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Essay: Study and Analysis of Boiler Waste Heat Recovery in Paper mill

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  • Subject area(s): Environmental studies essays
  • Reading time: 6 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 October 2019*
  • Last Modified: 3 October 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,545 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 7 (approx)

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Abstract— This paper concerned with calculating boiler efficiency which is important boiler efficiency which is most important for any types of steam power plant. The chemical energy of the coal into electricity is done by the thermal power plant. The heat rate of a conventional coal fired power plant described how efficiency it converts the chemical energy of the fuel into electrical energy. All over the world there is fastest growth of industry sector which can create the problem arising regarding the crisis of fessible fuels. Substantial amount of energy used by industry is wasted as heat in the form of exhaust gases, air steams and liquids leaving industrial facilities. Although it is not technically and economically possible to recover all waste heat. The primary sources of waste heat in industrial facilities include exhaust gases from fossil fuel fired furnaces, boiler and process heating equipments. Generally such fuels are used for converting the chemical energy into electrical energy. About 30-50% heat supplied is converted into useful work. It promotes the global warming may arise as well as this extent to being to atmosphere pollutions. Which include green houses and harmful gases such as CO, CO2, NOX, etc. So, it is necessary to utilize this waste heat.

Keywords— Boiler Efficiency, Boiler Losses, Unit Heat Rate, Waste Exhaust Heat, Organic Fluid, Economizer.


A boiler is an enclosed vessel which is used to generation of steam by means of combustion of fuel. A boiler consists of Evaporators, reheaters, super heaters, economizer, air preheaters along with various auxiliaries such as pulverises, fans, etc.[1]The aim of the performance test of boiler is to predict actual performance and efficiency of the boiler and comparing with design valve.

The consumption of fossil fuels by the current scenario of worldwide. Such as reuse, reproduce and recovering the wastage into some better desired way to use. We know that the approximately 30-50% heat energy losses due to the heat dissipation. This energy may have heat energy and kinetic energy there we could this energy for some other applications.

With the use of waste heat recovery technique it could definetly reduce the power requirement for the some auxiliary devices. It also reduce the  impact oil

environment by reducing emission which may to control the global warming.[2]


The ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) heat recovery system in Bangladeshis the first of such system will be supplied to steel industry. This plant is eco-friendly and would be recover unused exhaust heat and will generate 2.63MW of electricity without any problem faced with steel production. If we do not recover this exhaust heat there will be million of take will be losses. The convectional steam technology has some disadvantage particularly, with stable steam tuakine operation due to high moisture content in the turbine and interfearance with pinch point in the boiler. To reduce this problem instead of  using water an organic fluid. i.e. ammonia, hydrocarbons may be used instead of water.[6]


The advantages of ORC system it will produce electrically at low heating compare with conventional boiler heating process.

Waste heat is the energy associated with waste streams of air, exhaust gases, and/or liquids that leave the boundaries of an industrial facility and enter the environment. In the definition of waste heat, it is implicit that the waste streams eventually mix with atmospheric air

or groundwater and that the energy contained within them becomes unavailable as useful energy. The absorption of waste energy by the environment is often termed thermal pollution. In a more restricted definition, waste heat is the energy that is rejected from a process at a temperature high

enough to permit the recovery of some fraction of the energy for useful purposes in an economic manner.[7]



To improve Boiler efficiency.

To reduce the environmental pollution from the exhaust gases which is directly exposed to the atmosphere.

To reduce the maintenance and overall cost of the industry.

To create eco-friendly environment.

To improve the generation of electricity.

To find out feasible solution about efficiency of boiler like Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC).


Prof. Acharya Chirag, Prof.Nirvesh, Prof. Jaspal Dabhi [ 1 ] has been found that the major losses in the boiler is due to dry heat gas losses(6.166), wet flue gas losses(10.603) and combustile loss(0.532) for 210MW coal fired thermal power plant. They suggested about causes of boiler losses and take corrective action as given below.

Dry Gas Losses :

Boiler casing air in leakage is due to this type of losses the reading of O2 should be taken at several stages.

Air preheater air leakage to take proper monitoring of inlet and outlet temperature of gases.

Incorrect fuel to air(F/A) ratio proper monitoring system for O2.

Wet Gas Losses :

Excessive soot blowing to optimize soot blowing system.

Change in quality of coal to inspect the quality of coal periodically.

