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Essay: Legalization of Marijuana: Pros & Cons of Endorsing Mary Jane for Medical & Recreational Use Unavailable

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  • Subject area(s): Essay examples
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
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  • Published: 23 February 2023*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,136 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: Drugs essays

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​​​Legalization of marijuana

Marijuana is the slang term for portions of the Cannabis plant. It is one of the oldest psychoactive substances used by man.

Marijuana also can be called weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane, and a vast number of other slang terms. Mary Jane is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried flowers of cannabis.

“It is important to distinguish between the two familiar subspecies of the cannabis plant”, Warf said.  Cannabis sativa, known as marijuana, has psychoactive properties. The subspecies Mary Jane is known as hemp; it is a nonpsychoactive form of cannabis, and is used in manufacturing products such as oil, cloth and fuel. Burned cannabis seeds have also been found in kurgan burial mounds in Siberia dating back to 3,000 B.C., and some of the tombs of noble people buried in Xinjiang region of China and Siberia around 2500 B.C. have included large quantities of mummified psychoactive marijuana.

“Both hemp and psychoactive marijuana were used widely in ancient China”, Warf wrote. The first record of the drug’s medicinal use dates to 4000 B.C. The herb was used, for instance, as an anesthetic during surgery, and stories say it was even used by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2737 B.C.

Marijuana, also known as cannabis or pot, has a long history of human use. Most ancient cultures didn’t grow the plant to get high, but as herbal medicine, likely starting in Asia around 500 BC.

But the victories could create a clash over states’ rights since the federal government continues to consider marijuana even for medical use an illegal substance, and the possession, sale or distribution of marijuana a crime. Anticipating a confrontation, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper warned celebrants not to “break out the Cheetos or Goldfish too quickly” as his administration figures out how state residents can buy and sell marijuana without running afoul of federal laws.

They should legalize marijuana they have a lot of pros and cons. Some of the pros of legalization marijuana is it dismantling some of the black market. If marijuana gets legalize all around it will increase most of the tax revenue. Most of the Crimes that are happening now of days are because some type of deal can’t go right as far as to smoking marijuana to them arguing or to them arguing over some money they did not want to pay and felt like someone was cheating them out their money and/or product. The Legalization of marijuana will also open up some of the vendors and availability of Medical Cannabis. A lot of people in the United States use marijuana for health problems for some types of sickness and diseases. Marijuana can be treat for glaucoma and can help reverse the carcinogenic effects of tobacco and improve lung health it can help control epileptic seizures. Marijuana also decreases the symptoms of a severe seizure disorder. A chemical found in marijuana stops cancer from spreading throughout the body.

Rate of pot use is higher among offenders than nonoffenders, but that definitely does not mean that pot causes criminal behavior. Another factor may be driving both results – or it could be that the causality goes the other way, and criminals are just more likely to use drugs. Furthermore, pot, unlike alcohol, doesn’t generally unleash aggression, so it’s much harder to link it to violent crime.

Marijuana is quite harmful but so much of it can be very heavy and hurt you in so many different ways. After so many studies back to back of marijuana it has been said that it is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco and not like some of the other “hard” drugs such as heroine and cocaine. Some of the Cons of legalizing marijuana are that the substance abuse Marijuana is Heavily Addictive to all ages. Second-Hand Smoke could become a problem it is contagious and can kill you if you inhale too much of it. Some of your vital organs and lungs are at risk of getting seriously damaged. Marijuana can also be known as a gateway drug it is an opening for the rest of the drugs that are out there to come to up or you get opened up to them. Marijuana also messes up your vision if you have too much of it back-to-back. Kids who use marijuana are statistically more likely to go on to use other drugs, but that doesn’t mean marijuana use causes use of other drugs. The same factors driving marijuana use probably explain use of other drugs. Marijuana will make you go crazy and make you see all types of illusions things that are not really there. Most of the outrageous crimes, killing, gang wars, and drug deals gone badly will end if they legalize marijuana. Most of the Crimes that are happening now of days are because some type of deal can’t go right as far as to smoking marijuana to them arguing or to them arguing over some money they did not want to pay and felt like someone was cheating them out their money and/or product. The use of marijuana can lower the chances of you finding a good and decent job. It can also damage the brain of a marijuana smoker experience restricted flow, which can continue even after a month of abstinence.  Poor mental health is the main cons of marijuana such as schizophrenia and depression. Researchers are not sure yet if the drug really triggered such conditions.

As of Now today there are 20 states pulse around the country that medical marijuana is legal in. Smoking marijuana can be beneficial it is overstated by advocates of marijuana legalization new laws will help researchers study the drugs medical uses to give a better understanding on how it impacts the body. Recreational of Marijuana usage is controversial, many agree it should be legal for medical use only. 50 percent of the prisons population are there due to drug related incidents. About 750,000 people are arrested every year for marijuana offenses in the U.S. There’s a lot of variation across states in what happens next. About 40,000 inmates of state and federal prison have a current conviction involving marijuana, and about half of them are in for marijuana offenses alone; most of these were involved in distribution. Less than one percent are in for possession alone. Not all arrests lead to prosecutions, and relatively few people prosecuted and convicted of simple possession end up in jail. Most are fined or are placed into community supervision. About 6 million of America’s 30 million users over the age of 12 use pot on a daily or almost-daily basis according to household survey data – a fifth of those who say they have used marijuana in the past year – but they account for about 80 percent of

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