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Essay: Smart grids – the future of electric power distribution and transmission

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  • Published: 15 October 2019*
  • Last Modified: 29 September 2024
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  • Words: 2,981 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 12 (approx)

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Smart grid

The future of electric power distribution and transmission in the new horn

Smart Grid is the future and the distribution of electrical power in the new horn transport, which depend heavily on the exploitation of renewable energy resources and to achieve optimal utilization of electricity generated and reduce the cost per kilowatt, is also working on the consumer to involve as part of the electricity generation process, and give him several options to buy electricity from more on the one hand, and the electricity transmission lines in these networks will not last long in the exploitation of only half their capacity Existing networks:

Since its emergence into being in the late nineteenth century are doing electricity transmission networks doing well in electrical power transmission in one direction from generating stations to places of consumption often generating stations located far from urban and industrial communities places due to their need to environmental special circumstances such as places of production fuel used, placements, dams and other is electrical power generation on average effort and be submitted using the lift voltage transformers for transport over long distances in the range of hundreds of kilometers and then be cut voltage by using reduced voltage transformers in several stages so as to take advantage of the different levels of effort in industrial applications Different, as well as for the distribution of electricity consumption on the premises.

Renewable energy era:

Governments of the world and woke up to a nightmare alarming for emissions of carbon resulting from burning fossil fuels in addition to the scientific studies that point to the rapid erosion in the land stockpile of oil, therefore the research took place in full swing to find a clean and renewable alternative energy has been possible to generate electricity by exploiting wind power and energy solar and tidal and others.

Generation of electricity using wind

Generation of electricity using solar energy

Generate electricity using tidal

These are linked to the electricity generated in the distribution systems or medium voltage and thus the old view of the electricity networks have not changed obstetrics minor is the beginning of a transmission line but also on distribution areas, and this is the basis on which it was built smart electricity grid.

What about the smart grid (smart grid)?

It is the way the future for the distribution of electrical  energy which is aptly named are smart enough communicate with consumers and interact with them and learn about their needs and meet them and economize on energy consumption and generate electric power from a number of renewable energy sources and predict Ptgosairha and failure, and the reform of the repair systems on their own energy and stores itself on the network and provide a system to provide a unique new generation of hybrid cars (hybrid-cars), electric fuel and therefore the power generation sources in the smart grid are:

Electrical power plants.

Generating in the distribution places.

Renewable energy sources.

And energy storage units.

Good management of loads by encouraging consumers to electricity running in non-peak times and reduce consumption at peak times.

The urgent need to enter the era of smart electricity networks

Smart power grid. . . Energy future in the new century

Smart Grid goals:

The involvement of individuals as an essential part of the network as well as consumers and suppliers of electricity in addition to enabling the consumer to choose the source, who wishes to buy electricity from it and display intraday price per kilowatt.

The use of more environmentally friendly energy.

Reduce dependence on electricity generation of electrical power plants.

Reduce full outage incidents (blackouts).

Increase network capacity and its ability to supply electricity.

Reducing the time required to restore electricity in the event of malfunctions.

Reduce loads summit curve and thus savings in electrical generators and exploit the maximum exploitation of existing ones.

Smart Grid requirements:

To build a smart power grid has to be the development of many devices in all network Kaltoled, transportation, prevention and control, as well as parts of the devices should be available to the consumer to determine his choices Among these devices to be developed:

Advanced measurement devices:

To expect a power outage due to overload and work on coordination between consumers and producers in order to avoid this fault occurs.

Advanced communications systems:

Through the use of power lines to transmit data signals, which allow the storage of information available on the network and improve network control parts.

Energy storage:

Due to the fact that the energy generated from renewable energy sources with variable nature becomes a dependence on this energy is of little use without the presence of a highly efficient energy storage systems.

The benefits of energy storage:

To achieve optimum utilization of energy generated from renewable energy sources.

Lowering loads summit curve.

Voltage strengthen consumer.

Effort to strengthen stability in cases of change intraday electricity (transien stability support)

Consumer empowerment of Skip outages.

Reduce dependence on power plants.

Increase the reliability of electricity sources.

Increase the efficiency of power plants.

Reduce the cost of electrical power.

Methods of energy storage:

The use of electricity in the water to raise the level of high altitude so that this leads to rotate the electric generator when you open the gate as shown in

Air pressure in the underground reservoirs beneath the earth’s surface and take advantage of the reverse operation in recycling electrical generator

Batteries, shipped and used in the event of increased loads or power of the network by converting DC power to AC.