High moisture contact in coal to providing better primary air for proper coal storage.

Incomplete Combustion :

Incorrect of Air-Fuel(A/F)ratio due to this drawback taking proper monitoring system for O2.

Burner damper setting to adjust damper efficiency.

Prof. Vivek R. Gaikwad, Prof. Suprabhat A. Mohod and Prof. Manoj Dhawde [2] have developed the concept of waste heat recovery for many systems. They suggested that heat energy can be recovered by using some coupling devices such as in case of thermal power plant using secondary turbine.

Mr. Sagar Subhasrao Thakare et at [3]  He proposed that a heat recovery system unit for a pain shop top coat oven. He arranged systematic heat exchanger (shell and tube type) in heat recovery unit for generation of heat water through exchanging heat with hot waste gases from oven exchaust by using it’s idea our team thinking about in our project in paper mill industry boiler if we arrange same type equipment we recovery waste heat in boiler efficiency. It has found that 90% of waste heat is recovered.

Mr. Reza Soltani et. at [4] it has proposed that a multigeneration system which having one input i.e. fuel input and five outputs for wood factory. This system provides following outputs from waste are satisfying needs of steaming unit, Electricity generation, hot water, Desired heat output for surrounding distriction and facility.

G. V. Pradeep varma et. at [5]  It has proposed a cogeneration system for a cement factory, which results in waste heat recovery for power generation. It has found three waste heat rejection locations in cement factory the total power produced from waste heat recovery is about 12.5MW.it has focused on cogeneration system for production of electric power from the heat rejection sources.

Mr. Md Abdullah Al Mamun [6] had concern with the experience with organic rankine cycle system. The purpose of this system is the thermal energy contained in the hot engine exhaust is captured by a waste heat oil heater and transferred to the ORC turbo generator using closed loop thermal oil subsystem. The ORC turbo generator converts approximately 20% of the captured thermal power into electrical power. Thermal oil heat transfer fluids and systems are highly developed, reliable products, here we are using Exxon mobile as thermal oil heat transfer fluid. This intermediate heat transfer approach provides great power plant layout flexibility.

Mr. Md Abdullah Al had analyse the compare with ORC and steam turbine.

Prof. Ceilia Arzbaecher, Ed Foucha and Kelly Parmenter [7] had concerned with the quantity, quality and Temperal availability of waste heat. They concern with analysis of pinch which is related with the site survey. Turgeting. minimum heating and maximum possible heat recovery optimization.

They find out the types of industry used which types of equipment and getting annual saving capital costs.


From the calculations it is found that 1% decreases in boiler efficiency increase the heat rate by 1%. Boiler efficiency approved by reducing various losses. We can see that variation of fuel consumption for various boiler load and also steam generation also varies at different boiler loads. The variation of excess air with fuel consumption and basically 40% excess air use to reduce losses and improve boiler efficiency.


We are sincerely thankful to the our External/industry guide, for giving us the opportunity to implement in the waste heat recovery in N.R.Aggraval industry. We express our sincere gratified to all concerned officials for their support and guidance during the conduct of our project.


[1] Acharya Chirag, Prof.Nirvesh, Prof. Jaspal Dabhi,2014.Research paper on Analysis of Boiler losses to improve Unit heat rate of coal fired thermal power plant.

[2] Prof. Vivek R. Gaikwad, Prof. Suprabhat A. Mohod and Prof. Manoj Dhawde “Review on Waste heat recovery Technique for various applications”, ISSN 2278-0181, IJERT (International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology)

[3] Mr. SagarSubhashrao Thakare,: “Review of analysis of heat recovery from top coat oven in paint shop”, ISSN 2319-8353, IJERT (International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology).

[4] Reza Soltani, Ibrahim Dincer, Marc A. Rosen: “Thermodynamic analysis of a novel multigeneration energy system based on heat recovery from a biomass CHP cycle”, Appl. Thermal Engineering 89 (2015).

[5] G. V. PradeepVarma, T. Srinivas: “Design and analysis of a cogeneration plant using heat recovery of cement factory”, Case studies in Therm. Eng., 5 (2015).

[6] Prof. Md. Abdullah Al Mamun : “Waste Heat Recovery System by Using an Organic Rankine Cycle” IJSER (International Journal of Scientific and Engineering  Research)

[7] Cecilia Arzbaecher, Ed Fouche, and Kelly Parmenter, Global Energy Partners


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