1. Abstract:
In the previous couple of years, a few encryption methods dependent on different algorithms have been proposed intended to secure digital pictures against cryptographic attacks. Chaos-based image encryption algorithms are generally used more often than others but require high computational cost. Moreover, this system is defined on real numbers where as the cryptosystems are defined on finite sets of integers and also these systems are implemented using small keyspaces which is insecure, especially in case of one-dimensional algorithms. The common image encryption algorithms such as DES, AES, RSA and the family of elliptic-curve-based encryption (ECC) are also not helpful for fast and real-time communication applications for image encryption. Due to the high information redundancy some encryption schemes based on permutation have also been found insecure against various attacks.
In our project we are going to develop a code for more secure and fast encryption of images using a unique image encryption algorithm based on Rubik’s cube principle. The pixels of the image are shuffled in a way similar to that of a Rubik’s cube in a random manner using two randomly generated vectors. Then the same vectors are used for performing bitwise operation row-wise and column-wise. The XOR operator is applied to odd rows and columns of image using a key to decrease the association between original and encrypted images. The same key is flipped and applied to even rows and columns of image.
Finally, the algorithm which we used to develop the encryption system (Rubik’s cube principle) not only can achieve good encryption standards and perfect hiding ability but also can resist exhaustive attack, statistical attack and differential attack.
Various research, performance assessment tests and experimental tests done on similar type of image encryption algorithm shows it is suitable for real-time Internet encryption and transmission applications because of its fast encryption/decryption speeds it also demonstrates the robustness of the proposed algorithm against several types of attacks.
Keywords: Rubik’s cube algorithm, XOR operator, Chaos-based image encryption algorithms.
2. Introduction: One page introduction. What are you planning to study?
In the recent age, technology has moved leaps but it has also come with its downsides. One of them is illegal copying of digital intellectual property. Several works have been done to curb this issue. Some of the main ones are done by using encryption. This project focuses on using encryption for protecting digital images. Encryption is a process of transforming data into an unreadable format using certain algorithms to make sure that the data is available to only legitimate users i.e. only authorized parties can access the data.
//////////Mention the works on the reference paper and describe briefly about each paper
The objective of this project is encryption of mainly digital images. There are already well-known encryption methods such as symmetric-key algorithms( DES, AES, IDEA), asymmetric-key algorithms(RSA) and also algorithms based on Elliptic-curve-cryptography in place for data encryption but these are not the most suitable for image encryption. This is mostly applicable in real-time communication or in cases where fast encryption is needed. The proposed encryption schemes in recent years can be mainly classified into categories as, value transformation, pixels position permutation, and chaotic systems.
The protection of images is of particular interest in this project. Traditional image encryption algorithms such as private key encryption standards (DES and AES), public key standards such as Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA), and the family of elliptic-curve-based encryption (ECC), as well as the international data encryption algorithm (IDEA), may not be the most desirable candidates for image encryption, especially for fast and real-time communication applications. In recent years, several encryption schemes have been proposed. These encryption schemes can be classified into different categories such as value transformation, pixels position permutation, and chaotic systems.
The security of image encryption has been extensively studied. Almost some encryption schemes based on permutation had already been found insecure against the ciphertext-only and known/chosen-plaintext attacks, due to the high information redundancy, and it is quite understandable since the secret permutations can be recovered by comparing the plaintexts and the permuted ciphertexts. Generally, chaos-based image encryption algorithms are used more often than others but require high computational cost. Moreover, a chaotic system is defined on real numbers while the cryptosystems are defined on finite sets of integers. One-dimensional chaotic cryptosystems are limited by their small key spaces and weak security in [1, 13].
In this paper, we present a novel image encryption algorithm based on the principle of Rubik’s cube. First-, in order to scramble the pixels of gray-scale original image the principle of Rubik’s cube is deployed which only changes the position of the pixels. Using two random secret keys, the bitwise XOR is applied into the odd rows and columns. Then, the bitwise XOR is also applied to even rows and columns using the flipped secret keys. These steps can be repeated while the number of iteration is not reached. Numerical simulation has been performed to test the validity and the security of the proposed encryption algorithm.
3. Literature Review Summary Table
Authors and Year (Reference)
Title (Study)
Concept / Theoretical model/ Framework
Methodology used/ Implementation
Dataset details/ Analysis
Relevant Finding
Limitations/ Future Research/ Gaps identified
Valeriu Manuel Ionescu
Adrian-Viorel Diaconu
Rubik’s cube principle based image encryption algorithm implementation on mobile devices
This paper presents the implementation of a communication system between multiple mobile devices with imaging sensors, that encrypt the images.The performance and the suitability of the algorithm for mobile devices is investigated.
This paper uses the Rubik cube encryption algorithm to encrypt/decrypt images one at a time and measures the effectiveness of the algorithm on many mobile devices, especially low power devices using Android and Linux as an operating system.
The first test involved the processing speed (encryption) of the devices used. This is compared to the server processing speed.The results show that a mobile device is able to perform encryption for several images in a single second.
