Observed Climate Change (roots, impacts, future response strategy)

The severity of the world’s climate change issue has long been underestimated by many. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “Climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time”.1 From 1880 to 2012, the annual temperature of the globe has increased by 1.5 F (0.8 C). … Read more

Climate change speech

A. Attention Getter: Our world is going to end in 2030, at least according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and it’s not due to non-recyclable plastic straws (Miller, 2018). B. Relevance: As people who hope to live on this planet, this is terrifying and a stark reality we must face if we … Read more

Climate change impact relative to extreme drought and flood in godavari river basin: A assessment using hydrology model

1. Introduction The availability of water in a larger river basin is significantly impacted by climate changes. Global warming is major concern worldwide in recent year in a river basin [1]. There have been dramatic changes in the flow of major rivers worldwide that reduces a river basins natural ability to adjust and absorb the … Read more

Livestock agriculture and meat production are major contributors to global warming

The purpose of this essay is to show that livestock agriculture and meat production are major contributors to global warming by emitting green-house gases. Global warming and climate change are one of the most controversial topics in the world today. Global warming is an increase in atmospheric temperatures all over the world. Global warming also … Read more

Increase in global atmospheric and oceanic temperatures, and the rise in sea level

In the United States, climate change can create a great debate based on public opinion, leadership, and policy. There is extensive scientific research stating that anthropogenic activities have been responsible for a temperature increase over the past century (Oreskes, 2004), but the way people perceive climate change shapes their response to this global crisis. This, … Read more

Deforestation – disruption of the water cycle, increase in soil erosion and climate change

When it comes to deforestation, fingers point in all directions for the blame. The blame stems from the negative impact deforestation is causing on the earth, and the things certain individuals do to cause this. Forests are spread worldwide and they come in all different shapes and sizes. Thousands of years ago there were more … Read more

Impact of climate change in Switzerland

According to the environmental and energy study institute, climate change can be termed as the rise in the average global temperature due to an increase in the concentration of atmospheric greenhouses, resulting in numerous climatic shifts and impact around the globe. Climate change can be caused many factors such as solar radiation, volcanic eruptions and … Read more

Rising global temperatures and ocean temperatures

Rapid changes in the global climate is a growing topic of concern worldwide. One important component of climate change is the trend in rising global temperatures. Though the use of indirect temperature measurements (such as tree rings and ice cores), unanimous conclusions have been made that average global surface air temperature has risen by a … Read more

The legitimacy of global warming is unconvincing

One of the most prevalent stories we hear about today is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system and its related adverse effects. This phenomenon is referred to as global warming, or climate change. Multiple lines of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming. Many notable figures … Read more

Tanzania – Tackling Climate Change

The Earth is our precious home, and therefore we all suffer together from the effects of climate change. In recent years, Tanzania has suffered through a number of climate relate disasters, the mountainous and densely forested terrain have been through droughts, flooding, widespread crop failures and the population suffer from intensifying disease exposure. With a … Read more

The Cattle Industry and Global Climate Change

Introduction: Steak, hot dogs, and hamburgers. They’re engraved into the very fabric of American lifestyle and culture, it’s hard to imagine a life without beef products. Then again, imagining a life with damaged rainforests, rising sea levels and blazing temperatures seems far in the future as well, but that’s where we’re heading. Staggering heat and … Read more