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Essay: Inhumane Abortion Procedures

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  • Published: 27 July 2024*
  • Last Modified: 27 July 2024
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  • Words: 3,187 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 13 (approx)
  • Tags: Abortion essays

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The Unbearable Truth of Abortion

The topic of abortion to this day is taboo, and is not discussed openly amongst one another. Abortion is typically a subject that are withheld and reserved. Many people keep it to themselves because are ashamed of their action. “The parent will feel guilt and remorse for the impure actions they [he or she] have committed. It will haunt an individual for the rest of their life [,] [with] the thought of the child they [she] could have possibly had” (Alvarez 2). Research and studies throughout the years have shown that as of 2016 there are approximately one million abortions in the United States annually (Jones 486). To put into perspective the life of one million innocent infants are taken from them every year. Abortion is defined, as the discontinuation of a pregnancy, the elimination of the embryo (). Abortion is the killing of a soon to be human being, and because of this abortion should be illegal throughout the United States. Various people do not know the procedure and what occurs during abortion. Depending on which method is taken, abortion can be done surgically or medically (Quinley 45). Not only are people not aware of the series of steps of an abortion he or she are not educated on the risks factors of an abortion. Abortion cannot only alter ones mental and physical well being, but it can also lead to life threatening complications (“Abortion’s Deleterious Effects on Women” 17). The killing of another human being is morally wrong. Abortion is the ending of a fetus’s life, the fetus deserves equal rights as those who are out of the womb and living and standing on this green Earth (Shermer 101).  If people were informed properly about the gruesome method innocent children are murdered, people would rise and demand for abortion to be illegal.

The Haunting Procedures of Abortion

Both surgical and medically procedures can terminate the life inside the female’s body. When surgical procedures are performed the women is put under anesthesia. The types of anesthesia that the female can be put under are either nitrous oxide gas or general anesthesia, which makes the patient completely unconscious (Jones 490).  If the anesthesia is injected it will typically be in the females cervix, the anesthesia can be intertwined with a sedative medication (Jones 491).  The women will not have control or have any feeling of the area that is being numbed.  The removal of the innocent baby can be done with a suction aspiration (Quinley 45). This procedure is normally before the fetus is 12 weeks. If the fetus is older than 12 weeks then the specialized doctor will perform a different type of surgical procedure (Quinley 45). Suction aspirations are also known as vacuums. The vacuum is entered through the vagina and travels upward until reaching the cervix, once it has reached the cervix it will take out all of the contents  (“Induced Abortion” 90).  The child will be suctioned out of the cervix like it is a piece of trash. When a dilation and extraction is performed when the fetus is over 12 weeks, this method has the doctor pull and tear parts of the baby with clamp (McCarffrey 79). The child’s pure and small pieces of body would be all over a table. Just like any surgical procedures there may be complications. The female has the choice of also taking medication to get rid of the baby. A medical pill named misoprostol will be prescribed; this drug can cause an abortion due to the fact that it causes major amounts of vaginal bleeding and constant cramps (McCarffrey 82).  A simple swallow of a pill and the child who was once a burden is gone. Online websites claim to also have at safe at home remedies to have an abortion. One of these methods includes taking high amounts of Vitamin C pills to an abortion (Emechebe 34). This comes to show how untruthful the Internet can be, research has shown that too much consumption of Vitamin C can lead to kidney problems in the near future. At home remedies should not be done or trusted because the abortion is not professionally done. It seems like having an abortion is very easy and simple. It is not so simple when the bills and costs start coming in. Insurance does not cover any abortion costs unless she has bought a premium package (Medoff 161). Not only is the patient paying for the surgical procedure (if that method is done) she will most likely also have to pay for the hospital visit. If any complications occur during the surgery then the patient may need to stay for an expanded period of time. A surgical procedure can range from zero to one thousand dollars (McCaffrey 90). Not only are there going to expenses for the process of the abortion but there will be expenses needed to made for recovery. A follow-up will be needed to make sure that the abortion was success, and to make sure everything is on track (Sullivan 23). So not only is it a payment for the procedure, but also a hefty payment for the check up. If the doctor takes care properly he or she will prescribe antibiotics (“Induced Abortions” 90). The doctor will not prescribe a single antibiotic he or she will prescribe more than one (90). Obviously no medication is free, so there is another cost to add to the list. If the doctors recommends buying anything else to ease the pain or help certain problems it will have to pocket money. Many females chose to abort because they do not have money to keep up with a baby, but they are deciding to spend grandiose amounts of money to kill the child. The mother can receive money and help from the government if she qualifies, but the government will not pay any abortion costs. Emotions can run high before, during, and after, an abortion. Not every abortion experience is the same and some have a hard time dealing with their emotions after this action (Sullivan 24). It is probable that the female might be recommended to go a counselor to help cope with these emotions. Abortions can lead to detrimental health.