The application of Rubik’s cube algorithm in various applications is observed. And its application in mobile services became successful.
The algorithm performance with image size increase is predictable, but stresses the limits of the current mobile platforms. High size images can’t be handled easily.
Khaled Loukhaoukha;
Makram Nabti
Khalil Zebbiche
An efficient image encryption algorithm based on blocks permutation and Rubik’s cube principle for iris images
This paper proposes an efficient image cryptosystem based on permutation and diffusion operations in order to enhance the protection of iris-based systems against replay attacks.
An efficient iris image algorithm based on blocks permutation and Rubik’s cube principle is proposed in order to enhance the security of iris biometric systems against replay attacks.
Data set: CASIA database. Various security analysis have been performed. Exhaustic attack , Differential attack, entropy analysis.
Study of various attacks have been made in the paper and we have utilized them.
B.L. Shivakumar
Year : 2015
Multistage Image Encryption using Rubik’s Cube for Secured Image Transmission
The proposed LSB Steganography along with Rubik’s cube Encryption method provides high security and protects the image during Transmission. The image resolution does not change much and is negligible when the message is embedded into image and the image is protected with magic cube rotation.
Algorithm for multistage image encryption using Rubik’s cube
PSNR Calculation
Multi staging Rubik’s cube algorithm.
The speed of embedding data into the Image is being increased.
Mai Helmy,
El-Sayed M. El-Rabaie,
Ibrahim M. Eldokan,
Fathi E. Abd El-Samie
Year: 2017
3-D Image Encryption Based on Rubik’s Cube and RC6 Algorithm
A novel encryption algorithm based on the 3-D Rubik’s cube is proposed in this paper to achieve 3D encryption of a group of images.
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system
The following analysis are made :
Histogram, Deviation.The correlation coefficient, processing time and the noise immunity.
This proposed encryption algorithm begins with RC6 as a first step for encrypting multiple images, separately. After that, the obtained encrypted images are further encrypted with the 3-D Rubik’s cube. The RC6 encrypted images are used as the faces of the Rubik’s cube. From the concepts of image encryption, the RC6 algorithm adds a degree of diffusion, while the Rubik’s cube algorithm adds a degree of permutation.
K.A.Abitha, Pradeep K.Bharathan
Secure Communication Based on Rubik’s Cube Algorithm and Chaotic Baker Map
Provides a way to solve Issue of protecting the confidentiality, integrity, security, privacy as
as the authenticity of images has become
an important issue for communication and storage of images
This paper uses an efficient
method for image encryption based on Rubi
k’s cube principle with chaotic Baker map is presented. It consists of two layers. The first layer is a preprocessing layer used to improve the security
of the system which is implemented with the chaotic baker map.
In the second layer, the Rubik’s cube principle is utilized. The original image is first converted in to baker mapped image and
then Rubik’s cube principle is applied.
Visual Testing
Analysis of histograms.
Correlation coefficient analysis.
Time analysis.
The use of Rubik’s cube algorithm.
4. Proposed work and implementation
Methodology adapted:
Rubik’s cube algorithm
Hardware and software requirements:
Numpy and Image libraries.
5. Dataset used / Tools used:
a. Where from you are taking your dataset?
b. Is your project based on any other reference project (Stanford Univ. or MIT)?
Yes , our project is the implementation of the following research paper.
Loukhaoukha, K., Chouinard, J. Y., & Berdai, A. (2012). A secure image encryption algorithm based on Rubik’s cube principle. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012, 7.
c. How does your project differ from the reference project?*
* Plagiarism is not permitted, kindly don’t copy someone’s project and pass it off as yours. If found you will get 0 marks for the whole project.
6. Expected Results
7. References
1.Loukhaoukha, K., Chouinard, J. Y., & Berdai, A. (2012). A secure image encryption algorithm based on Rubik’s cube principle. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2012, 7.
2.Ionescu, V. M., & Diaconu, A. V. (2015, June). Rubik’s cube principle based image encryption algorithm implementation on mobile devices. In 2015 the 7th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) (pp. P-31). IEEE.
3.Loukhaoukha, K., Nabti, M., & Zebbiche, K. (2013, May). An efficient image encryption algorithm based on blocks permutation and Rubik’s cube principle for iris images. In 2013 8th International Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications (WoSSPA) (pp. 267-272). IEEE.
4.Gomathi, T., & Shivakumar, B. L. (2015). Multistage Image Encryption using Rubik’s Cube for Secured Image Transmission. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 6(6).
5.Helmy, M., El-Rabaie, E. S. M., Eldokany, I. M., & El-Samie, F. E. A. (2017). 3-D Image Encryption Based on Rubik’s Cube and RC6 Algorithm. 3D Research, 8(4), 38.
6.Abitha, K. A., & Bharathan, P. K. (2016). Secure Communication Based on Rubik’s Cube Algorithm and Chaotic Baker Map. Procedia Technology, 24, 782-789.