Impact of discounting on future generations (climate change)

Climate change will influence human, biological and physical systems in the near, as well as in the far off future, but uncertainties hinder getting an accurate picture of how mankind and the environment will be affected. The anticipated consequences range from coral bleaching through acidification of the oceans, to increased severity of natural disasters such … Read more

Tackling climate change

Adequate water supply is defined as the provision of sufficient amount of water by public, private organisations or by individuals. An environmental challenge is a process of achieving a goal of environmental sustainability due to the problems that prevent overcoming obstacles. Climate change is a long-term change in the Earth’s climate, especially a change due … Read more

Analysing two articles on Climate Change (David G. Victor 2006/Foster & Clark 2009)

The issue of climate change has been discussed by several professional and has recently become a growing concern in international policies, due to the potential security threat it can cause. But there are several different stances on the causes of climate change and the possible solutions. Both articles tackle different perspectives and solutions to climate … Read more

How do we know that global warming is caused by human activities?

Scientist across the globe have devoted their lives to researching the effects of warming to the planet. Having the ability to analyze scientific observations and data has increased their knowledge of the issue that has continued to grow over time. They believe that this warming effect is due to human activities, the main culprit being … Read more

A study report for climate mitigation in Brunei, Borneo

Introduction Borneo is the largest island in Asia comprising of three politically-divided regions: Indonesia (Kalimantan), East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), and Brunei. This report specifically appeals on the need, extent and potential for climate mitigation action in Brunei, the independent Islamic Sultanate located on the northern coast of the island. The report will first discuss … Read more

The effects of climate change on the Great Barrier Reef

Climate change is a global issue – a crisis that will be felt by all corners of the world. A local region that is significantly impacted by the effects of climate change is the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef, located off Cairns in northern Queensland, is the world’s largest coral reef system. Climate change, … Read more

Impact of climatic change & global warming on sea and ice volumes

a.) The impact of climatic change and global warming on sea and ice volumes: Climate change is a long-term change in the earth’s climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature. Climate change affects the mass balance of glaciers and ice sheets. When the temperature exceeds a certain temperature for … Read more

Industrial activities’ impact on climate change

Industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon has raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and has caused much of the observed increase in Earth’s temperature over the last 50 years. Climate change is a global issue caused by human contributing to greenhouse gases. I personally think that we need to attempt to make a change … Read more

Russia’s stance on climate change

In 2015, the Russian Federation submitted its 2030 Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the United Nations. This was a document that outlined Russia’s climate change and emissions related goals, based on their government’s own research and data. It contained emissions targets which said Russia would reduce its greenhouse gas emissions levels, so they were … Read more

The Deterioration of the Earth By Human Activities

In recent years, the grave consequences of environmental problems have raised increasing concerns. Plenty of problems such as the rising of the global temperature, air and water pollution, energy crisis which are mainly caused by human activities have threatened the ecosystem. However, people are not often aware of how serious the issue is only until … Read more