Energy is stored in batteries to exploit solar energy

Energy stored in the batteries through the AC power from the grid

Supercapacitors (super capacitors).

Minute depending on the weather forecasts:

Lead expectation flour depending on the weather to make the most of renewable energy utilization and increases the reliability of the network, as well as more benefits for producers.

Automation for power plants:

Must automation enables the power plant inside the following characteristics:

Local control inside the station.

remote control.

Show what’s going minutes per station and for electrical equipment and devices to prevent something that necessarily lead to better prevention of the network and the best prevention for individuals employed in addition to the station to take accurate decisions in control.

Automation of distribution areas:

This requires the following:

Rapid communications.

Integrate electrical measurements on a wide range and analyzed.

Re electrical system of the state of stability in the event of crashes.

Improving effort among consumers.

Enable consumers to participate in the operation of the network, where can the consumer who owns the stored electrical energy can be sold as well as to determine who buys electricity and the right price.

Sensors (sensors):

It has to be developed so that senses the serious problems and determine their location accurately before they affect network performance.

Smart Grid

Electrical networks generally rely on the use of the seventies of the last century technology. But with advances in the different concepts to generate electric power, and the problems associated with power outages and theft, and also because of the increase in demand, we need a modern network to take advantage of all the needs of consumers, even in noise situations, which leads us to the need for modern networks these networks called “smart grids” smart grid lead and a variety of different functions, it increases the stability of the network, and raise the level of reliability and efficiency in performance, a result that also will reduce the losses and losses in the power transmission line. As a result, smart grids have been designed to allow a two-way process of processing power and to the consumer. It also includes multiple and diverse technologies such as remote sensing and sophisticated measuring devices, in addition to the use of advanced components and which will contribute to the success of the work of the network. We will review Following are the main advantages of smart grid, functions, and techniques used in this type of networks.

Smart networks lack the standard definition, but all the definitions agree on the use of advanced technology to increase the reliability and efficiency of the network, from generation stage to stage, and transportation and distribution is the future vision of better infrastructure for electrical networks. Implementation of smart grid leads to increased dramatically in performance in terms of quality, the linkage mechanism, automation and coordination between producers and consumers and networks, and the use of available data from remote sensing, computing (link computer networks), and communication devices and advanced software. Given that power generation, most plants suffer from foot and transmission lines became senescent stage and this means that they have difficulties in meeting the current needs of electrical power, while the demand can not be reduced at any time, because it is increasing and therefore there is a single solution could be to add More power lines is the use of smart grids, there is a need for more reliable and durable solution. Perhaps the most important step in the transition to a more intelligent electrical system is the use of smart scales.

The most important key points to improve existing electricity networks:

.xiaodh Reliability, efficiency and safety measures in electrical networks, to enable decentralized energy generation feature so that every house is a consumer and provider of electrical power at the same time (provide consumers with tools to manage energy use) interactive. Thakbak flexibility in the power consumption of the consumer side so as to allow him to choose his ability resource (enabling the process of generation and distribution, solar energy, wind power, and some applications of renewable energies)

Smart functions integrated system for smart grid networks Yishml my domain work:

The first range is in the area of follow-up and increase the reliability of transition and includes the following capabilities: improved automatic diagnosis of disorders of the network, and provide better assistance to the operators and who are supposed to respond to network problems quickly automatically when errors occur in the network that will work to isolate the turmoil and prevention areas or minimized successive interruptions of electrical current which can be spread on a large scale. Enable “plug and play” feature is the ability to connect new power plants to the grid, thereby reducing the need for long periods of time to study the connectivity and savings operations in gear, update and provision of modern equipment to the automatic restoration of power is accomplished by a group of sensors (sensor mechanism) with the help of analysis computer data and other sub-components, as well as the ability to redirect the ability to drop sources. And strengthening the management of large amounts of energy from renewable sources (solar and wind power). The second range is consuming power management, and educate the owners of homes and businesses that expensive capacity and can be done by means of special indicators or through personal computers or Web browsers applications. It is expected that consumers will respond to this by reducing the demand for capacity and rationalization of energy consumption and automatically when they are expensive or scarce. This process will be supervised by linking smart standards and consumer devices or home appliances. The smart grid system will be able to automatically detect the error in the distribution path as they happen, and precisely accurate instruments that caused the error to occur and help in finding the optimal error to send special teams to restore service. The smart grid automatically will work to isolate the error area (forming Palace circuit, for example) to try to prevent the spread of a power outage in the smart local area network also will make it easy to install generation and distribution systems (solar panels), and allow a process called “net metering,” an approach that It allows for distributed generation companies to sell excess power to utilities (network instead of feeding people withdraw the ability of them) and thus the functions of the smart grid can be summarized in the following terms:

Resume treatment and find appropriate solutions.

