Veganism is the solution to dramatically reduce global populations’ carbon footprint

Veganism is the solution to dramatically reduce global populations’ carbon footprint. In recent years, the topic of carbon foot printing has infiltrated the media and our daily news. One’s carbon footprint refers to the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by an individual’s human activity: diet, fossil fuel and energy use. Eliminating or … Read more

Biodiesel as an alternative energy resource for petroleum products

Nowadays, climate change is giving a more serious impact to the world. Climate change is caused by greenhouse gases (GHG) that trap heat in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (NOx). CO2 dominated the global GHG emission by 81% in 2018 [1]. In Indonesia, the transportation sector became the second highest … Read more

Impact of climate change on the insurance industry

Climate change is recognised as one of the most important issues in today’s society (Mills 2009) and is a significant source of risk and uncertainty for the insurance industry (Rothwell et al. 2020) Despite the significance of this issue, several insurance companies fail to recognise the harsh impacts the industry will have to endure as … Read more

Climate change and Christianity

Climate change is no hoax, conspiracy theory, or myth. It is real and happening now. Mounting scientific evidence proves that global temperatures are rising at an alarming rate, and there is no natural cause behind it. The average global temperature has risen by 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since the 20th century. Glaciers are melting and sea … Read more

Global warming and emissions from animal agriculture

What percent of global greenhouse emissions can be attributed to animal agriculture? Enough to definitively deem animal agriculture as the biggest contributor of climate change. The greenhouse gases produced by both livestock and their byproducts make up fifty-one percent of all global greenhouse emissions. Accumulatively, the animal agriculture industry is responsible for climate change and … Read more

Sun powered cities

The Global risk of environmental change is not any more about reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or the viability of atmosphere science. Its results are genuine and unmistakable. Therefore, there is a reestablished feeling of direness about how to react and an opportunity, however concise, to make basic inquiries about nothing new … Read more

How AI could help with climate change

We’ve all heard it. Our earth is changing. The International Panel of Climate Change (2007, 2013) found in recent studies that “an increase of CO2 decreases the radiative cooling of the troposphere.” The use of fossil fuels worsen the natural greenhouse effect. This effect, also called global warming, warms the earth, makes ice glaciers melt, … Read more

Treatment of animals in animal agriculture farms (public opinion piece)

My goal in my public opinion piece is to raise awareness about the treatment of animals in animal agriculture farms. I want people to know what is really on their plates and how animals are treated throughout the meat and dairy production processes. I began by telling a narrative story of how I became vegan … Read more

The Truths and Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

When people hear someone declare their veganism, they often jump to the stereotype of a hippie gone rogue or a white girl on a vegetable rampage, soap-box ranting about their new favorite diet fad that just so happens to compliment their pseudo-humanitarianism. What they don’t realize is how high the stakes are for the Earth and … Read more

Food Inc documentary review

Food Inc is an American documentary, that exposes the industrial production of meat, grains, and vegetables around the country. This film concludes by claiming the entirety of our food industry is inhumane, and economically and environmentally unsustainable. The film keeps on looking at the present business by investigating the financial and lawful powers vast sustenance … Read more