Home > Environmental studies essays > Genetically modified foods (focus on Golden Rice / Vitamin A)

Essay: Genetically modified foods (focus on Golden Rice / Vitamin A)

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  • Subject area(s): Environmental studies essays
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 October 2019*
  • Last Modified: 29 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 813 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Gene editing essays

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Golden rice has come to existence in Asia. The rice is different as it is modified so that it can provide vitamin A. The rice is aimed at targeting consumers who receive low income but can afford this type of rice. The Genetically modified foods have been of much concern to the public, and this report provides details on the genetically modified foods.

How genetically modified foods reduce vitamin A deficiency

Rice, in general, contains geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) which is an early precursor of beta-carotene. The beta-carotene is created in such a way that it can be taken into the rice endosperm which later leads to a conversion of the GGPP into the beta-carotene. One advantage of the beta-carotene that has been produced is that it can be easily absorbed into the body for a long time since it does not affect the body. The Beta-Carotene can then be converted into vitamin A which can sometimes be highly toxic if it is in high levels (Beyer, 2008).

Benefits of the Golden Rice to the human body

Golden rice can be used in areas where individuals are found to be lacking vitamin A in their bodies. With this, the health of individuals is improved to a great extent since the individuals can prevent blindness (Qaim, 2004).

The beta-carotene a gene that is added to the food helps in identifying the rice has a good color. Eyesight is one of the most important aspects that every individual need. Consuming beta-carotene an ingredient for vitamin A ensures that the eye sights of the individuals are significant.

The reason why it is not available in the market

Most of the time, the food that is genetically modified takes quite a longer time than the normal goods before they get to be in the market; this is due to the complexity in the knowledge and also takes quite an extended period. Another reason that makes the rice not to be readily available in the market is that they require so many regulations that govern on how the rice will be consumed. Studies done on the period taken for new biotechnology goods to reach the market is around 13 years.

Safety of genetically modified food

On the point of the health and safety, the genetically modified foods can be based into different ways. It either depends on how the leaders and the scientist view the food as either harmful or useful to the health of the individuals.

Some individuals insist that the long-term effect of consuming the GMO’s is not clear; this means that this has a significant impact on the food industry since many ideologies may come along such as allergic reactions, sterile, toxicity and even sickness where body organs become virtually damaged.

On several occasions, the golden rice has been consumed in parts of Asia, but there have been no cases of having the problem from the consumption deeming the rice as suitable for use by individuals.

Environmental Effects

The GMO genes have been spreading widely into plants and microbes; this has made it necessary to determine the ill effects that are most likely to result in the environment concerning the increased number of the crops. The effects can be either long terms or also short-term and mainly varies a lot on whether positive or negative. The golden rice has been modified in such a way that the rice is free to pest, diseases and can tolerate drought over a long period (Nissim, 199). Besides the advantages, the modified crops possess some negative consequences such as unintended selection, production of the toxic substance, change in the gene expression and unexpected effects on pathogens.


Golden rice has come to exist for a period now. The rice has an impact depending on how the patterns of consumption are conducted in a particular country. The target countries for the golden rice have been selected depending on the dietary model that is common in the state and the amount of pro-vitamin A which is from other nutrient sources in the diet that the consumers take.

The creation of the golden rice has been deemed to be one of the best ideas since its consumption can be used as a substitute for a number vitamin A providing foods; this has resulted in the prevention of blindness and also improved the eyesight of some individuals.


  1. Side effects curbing. Proper measures should be made to ensure that consumption of the golden rice will have no ill effects to the consumers in the near future.
  2. Environmental factors. The ecological aspect should be put at stake at all time. As we try to improve our health condition, it will be necessary to ensure no further environmental damage.
  3. Identify ways in which the GMO rice will be produced and reach the market easily; this will ensure more people will get to benefit from the vitamin A exercise.

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Essay Sauce, Genetically modified foods (focus on Golden Rice / Vitamin A). Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/environmental-studies-essays/2018-11-10-1541881105/> [Accessed 07-10-24].

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