Participation in consumption.

Resistance notification.

Securing high quality with various power generation options.

Enable a wide spread of intermittent generation options (non-permanent).

Advanced innovations components in electrical conductivity high.

Error handling, storage, use power electronics, and diagnosis of components.

These elements affect the capabilities and characteristics of the basic networks. Flexible electrical system devices in the transfer of AC, securing a high effort in the case of DC, the use of ultra-connecting wires (very high conductivity), superconducting power cables, also bear the high temperatures. Produced energy distribution and storage devices Systems, vector vehicle smart appliances are all one of the most important success of this type of network factors in addition to other techniques used in smart grids, and integrated communications that will allow control and time real components of the network, and exchange of information and data to improve system reliability, and Level Security High security and reliability.

Smart grid definition

Smart Grid is the hope awaited dream conscious in the present era of transmission, distribution and consumption of electrical energy and is based on the optimal utilization of electric power production and transport and distribution, and consumption, as well as reduce lost energy lost during transmission of electric power in the electrical system of the same components as well as consumed in the demand side.

The concept of smart grids has emerged into existence over the past decade and electricity companies has been in the world is making unremitting efforts in the transfer of electricity from generating stations to load centers high reliability and super quality, often generating stations located far from the commercial, industrial complexes and installations urban places The population depending on environmental conditions and economic private places such as proximity to the fuel used to produce or positions dams or because of health and social considerations other. Therefore become smart grids salient feature and distinguishing mark in accelerating the relevant scientific research efficient distribution and good consumption between the power supply and consumers, which communicate with the participants to get to know their needs and initiative meeting them, and make them aware of the importance of energy and good use and conservation, as predicted by any failure on its part or failure in their networks The repair systems to reform themselves, and store energy on the network and provide a unique system to provide them at other times «during and outside the times of maximum loads».

Smart grid components

To build a smart grid is essential to develop a variety of devices in all Smart Grid components include the generation, transmission and distribution, protection and control, as well as devices that should be available to the consumer at the same choices and determines the pattern of consumption.

Among the devices that should be developed:

– Gauges minute: to anticipate potential power outages due to overload and then work on the coordination between the supply side and the demand side.

– Advanced communications systems: to allow the storage and transfer of information available signals from the network and ensure control of parts and components, and re-electric system to a state of equilibrium and stability in the event of a sudden breakdowns or unexpected loads increase.

– Storage of energy from renewable sources: There must be a highly efficient storage systems can be reliable and dependable in reducing the maximum levels of consumer loads and enable to avoid sudden interruptions and reduce the cost of electricity production.

– Accurate forecasts depending on the weather: in order to make the most of renewable energy utilization and increase the reliability of the network in order to prevent the occurrence of a deficit in available capacity in power plants and transmission and distribution across networks.

– Sensors: and reliable sensor in serious problems that may arise in the network components where you select the places to be treated accurately and in a timely manner to avoid them before they affect the entire network performance.

– Smart meters to control the consumer : It counters that can be controlled through remote opening and closing of household appliances in a manner that would contribute to the reduction of loads and rising demand during the summer period, and would also help consumers to rationalize consumption and the economy in the operation of air conditioners refrigerators, lamps and other household devices and enables them to control those devices by remote control cell phones or handheld controllers tablet.

Smart network features

The most intelligent network features expand and increase the use of digital information and control technologies, and operational optimization of networks and the exploitation of resources so as to ensure their safety and conservation, and included all the different energy sources including network sources, as well as to standardize the demand and the demand side, energy efficiency, response, and find the same time overlapping self-management techniques real counters, communication and distribution, as well as connect smart devices and equipment consumer electrical system, and the integration of energy storage technologies and reduce the peak load, including self-operating vehicles and mobile air-conditioning as well as by storage

What  is  a synchrophasor?

a phaser is a quantity such as voltage or current  that varies as a sine wave in the electric power system the  nominal frequency of the sine wave is 60 cycles/sec (Hz).


The Main source of energy for electricity. Without electric current, no technology or science could have been probably developed. But there are many problems connected with efficient functioning of the electric grids which cause a dangerous loss of power and may even make severe deficiency in future. Also, the latest advancements in generation of electricity from renewable energy also require a means for effective utilization.

Taking into account the best performance of the grid, smart grids should be developed all over the world So that we have a more transparent, reliable system that allows consumers to save money and use companies to more accurately control electricity..

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