The Brushed Off Risks of Abortion

Not only does abortion cause harm mentally, but physically as well. Some health care providers fail to explain the risks that may come after (“Induced Abortion” 88). So if the patient herself is not aware of the possible dangers, how is the public supposed to know? The women might run into mental problems that need to be attended professionally. “According to the research, a minimum of 20% of women experience adverse, prolonged post-abortion psychological reactions. The results of the four largest, record-based studies in the world have shown abortion to be associated with increased risk for mental health problems of various forms.” (“Abortion’s Deleterious Effects on Women” 17). Women who follow through with an abortion are at risk for having depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder (Sullivan 22).  Each of these mental disorders might progress as time goes by and may lead to life threatening actions. In a study conducted it was shown that 24% of females who decided to have an abortion still showed signs and symptoms at four months (25). It was proven that 15% of the women that were tested resulted with anxiety after their abortion (25).  15% of the patients showed signs and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder at four months as well (24). This comes to show that emotions can lead to prolonged illnesses caused by abortion. The patient may encounter low self of esteem, anger, and resent to oneself (“Induced Abortion” 100). They may feel resent and disgust because of the murder they have allowed to happen. These emotions can lead to mistreating a future child. 12% of the women who have children after an abortion have shown neglect and anger towards the child (McCaffrey 87). It is not the fault of the innocent children that their mother took the careless decision to murder what would have been sibling of theirs.  As if it were not bad enough these negative mental risks my lead to thoughts and actions of suicide. 34% of women who have gone through with an abortion have committed suicide (“Induced Abortion” 86). “Induced abortion does in fact, have an adverse effect on a woman’s physiological health. Women who had abortions had rates of mental health problems that were about 30% higher than rates of disorder in other women” (Sullivan 26). Some may try and find an escape to their pain and what they are feeling so they will consume illegal substances.  Results and analysis have come to show that 15% of women who have an abortion turn to drugs to try and cope with the decision they have made (“Abortion’s Deleterious Effects” 17).  Ten times more usage of marijuana, five times more usage of illicit drugs, and two times more use of alcohol than those who have not had an abortion (17). The female might end her life using these horrendous substances because of the decision she had made. The negative effects caused physically because of abortion are just as bad. Abortions can cause severe pains. A side affect to abortion is pelvic pain (Shermer 101).  Some of the physical outcomes can be compared to menstrual periods but worse. A hemorrhage can occur, which means that there would be heavy bleeding through the vagina and if it is an excessive amount the abortion may have not been a success (Quinley 44). Hemorrhages may be compared to menopause because if the excessive amount of bleeding and pain that the abortion has caused (“Induced Abortion” 93). If the mother might have thoughts of trying to conceive a child later on she has to keep in mind that she is at risk of placenta previa because of the abortion, this risk may cause a C section if she has another baby (“Induced Abortions” 98). Just like any surgeries there are risks of getting an infection. When an infection is present the women will normally experience fevers that are extremely high and not healthy, normally the infection will be known as pelvic inflammatory disease (Quinley 44). An infection may lead to pelvic abscess, that means that pus or foreign fluid comes down from the vagina because of the abortion (Emechebe 35).  As if it were not bad enough more complications can come from the infection. The female can enter endotoxin shock, which can lead to liver, respiratory, kidney failure and in extreme cases strokes and heart failure (Quinley 44).  Endotoxin shock is not the only life threatening risk that comes from the infection of an abortion. Sepsis is another outcome from an infection (Embeche 37). Sepsis can be life threatening because of the chemicals that are put into the bloodstream. Because a mother wanted to get rid of her child she might result in death because she did not want the baby. If the female does have any complications that will be another cost to pay. She will have to pay for any hospitalization if needed and any more medications than those that were already given, if prescribed. Abortions may lead to infertility or premature birth (Embeche 37). “We found significant increase in the risk of premature delivery in women with a history of prior induced abortion, and the association became stronger with decreasing gestational age” (McCaffrey 77). The more abortions the mother has had, the more likely and smaller the future baby will be (78). If the mother decides she wants a baby later on in her life it may be hard for her and her partner to conceive. The worst-case scenario is that the mother is unable to conceive with her partner because she did not want her first baby. Taking the life of an innocent being is inhumane. “Just as it is never acceptable, for any reason, to directly and intentionally kill a child who is already born, it is also never acceptable, for any reason, to kill [a] directly and intentionally [a] child who is not yet born” (Jansen 1). As harsh as it sounds abortion is in fact murder. It is the killing of an innocent fetus that has no choice over their life as it is ripped away from them.

