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Essay: Legalize Medical Cannabis: Pros/Cons

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
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  • Published: 23 February 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 949 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Drugs essays

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Marijuana comes from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Cannabis Sativa plant not only produces Marijuana but also produces hemp, which is a cash crop that can produce several textile materials. Marijuana commonly referred to cannabis used as a doctor-recommended form of herbal remedy. According to historical evidences Marijuana medicinal use dates back to 2737BCE. Cannabis is known among the 50 basic plants of Chinese traditional medicine.

This paper deals with the advantages and disadvantages of marijuana for medicinal use. Research has found out that medical marijuana can be utilized to weaken some symptoms of multiple sclerosis and injuries of the spinal cord. Research has also recommended that cannabis’s medicinal qualities may defend the body against some kinds of deadly tumours and are neuro-protective. Thus medical industry is becoming one of its biggest advocates to make this drug legal. However, marijuana was not always deemed an illegal substance and because of its inherent medical value, it should be legalized at the federal level.

Marijuana is a herb, it contains hundreds of pharmaceuticals compounds. Herbalists claims that poly-pharmaceutical herbs provide two advantages over single- ingredient synthetic drugs: one is the therapeutic effects of the primary active ingredients in herbs may be combined with other compounds, and two: side effects of the primary active ingredients may be mitigated by other compounds. Thus, cannabis has been characterized as a “synergistic shotgun,” in contrast to Marinol. Other compounds in herbal cannabis may make the side effects of THC. Whole marijuana causes fewer psychological side effects than synthetic THC, seen as symptoms of depersonalization, anxiety, panic reactions, and paranoia.

THC taken by mouth undergoes “first pass metabolism” in the small intestine and liver, to 11-hydroxy THC; the metabolite is more psychoactive than THC itself. Inhaled THC undergoes little undergoes little first-pass metabolism, so less 11-hydroxy THC is formed. Thus, ”smoking cannabis is  satisfactory, convenient in combating fatigue, headache and exhaustion, whereas the oral ingestion of marijuana results in a narcotic effect which may cause serious alarm”. Respiratory side effects from inhaling cannabis smoke may be better by both cannabinoid and non-cannabinoid components in cannabis. The pharmaceutically active compounds present in cannabis that enhances the beneficial THC activity and reduces side effects are relatively unknown.

The past two decades have brought about a prodigious change in state laws and social policies regarding the use of cannabis for medical purposes. At present, many health organizations in the world support giving patient’s instantaneous legal access to medical cannabis under a doctor's supervision. Moreover, marijuana use is dependent on doctor’s prescription and the laws made by the country.

Cannabis sativa can also be called as hemp. It is a species of the Cannabinaceae family of plants. Marijuana use was simplified in ancient cultures and still continues in our present society regardless of the legal curtailment. Hemp contains the chemical compound called THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol), which is believed to be responsible for most of the characteristic psychoactive effects of Marijuana.

It wasn't possible until 1930, when a man called Harry J. Anslinger was offered the position of Director of Narcotics, from then marijuana became an issue in American society.

My stand on marijuana is that it should be legalized and regulated for medical use. In several states, marijuana is already available for medicinal purposes, with uses of easing anxiety, relieving nausea and stimulating appetite.

The active ingredient in hemp that is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, accounts for both the physical and psychotropic effects of cannabis. Cannabis is stated as Schedule 1 drug; this is the same category as heroine under the Controlled Substances Act.

Does this drug actually poses a threat or provides a natural resource to help as a medicinal substance?

The government does not recognize the medicinal agent THC found in marijuana as an accepted form of medical treatment, despite the fact science and history has proven this drug is suggested to be used for this purpose. “The use of marijuana as a medicinal agent available to individuals suffering from pain, wasting syndromes associated with HIV and AIDS, nausea from chemotherapy.”

I believe that the provided data in this report will make patients and healthcare professionals support the legalization of medical marijuana.

There are numerous state laws and initiatives attempting to legalize marijuana;

However, opponents argue against legalizing marijuana, with marijuana availability managed by the government, it’s safe and healthy use could be encouraged, preventing drug abuse from occurring.

 In our current state, illegal drug-related laws are ignorant of freedom and personal liberty.

Therefore, imagine what the answer would be if approached and asked, should cannabis be legalized? If so, then should they be under certain laws or not, why?

Strict laws need to be implemented in order to restrict people from misusing the use of medical cannabis.

Under the law, adults with a medical cannabis license would be authorized to, among other things, possess up to three ounces of marijuana on their person, six flowering plants, seventy two ounces of edibles, and one ounce of concentrated marijuana derived from the plant.

Employers must ensure that their workforce understands that being impaired at work or under the influence of cannabis while at work is prohibited under all circumstances and could lead to disciplinary actions, including termination.

The goal of my call for legalization is not to make the drug more available, but rather to create a strict regulatory system, ultimately limiting distribution and standardizing medical cannabis.

The research provided was intended to distinguish whether medical marijuana should become legalized as a therapeutic treatment or not. Family physicians should to be aware of such changing landscapes with a practical knowledge on the pros and cons of medical marijuana, the legal implications of its use, and possible developments in the future.

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