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Essay: Credible Sources on Holocaust Survivor History: Encyclopedia, Online Database & More

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 December 2020*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 641 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 3 (approx)
  • Tags: Holocaust essays

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“Auschwitz.” Holocaust Survivors: Encyclopedia, John Menszer, 2018, www.holocaustsurvivors.org/data.show.php?di=record&da=encyclopedia&ke=8. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018. Holocaust Survivors Encyclopedia is known for having credible information about concentration camps and survivors from the Holocaust.  This encyclopedia provides an adequate amount of information on specific events during the holocaust and may be useful for any research done on the holocaust. Although the source was created in 1999, it has been been constantly updated with current and fact-checked information. Because it is an encyclopedia, it has been edited and reviewed consistently, therefore making it a more credible and reliable source.

“Holocaust Remembrance Day.” National Archives News, 25 Apr. 2017, www.archives.gov/news/topics/holocaust-remembrance-day. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018. National Archives Database is an excellent source to use if a reader is looking for any truthful and reliable journals or articles. It is a credible source because the National Archives editors are constantly reviewing their information to make sure it is up to date. Because all articles or journals are thoroughly checked before before being published onto the archives, it is credible because all facts are checked and made sure to be true and reliable. Because it was published in 2017, it is a recent and factual source with a functional link.

Kleiman, Miriam. “An Orphan of the Holocaust: His Journey to America.” National Archives, Summer 2012, Vol. 44, No. 2,  www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/2012/summer/pupa.html. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018. National Archives is an online database consisting of factual information that is constantly being reviewed and updated. Because it was published in the summer of 2012, it is a recent source, which can be credible for information on the Holocaust. Since summer 2012, it has been reviewed and checked to have reliable information.

Oltermann, Philip. “Submerged: the Jewish Woman Who Hid from Nazis in Berlin.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media Limited, 15 Mar. 2014, www.theguardian.com/world/2014/mar/16/submerged-jewish-woman-hidnazis-berlin. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018. The Guardian is a great source for research because of the many articles it provides on certain topics or recent news. In this case, it provides many articles and information on the Holocaust and its survivors. Since it was only published in 2014, it is a good source to use because it is recent with credible facts.

Simon, Hermann. “It Took My Mother 50 Years to Talk To Me About Her Experience in the Holocaust.” Redbook, Hearst Communications, 16 Oct. 2017, www.redbookmag.com/life/friends-family/advice/a39668/essay-by-hermann-simon-spokesperson-for-underground-inberlin/. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018. Redbook provides articles specializing in news and history. Because it was just published about five months ago, it is a good source to use because it has credible and updated information.

Simon, Marie, et al. Underground in Berlin: Young Woman’s Extraordinary Tale of Survival. Back Bay Books, 2016. Underground in Berlin is a credible source to use because it was written by a Holocaust victim herself. It consists of a first-hand account of Marie Simon. Because it was published in 2016, it is credible because it has been reviewed and checked with credible facts and information.

Sullivan, Steven. “Marta’s List: The Pursuit of Holocaust Survivors’ Lost Insurance Claims.” National Archives, Aug. 1998, www.archives.gov/research/holocaust/articles-and-papers/symposium-papers/pursuit-of-survivors-lost-insurance-claims.html. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018. National Archives is an online database consisting of factual and veritable information because of it being constantly reviewed and edited with updated information. Although it was published in 1998, it is still credible because the article has been constantly reviewed and edited since that date.

Swirksy, Rebecca. “Gone to Ground by Marie Jalowicz Simon Review- A Survivor’s Tale by a Born Storyteller.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited, 22 Mar. 2015, www.theguardian.com/books/2015/mar/22/gone-to-ground-marie-jalowicz-simon-review. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018. The Guardian is a credible source where many authors publish their articles and stories with an intended purpose in mind, often to inform. Because it was published about five years ago, it is still a very recent source with updated and reviewed information.

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Essay Sauce, Credible Sources on Holocaust Survivor History: Encyclopedia, Online Database & More. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/essay-examples/2018-3-9-1520571958/> [Accessed 07-10-24].

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