Abortions Are Morally Wrong

  The life of a child begins once the sperm has reached the egg. Just because he or she are not physically on this Earth does not mean he or she are not alive. “Scientifically we know that the unborn are human beings [,] because we know from science that life begins at conception. And so, we know that a human embryo or fetus is a genetically distinct, whole human being, and that there are only four differences between embryos and fetuses in the womb and those of us who are already born. These differences are size level of development — that is [,] physical, emotional, and psychological development, environment (location), and [the] degree of dependency. But [,] none of these differences matter. If someone were to kill another person on this Earth he or she would receive a punishment. “There's no significant difference between the embryo you once were and the adult you are today, such that it would have been OK to kill you then, when you were inside your mother's womb, but it's not OK to kill you now”

 If an abortion is the killing of a child why is the mother not punished? “If the unborn are human beings like you and me, then abortion is murder, and it should not be legal, because they have just as much right to live as you or me” (Jansen 3). Many people consider themselves pro-choice because they believe that he or she should be able to decide if they want the child or not, but why does the child not have the decision over their own life and if they want to be alive? “Abortion is murder because we are taking away a sacred life that has no choice” (Alvarez 1). Since there is a pro-choice there is also a pro-life. Pro-life can be defined as those who are against abortions and believe that the female should have the baby regardless; they are “for life” (Shermer 101). Religion tends to have an impact as to why someone can be pro-life or pro-choice. It is typical that most Christians and Catholics are pro-life (Crawley 229). “Personally speaking, I’m Catholic, and the Catholic Church has always taught that abortion is wrong” (Jansen 2). “Abortion never crossed her mind due to the way her mother raised her and her Catholic religion. She said Catholics frown upon abortion and those who commit such a horrific action are sinning and will be punished by God” (Tornel 1). “The religion I practice is Christianity [,] and that is the reason as to why I choose pro-life” (Alvarez 1). It is a sin to kill another human being as it says so in the Bible (1). If God created the innocent and pure child, the mother should not kill it“. We should respect lives like we respect God. He gives a purpose for each life [,] and we are not anyone to take a life that he has created” (1). It is in God’s hands to decide when it is time for someone to die, not ours. “She also claims one is not to say when a life should be taken; only God has that power” (Tornel 1). Many of the pro-choice arguments are that if the child was conceived in hurtful manner the mother should be able to get rid of it. The conception of a child may come from a tragedy like rape, but it is not the child’s fault. In the interview with John Jansen claims:

Abortion is wrong in all cases, regardless of the circumstances surrounding a baby's conception.  In the case of rape, the child does not deserve the death penalty for his or her father's crime. Many women who become pregnant as a result of rape actually choose to carry the child to term, and often see this purely selfless, loving decision as a way of helping to heal them from the horrendous experience of the rape itself. Most women who become pregnant as a result of rape and choose life for their baby end up placing the child for adoption. On the other hand, women who abort children conceived through rape often report that they didn't feel that they had any "choice" but to do so, since everyone around them assumed that they would not want to give birth to their rapist's baby. (2)

Children are God’s miracle and beautiful creation. “I was a product of rape [,] and my mother tried remedies to abort me but it did not work. Although my mom kept trying to get rid of me [,] God did not allow that for a reason. Everything happens for a reason” (Alvarez 1). If the parent does not want the child he or she have other options instead of killing it. The parents can put the baby up for adoption and hope that he or she has a better life than what the parents could have ever provided them (Shermer 101). If a woman is not ready to have a child she and her partner should be safe during sex. Safety precautions a female should take if she is not ready to have a child is take birth control and practice safe sex with her significant other (Crawley 229). Abortion should never be the answer; there are multiple options instead of an abortion. After a female has an abortion it will be in the back of her mind for the rest of her life.

Abortions can be done several ways. Abortions can be done clinically or they can be done at home. Four in ten women decide to have an abortion when they are presented with an unwanted pregnancy (Marshall 158). Out of all the options, some women still choose to have an abortion. When choosing to have an abortion the thoughts of risks have to be kept in mind. The negative outcomes that can come about with an abortion can be mentally, physically, and emotionally. “They found women who continued with their pregnancies fared better in terms of mental health than those who had chosen abortion” (Sullivan 27). Research and studies have shown that an abortion can take a toll on women who decide to have one. Abortions are immoral and should come to end. “Because abortion kills someone who is a member of the human family just like you or me, I don't believe anyone of any age should be able to have an abortion” (Jansen 3). The life of an innocent child is taken because of the selfish decision of the parent. In the interview conducted with John Jansen he claims, “If the unborn (whatever someone wants to call them: "embryos," "fetuses," "unborn children," etc.) are not human beings like you and me, then abortion is really no different [from] having a tooth pulled, and we would have no problem saying that it should be legal for any reason, whether it's performed at Planned Parenthood or anywhere else” (4). Abortions should be illegal throughout the United States. Everyone has a voice and it should be heard, having an abortion is completely muting the voice of an innocent child.

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