't die there; it only sleeps. Eventually it rolls back up into your palm”.This quote is how he would think of an idea and then continued to go back to it every once in a while to see could he perfect it, when it came to the story of “IT” he wrote it off the idea of a troll living under a bridge which he thought of as he was walking to a car dealership at twilight and then put that together with the memory he had of the town library where a tunnel lead for the kids section to the adult section and then decided he wanted a story where you see the change from kids to adults and then connected that to the idea of the troll under the bridge and the story of “IT” was created (StephenKing.com, 2015).The psychological traits that allowed for stephen king to be recognised as creative and allowed his creative abilities to flourish. The defining traits of a creative is non-defensive, open-minded, caring, collaborative, self-aware and emotionally sensitive, and also androgynous. Stephen king has shown several of these traits throughout his creative career, collaboration being one of the strongest. He has made several collaborative novels with other writers such as “the Talisman” which he wrote with Peter Straub. He has also collaborated with numerous directors in the translation of his novels to the silver screen and he has helped them to perfect the film version of his beloved novels. Stephen King would also be creative as he is very open minded has he has gone on record to be against people of a closed mind set in major topics such as gun control and many other political problems, this means he is also open to new ideas and suggestions when it comes to the adaptations of his novels and knows that some of the ideas in his novels may not suit the screen where they suit the page. However gruesome and scary his novels may be, with some of literature's biggest villains and antagonists, Stephen King is still very emotionally sensitive with a strong moral center with a desire for good to prevail over evil in the end, this is a strong sign of a creative as it shows how emotionally sensitive he is and understands what is wrong and right when it comes to his writings. Stephen Edwin King was born in Portland, Maine in 1947. He is the son of Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. He was raised by his mother for when he was a toddler after his father and mother separated and his father left the family. The family then moved to Fort Wayne, Indiana and then to Stratford, Connecticut. When stephen was eleven his family moved back to Durham, Maine , where they spend the rest of their young lives.(T.King,2015)They did this so that Kings mother could take care of her parents who were both suffering from illnesses. Stephens family didn't have much money and so moved back to maine to take care of their grandparents as his mothers sibling agreed to support the family and provided them with a home near the grandparents to take care of them. The fact that stephen didnt come from a well off family meant that he had to work extra jobs to support himself and his mother and his brother, this contributed to his work ethic as he spent much of his life striving to get somewhere on stable ground financially.  Stephen studied in a grammar school until he graduated in 1966 then attended the University of Maine at Orono, during his sophomore year he wrote a weekly column in “the maine campus” school newspaper. Aside from writing his column he was very active in politics on campus, he was a member of the student senate on campus. He came to support the anti-war movement on the Orono campus, He graduated from university in 1970, with a B.A. in English and qualified to teach on the high school level. He met his wife Tabitha in January of 1971. (StephenKing.com, 2015)They met in the stacks of the Fogler Library at the University of Maine at Orono. Stephen made his first professional short story sale of the short story "The Glass Floor" to Startling Mystery Stories in 1967. He supported himself and his wife for the beginning of their marriage by selling short stories to men's magazines. In 1971, Stephen began teaching high school English classes at Hampden Academy, he would continue to write short stories and novels during his evenings this eventually lead to the writing of the novel Carrie and then in the spring of 1973, Doubleday & Co. accepted the novel Carrie for publication. On Mother's Day of that year, Stephen learned from his new editor, Bill Thompson, that a major paperback sale would provide him with the means to leave teaching and write full-time.(StephenKing.com, 2015) He continued to write as a full time writer with the support of his wife, the two went on to have three children. Stephen continued to write and then his novels grew in popularity, some major ones included “It” and “The Shining”. This then lead to him becoming the household name as more of his book came out and then he was approached to adapt his books into tv and film and this propelled his name into the limelight. In Kings early childhood his writing was definitely influenced by his father, who may have left his family behind, however as a young boy Stephen King found a box of his father's fantasy horror books which Stephen read all of. At the age of seven stephen was writing his own stories and he really enjoyed watching science fiction and monster movies which also influenced his style of writing(notablebiographies.com, 2016). The stories left behind by his father were by the writer H.P lovecraft who was a serious influence on stephen king's stories for the horror and fantasy aspect of stephens writing, he was also influenced by the writing of Don Robertsons, Richard Matheson and Bram stoker. Richard Matheson of “I am Legend” fame has been credited by Stephen king himself “The author who influenced me the most as a writer”as the reason he became a writer(A.Flood,The guardian, 2018). This helped in his horror style and the thriller aspects of most of his works. One of King's biggest influencers and who recognised his writing ability is that of his wife Tabitha Spruce a fellow writer who he married in 1971 and had three kids together, Tabitha was the reason stephen king went ahead with releasing Carrie after he had thrown away the original draft as she found the draft in the trash  and cleaned them up and then flattened them out and wanted to hear the rest of the story and made Stephen continue writing.  Stephen King has Personally credited Bram stoker for influencing him and he has gone on to say that his novel “Salem’s lot” is just a modern take on Bram stoker's “Dracula”. Stephen king has managed to remain recognized today as creative as he continues to write horror ands fantasy novels as well as most of his works have become major motion pictures, both Carrie and It have had two adapted version to tv and film and allowed for the works of Stephen King to be visualised and that a broader audience to experience his masterpieces. He also has been know to create details within his books that have tied his books together into one connected universe. This was first noticed by the setting of many of his novels in Maine and how details and characters are mentioned in small details in the books in reference to other characters and other stories, this sort of world building has made his works very well recognised by theorists and shows his ability to create a connected universe out of variety of differing stories and having a connected understanding of how the stephen king universe works and evolves to include all his novels and stories. He is also still recognized as creative as he is still writing novels today and expanding on his series such as the dark tower novel series and creating new and more creative horror masterpieces and hopefully he will remain to provide us with horror and fantasy classics for another few years. Stephen King has played a vital role in the genres of horror and fantasy, his creativity has allowed for the creation of new worlds and universes and will be forever recognised for his works such as “Carrie”, “It” ,”the Shining” or “The Dark Tower” these pieces have defined their respective genres and will be ingrained in the minds of the public for years to come. He has truly cemented himself as one histories greatest writers and creatives.


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