Home > Environmental studies essays > GMOs and rGBH should not be allowed in the US

Essay: GMOs and rGBH should not be allowed in the US

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  • Subject area(s): Environmental studies essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 October 2019*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 998 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Gene editing essays

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Food consumes our lives. Sometimes, we find ourselves craving a certain food and usually driving miles to get to that food. But, what is food? What are we really putting inside our bodies? Over the years, food has been modified. Sadly, these changes could be harmful to us. The products many producers put into fast food, packaged foods, even fruits and vegetables can contain many harmful chemicals and dyes. The most common modifications are GMOs (Genetically modified organism) and rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone). GMOs are unhealthy and could alter our bodies to a point of no return. The research about GMOs goes beyond what we are told on the label. These modifications are a growing problem that people should be aware of. They have been known to cause heart malfunctions, cancer, and other serious health problems. They also are polluting our earth by infiltrating the soil with harsh chemicals. This could lead to unproductive growth and be the end of fresh produce. GMOs, rGBH, and other serious artificial products should not be allowed in the United States.

GMOs have not always been around. In a recent blog post, written by Jeffrey Smith, he quotes the American Academy of Environmental Medicine by saying, “In 1996, many different health problems increased after GMO foods were introduced to the public. Also according to the AAEM, the percentage of Americans with three or more sicknesses jumped from 7% to 13% in only 9 years.” Things like food allergies, disorders like autism, reproductive disorders, and digestive problems, have increased since these GMO products have been added. The current percent of Americans with pre-diabetes is 35%.(Nov 7) The AAEM has scientifically proven this sad conclusion, “The GMOs found in milk from artificial hormones injected in cows has shown to be linked to several different types of cancer.”(Nov 7)

Further research has shown more affects these chemicals have on us. The International Assessment of Animal and Agricultural Knowledge has preformed several studies that have shown the affects of the consumption of GMO foods; organ damage, immune system disorders, and infertility. Genes inserted into genetically modified soy can transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside of us. For example, the toxic insecticide produced by genetically modified corn was found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses. This is heart breaking. To think something as simple as corn is able to destroy a life of an unborn child.

The animals are at risk too. According to research done but by a biological team at Yale, titled GMO Research for Common Ecosystems, “GMO crops and the herbicides can hurt birds, insects, amphibians, marine ecosystems, and soil organisms. They reduce bio-diversity, pollute water, and deplete natural resources.”(Nov 7) For example, GMO crops are eliminating habitats for monarch butterflies, whose populations are down 50% in the US. According to the Center for Food Safety, cows treated with rBGH suffer a 50% greater increase of leg and hoof problems, 25% more udder infections, and many serious reproductive issues including: infertility, fetal loss and birth defects. Yes this truth is sad, but why does this concern humans? These animal issues can translate into human ones. Supposedly used to fight the bacteria in milk, they actually have a negative affect on our ability to fight disease.

The Roundup herbicide, which people spray in their yard, has been shown to cause birth defects in amphibians, killing new life and disruptions in the blood and organ damage in animals. Farmers who use this product do not realize the damage they are causing by using this harmful weed killer. More importantly, in 2015, the World Health Organization determined that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is  “probable in causing cancer in humans.”(Oct 6) But since the announcement, Monsanto immediately tried to pay off scientists and undermine researchers and their findings. This wasn’t a new strategy; Monsanto has been working to control what scientists say about glyphosate for years. He has promised money to universities and arranged trips and speaking tours for supportive scientists. He has cultivated relationships with the researchers so that when studies confirm the unsafe affects of their products, it is ignored and hidden to the public. It is truly sad to see the love of money controlling ones life, at the cost of serious harm to millions of people.

So, why are we able to eat these foods? Why isn’t the government or the FDA doing anything about it? Well, the FDA doesn’t require a safety study nor do they require labeling of GMOs. They allow companies to put their GMO foods on the market without even telling the agency. More information through the blog post of Jeffrey Smith quotes the U.S. Department of Agriculture, their reasoning stated, “they had no information showing that GMO foods were harmful or different then normal “grown in the backyard” foods.” (Nov 14) This was a lie! Various different agencies made it known to the public by a lawsuit to show that the agreement between the FDA’s own scientists was that GMOs can create unpredictable and hard to detect side effects! They fought for long-term safety studies, to be able to really understand what was bring put into our bodies. So, to try and resolve this issues, the White House instructed the FDA to promote biotechnology. Which seems like a great idea right? Later to find out, the agency in charge of policy was Mister Michael Taylor, the former attorney of Mr. Monsanto, later their vice president. He is now the appointed US Food Safety coordinator.

In conclusion, there has been very little assistance in putting GMO and rBGH under ban in the U.S. We are one of the very few countries in the world still allowing citizens to consume rBGH. These injected substances are very harmful to humans, animals, and the planet. We must educate ourselves about the products and food we consume. Government officials are not doing anything about it, so we must protect our families from the harmful everyday chemicals we consume everyday.

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Essay Sauce, GMOs and rGBH should not be allowed in the US. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/environmental-studies-essays/2018-10-18-1539874429/> [Accessed 07-10-24].

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