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Essay: America Enters WW2: The Great Arsenal of Democracy – Impact on US & Global Economy

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 23 February 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,294 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)
  • Tags: World War II

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Alisher Komilov

History 1302-81460

Ambronita Douzart


Writing Assignment #2

Question #1

After reviewing lesson 22 create a newspaper headline or post an image that highlights one of the significant movements of the 1920’s that you learned about.  Please provide a brief summary about the image and the impact it had on 1920’s life and culture.


This is a photograph of an intersection to the south side of the Union Station located in Downtown Dallas. By picking this picture I would like to mention of one of the biggest changes that happened to the lives of Americans during the 1920s. People now had the opportunity to own an actual vehicle. Having a vehicle for transportation had a lot of benefits when it came to the everyday life. Now people did not have to rely on using any means of public transportation. A car allowed for one to go on about their business regardless of time and availability of public transportation. People could afford to live wherever they preferred. People now could afford to live in places not so close to their jobs. Before, factories, manufacturing centers and residential buildings were built close to each other in hopes of shortening the travel time. With introduction of automobiles, the housing market was able to organize and allow people to have more options. The car businessmen of Henry Ford like, pushed their limits during the 1920s. Ford Motor Company’s car production was very fast thanks to the implementation of assembly line and conveyer belt. Also, to lessen the damage of the upcoming depression, Henry Ford allowed Americans to buy cars from a Ford owned Credit Corporation.

Question #2

What was your impression of the Great Depression in America and how did American life change as a result of it? What new understanding do you now have about this event?  What was the New Deal and what contributions were made? How did the alphabet agencies help to address American recovery?  


I think, The Great Depression represents the lowest point in American History. The Great Depression were the times of weak economy, high unemployment rate, national poverty and overall fear for the collapse of the nation. The unemployment rate was as high as 25%. Not everyone could afford to have a meal every day, and many Americans went to bed hungry. There were less marriages and more divorces. Families broke-up because of the need for the earner of the family to travel to different cities to be able to earn money. People who had a promising job, now ended up on the streets, looking for food and shelter. From my understanding The Great Depression was the result of carelessness of Government in the economy. The regulations were needed to prevent this economic crisis. I think the Great Depression provided a blueprint for the future generations when it came to forecast the economy. The New Deal were programs passed during Franklin Roosevelt’s first term. The programs mainly focused on fast improvement of the economy and ending the Depression. A program like Civilian Conservation Corps enrolled young men that did not have many skills. With appropriate training, these young men worked on different jobs such as conservation projects, national parks, and roads.

Question #3

Discuss your understanding of the American involvement in World War II.  What is your understanding about the causes of this global war?  Identify at least one event or individual highlighted in the readings or films.  What significant impact or role they played or did this event have on World War II?  How did this global war impact America?  (For example, please provide specific examples in the readings on the roles of Americans or highlight American events during the time of the war.)


The American involvement in World War II was more about establishing and having a trade with the Allies. Before entering the war, President Roosevelt prepared Americans to the inevitable war. Roosevelt. In his vision, had wanted America to become “the great arsenal of democracy”. After repealing the embargo on arms deals, Roosevelt now had made agreements on providing arms to the major Alliance members. America’s ability to produce tanks, guns, ships, submarines at a high quantity, proved to put the nation on top of the Alliance and be the key member. It all started with Germany attacking Poland in September 1939. The German leader, Adolf Hitler wanted to conquer Poland in hopes of turning it into living space for the German people. This invasion was the first successful run of the Blitzkrieg war. After the Polish surrendered and the German forces reached Warsaw, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Overall, this global war had a positive impact on America. Before the World War 2, America was in the Great Depression. The arms deal between the Allied nations created many jobs for Americans. The trade also brought international investors to the recovering America.

Question #4

Why did Americans get involve in World War II?  How were the powers divided?

After reading lesson 24 and watching the films, identify at least two nations that were at conflict during the war and discuss the impact each group had on the war.  


One reason why Americans got involved in World War II was the attacks from Japan on Pearl Harbor. In alliance with Great Britain, The United States implemented an effective oil embargo against Japan. At that time, Japan was importing 90% of their oil. Out of desperation, in hopes of finding oil, and refusing to stop fighting China, Japan decided it was in their interest to attack Pearl Harbor, because they thought a war with America was inevitable. The powers were divided all around the world. At first, Soviet Union attacked Poland and was unsuccessful. After only ten days, Germany conquered Poland and Great Britain with France formed an alliance against German forces. By 1941, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Japan, Italy and Germany formed Axis powers. Even though Soviet Union attacked Poland, it still joined the allied powers, and by 1942, Alliance consisted of nations such as USA, China, Soviet Union, France, and United Kingdom. One important conflict between two nations that took place during the World War 2, was the Sino-Japanese War, fought between Japan and China. This was an important event in its relation to the distant reason for the involvement of US in the World War 2.

Question #5

After World War II, Cold war tensions increased among nations.  Identify elements or events that increased tensions between the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War.  What were these dilemmas and how did Americans react to them? Lesson 25 and 26 highlights American foreign policy initiatives.  Identify at least two events that heightened Cold War tensions.  


The Cold War was a series of events that had two major sides fighting for their own interests. The United States and Soviet Union were both afraid of each other conquering the World. One moment that increased tensions between the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War happened right after the end of the World War 2. Soviet Union experienced a tremendous loss after the WW2 and requested $6 billion loan from USA, who was offering Lend-Lease to its Allies. America refused to fund Soviet Union as the relationship between the nations worsened. The obvious element that increased tensions between two nations was that Western democracies have always been against the existence of communism. I think, both nations contributed equally to the increase of the tensions.


“GCSE Bitesize: Henry Ford and the Impact of the Motor Industry.” BBC, BBC, www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/mwh/usa/boomrev3.shtml.

“Everyday Life during the Depression.” Chicano Movement Geography, depts.washington.edu/depress/everyday_life.shtml.

House Un-American Activities Committee, www2.gwu.edu/~erpapers/teachinger/glossary/world-war-2.cfm.

“Cold War Causes and Tensions.” Gojimo, 2 Jan. 2018, www.gojimo.com/cold-war-causes-tensions/.

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