Ensemble Smoothed Seismicity Models for the New Italian Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map

Abstract The smoothed seismicity models plan to be introduced into the new Italian Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps 2017-2018. In this study we report progress on the use of smoothed seismicity models developed by using fixed and the adaptive smoothing algorithms and present an earthquake rate forecast developed from an ensemble smoothed seismicity model. Recent developments … Read more

Ocean conservation

The ocean is something that impacts everyone on earth. The Ocean Conservancy is a nonprofit organization that raises awareness to problems that are happening in the ocean today. Janice Searles Jones, CEO of Ocean Conservancy, has a huge voice of the organization. She believes that the life of humanity relies on the ocean, which is … Read more

Heavy metals

1.0 INTRODUCTION The soil is not only the medium for the growth of plants and the disposal of waste substances in the environment but also a vector of many waste matter that contaminates underground water, surface water, atmospheric air and food. The pollution of the soil does not only threaten human health through its effects … Read more

Sustainability of the Beef Cattle Industry and Beef Consumption in Australia and Globally

Australian’s possess an obsession with meat, consuming a whopping 92.5kg per person per year, well above the Global Average of 34kg (OECD, 2017). Of all forms of animal protein beef is arguably the most celebrated in western culture. It is subsequently viewed as a status symbol in many developing countries; causing global beef demand to … Read more

Earthquake forecasting

The Indian subcontinent situated on the boundaries of two continental plates is very prone to earthquakes. All five SAARC nations India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh who have the himalayan range as their boundary or are in close proximity to it, have a long history of seismic tremors. In Maldives and Srilanka there is no record … Read more

Soil management

The view of the soil is often just a surface view quite literally. The soil is a habitat. But a look beneath the surface is well worth it. The importance of the soil for life on earth is greatly underestimated. Without intact soils, we would be lacking the most important essential basis of life. The … Read more

Environmental security

BACKDROP OF PHENOMENON National security is a state-centric approach, and human security focused on securing its nationals is considered complimenting each other in some respect. By virtue of its characteristic, a nation is a large group of people with strong bonds of identity – an “imagined community,” a tribe on a grand scale. Thus, security … Read more

Political ecology

1.0 Introduction For the past few years, economic development has been centralized heavily on the exploitation of natural resource, leading to serious land degradation and soil erosion in most countries (Hitzhusen, 1993). Defined as a long-term loss of ecosystem function and services, the UN described land degradation as a cause of disturbances from which the … Read more

Liquefied natural gas for maritime transportation

The focus for this chapter is the transition away from heavy oil based fuels used for maritime transportation towards the utilization of liquefied natural gas as a replacement. Current and forthcoming International Maritime Organization environmental regulations such as fuel sulphur content limits, nitrogen oxide emissions limits, and the creation of Emissions Control Areas in which … Read more

Potential Environmental Impacts of Textile Waste

1. Introduction 1.1. Potential Environmental Impacts of Textile Waste Textile industry emits large quantities of pollutants in form of liquid discharge, solid wastes and air pollutants to the environment. The industry has been always regarded as a water-intensive sector, the main environmental concern is the amount of large amount of effluent discharged and the chemicals … Read more

Waste management

Abstract Waste management is a successful instrument to minimize generated wastes, and improve environmental conditions. In spite of the large share of developing countries in the textile industry, limited information is available concerning the waste management strategies implemented for textiles on those countries and their environmental impacts. In the current study two waste management approaches … Read more

Investigation Into Chitosan-Based Coatings Technology

  1. Introduction Recently, there is a lot of considerable research works has been proceeded and implemented to meet the scientific challenges for protecting environment and ecosystems. The main concern of industry is to improve and employ a variety of bio-based polymers to eliminate or prevent contributions to air, water and land contamination. The role … Read more

Red tides

Abstract Redtide is a marine phenomenon and not a natural phenomina that poses great risk to the economic and health livelihood of people in ‘coastal areas’.PSP or (Paralytic shellfish poisoning) develops when an individuals or a person consumes molluscs containing ‘toxic dinoflagellates’ and suffers neurological or gastrointestinal manifestations.Four redtide, incidents in the Philippines are presented. … Read more