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Essay: GMOs benefits and concerns

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  • Subject area(s): Environmental studies essays
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 October 2019*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 844 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Gene editing essays

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Genetically modified organisms, commonly known as GMOs, are any living thing whose genetic code has been changed in some way. Scientists and farmers have been cross breeding plants for centuries, but genetically modifying organisms is a more targeted process. How GMOs work is relatively straightforward: a scientist inserts a gene into the DNA of a single cell, and as the cell divides and replicates itself, the new gene eventually becomes present in every cell. GMOs cause a lot of controversy, especially in the food industry. Many consumers are worried that eating genetically modified crops will cause them or animals harm. GMOs have not been proven to cause harm, and they are an excellent way to allow farmers to grow more with less resources, provide massive economic benefit, and greatly reduce agricultural harm to the environment.

Genetically modifying foods makes for a better crop yield. Insect resistant technology, know n as IR, used in cotton and corn has consistently increased yield gains from reduced pest damage. In comparison to conventional production (non-GMO), average gain from 1996-2004 has been +13.1% for insect resistance corn and +17.3% insect resistant cotton. Another technology, herbicide tolerant (HT) is used to control weeds, which in turn delivers higher yields.

GMOs have proven to be very beneficial for developing / resource-poor countries. Genetically modifying crops to be pest and weed resistant helps farmers earn a more “secure” income. The net farm level economic benefit in 2014 was 17.7 billion dollars. The total farm income benefit, 150.3 billion dollars, was split almost equally between farmers in developing and already developed countries. Genetically modifying crops also provides excellent investment returns. The cost paid to access crop biotechnology in 2014 was about 6.9 billion dollars; the total crop gains was 24.6 billion. Farmers received about $3.59 for each $1 invested in genetically modified seeds worldwide.

Genetically modified foods even help save the environment. Crop biotechnology has significantly reduced the release of greenhouse gas emissions from farming. In 2014, the change was equivalent to  “removing 22.4 billion kg of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere” or “removing 10 million cars from the road for one year”.

For those who are against pesticides, genetically modifying crops could be the answer. From 1996-2014, crop biotechnology has reduced pesticide spraying by 8.2%, or by 581 million kilograms. For perspective, this is equal to “the total amount of pesticide active ingredient applied to crops in china for more than one year”. GMOs have decreased environmental impact due to insecticide and herbicide by 18.5%.

Despite this, there are many people and organizations against consuming genetically modified foods. It is only natural to have a bit of distrust towards seemingly new technology; especially technology that you put into your body every day. However, the dangers of GMOs have been largely disproven – or unproven – by many scientists.

Many consumers wonder if these foods might be toxic. This concern spiked after the publication of a 1999 study reporting “negative effects in the gastrointestinal tract of rats fed with potatoes expressing a lectin transgene conferring insecticide activity”. However, it was decided that this experiment is flawed, as no one has yet been able to reproduce the results.

People have been genetically modifying foods through breeding procedures and crossbreeding that result in great changes of genetic material for centuries. What many do not know is that farmers and scientists have used radiation and chemicals to mutate genes in crops for decades. Additionally, since the first modified foods were sold and consumed, no negative health effects due to GMOs among consumers have been definitely identified. In other words, no health problems have yet been directly linked to genetically modified crops. “Bioengineered foods have been consumed for close to 20 years, and during that time, no overt consequences on human health have been reported and/or substantiated in the peer-reviewed literature.” (American Medical Association)

Allergenicity is a valid concern discussed by many consumers. Allergic reactions have occurred in two documented cases. One of these cases was about a soybean intended for use in animal feed. A protein from a brazil nut was inserted into the soybean. However, testing revealed that the protein would spark an allergic reaction to those allergic to Brazil nuts. Even though the soybean was only for animal use, and not for humans, this transgenic soybean was never sold on the market. The second involved corn that was engineered to express the insecticidal protein Cry9C. The corn was not approved for human consumption, since pre-market testing showed that the protein could be an allergen, but it was approved for use on animals. However, traces of the corn were found in food products for humans, and some consumer reported negative reactions to the corn. It was later evaluated that the Cry9C protein had no direct correlation to the incidents. Despite this, the corn is no longer available in stores. In conclusion, this evidence does not support the theory of allergenicity, as pre-market testing is done on all genetically modified foods before they are commercialized.

90% of scientists believe GMOs are safe, including the American Medical Association, the National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the World Health Organization.

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Essay Sauce, GMOs benefits and concerns. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/environmental-studies-essays/2018-12-21-1545421176/> [Accessed 07-10-24].

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