The importance of intellectual capital in the globalization and economic growth of the country.

The globalization of world economy that began in the middle of the twentieth century led to a series of structural transformations and reforms in world’s economic systems, changing the role of the major factors involved in the process of production. To start with, this essay will elaborate and more descriptively analyse the significant aspect of … Read more

Economic growth

1. Introduction: Economic growth, which reflects the overall performance of a country, is one of the most important macroeconomic goals that a country seeks to achieve and maintain. Economic growth in one-way or another refers to the increase of the country’s potential GDP. It must be sustained in order for economic development to be achieved … Read more

Poultry Industry In Nigeria

Poultry refers to all birds of economic value to man, examples include chickens, pigeon, duck, pheasant, quail, guinea fowl and recently ostrich all which belong to the zoological class aves

National Accounts Estimates

National accounts estimates are used to estimate the economic performance of a country and also to provide an indicator for the level of welfare in a country. National income in a year is the main indicator of…

Nigeria’s Economy

Nigeria’s economy inherently resides as a mono cultural based economy. It is characterized as a country with a monolithic economy due to its predominant or high dependence on a particular product

Port competition

In 2008, Freight handling in EU ports fell by 0.5% after almost a decade of continuous growth. The total weight of goods handled in EU-27 maritime ports is estimated at 3.9 billion tonnes. Of these, nearly two thirds were goods unloaded.

Share market in chaina.

In the last two decades, China has shown a spectacular growth in its share of world trade. Although China has already become third largest exporter in the world, a relatively balanced trade account remained in China until recent years.

Transport Operations

Transport operations can be found at different stages of supply chains, from the collection of raw materials to the distribution of final products.