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Essay: New security primitive relying on unsolved hard AI problems

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Security means protecting the information perfectly.Security primitives are based on hard mathematical problems.Since security primitives are used as building blocks,they must be very reliable.Since creating security routines are very hard.It involves security primitives are,
1. Designing a new security primitive is very time-consuming and very error prone,even for exports in the field.
2. Security proofs for security primitives are generally not available.
Commonly used primitives,
1. One-way compression function.
2. Authentication.
3. Private key cryptography.
4. Digital signatures.
5. Mix network.
6. Private information retrieval.
7. Commitment scheme.
Using hard AI(Artificial intelligence) is mostly used in puzzles.Captcha is a security technique to protect online email.These are mainly in wide applications are used.
Captcha technology is also called the CaRP(Captcha as a graphical password).The notion is very simple .
Another most important step in more software development process is Literature Survey.Before developing tool it is necessary to determine the time,cost .Once the things are satisfied,then next step is to determine on which operating system and which language should be used for developing the tool.When the developer starts building the tool .It can be used getting from senior programmers,from websites.Before building the system the above more considerations are taken into account for more developing the proposed system.
The most notable primitive invented is based on captcha,which distinguishes human users from more computers by presenting a more challenge i.e.,a puzzle,beyond the capability of computers easy for humans.Captcha is now a standard more internet security technique to protect more online email and other service from being abused by bots.
Disadvantages of the existing system:
• This paradism more achieved just a limited success as compared with the more cryptographic primitives are more based on hard math problems.
• Using very hard AI (Artificial Intelligence) problems for more security.
• In this paper, we present a number of security primitive based on hard AI problems,namely,a more novel family of graphical password systems and more built on top of Captcha technology,which we can mostly call Captcha as graphical password(Ca RP).
• Ca RP is both a Captcha and a graphical password scheme. Ca RP addresses a more number of security problems altogether, such as online more guessing attacks, relay attacks, and,if combine with more dual-view technologies,in more shoulder-surfing attacks.
Advantages of the proposed system:
• Ca RP offers protection against more online dictionary attacks on passwords, which has been long time a major security for various online services.
• Ca RP also offers protection aginst relay attacks an increasing threat to bypass Captchas protection.
• CPU : Pentium IV 2.4 GHZ.
• Hard Disk : 80 GigaBytes.
• Monitor : LCD.
• Keyboard : Standard widows keyboard.
• Mouse : DELL.
• Ram : 512 Megabytes.
• O.S.(Software) : Windows XP.
• Coding Language : Csharp .NET.
• Database : Structured Query language Server 2005.
• Tool : Visual Studio 2008.
Software Environment
Software environment
Following software technologies should be used to implement the system.
5.1:.NET Framework
.Net framework mostly developed by Microsoft.It primarily run on Microsoft windows.It has large class library called called framework class library(FCL).Programs are well written in the .net framework to execute in a software environment called common language runtime(CLR).It is usually provides language more interoperability across several programming languages.
It simplifies application development in the mostly distributed environment of the internet.It provides object-oriented programming environment.It minimizes more of the software development and guarantees safe execution of code.Many types of applications,such as windows-based applications and desktop-applications that can develop using .net framework.
Objectives of .NET framework :
1. To provide a more consistent object-oriented programming environment whether object codes are stored and executed locally on Internet-distributed.
2. To provide a more code-execution environment to minimizes more software deployment and guarantees the most safe execution of code.
3. Eliminates for performance problems.
Common Language Runtime (CLR):
The CLR is the core engine of .NET. It provides the environment in which .net supported programs run.
Some of the features of CLR are:
• Conversion from a mostly low level language,called Intermediate Language(IL),into code native to the which platform being executed on.
• Memory management that supports garbage collection.
• Load and execute programs with version.
• Other features of the .NET framework are,
Managed Code, which is a metadata to describe itself.
Managed Data, which support garbage collection.
Common Type System, which support type safety.
Common Language Specification specifies set of rules using the CLR.
Framework class library (FCL):
.NET provides set of hierarchy of classes.The root of the classes is called system.The root class contains basic types like Byte,Double,Boolean,and string.All objects are derived from system object.Value types are the objects that are allocated in the stack.They are flexible.That is one can more convering value types to object types if necessary.
The set of classes provides collections, file, screen, and networkI/O, threading as well as more XML and database connectivity.
The class library was subdivided into a number of sets are called namespaces, each providing distinct areas of functionality.
Languages supported by .NET:
Following are the some of the languages that are supported by framework
Visual Basic
Visual C++
Visual J#
Visual Perl
Visual Python
Visual Basic.NET is a CLS compliant, that is,that mostly CLS compliant language can use the classes,objects,and components that are usually created in Visual Basic.NET.
Managed Extensions for mostly C++ and attributed programming are just more of the enhancements made to the C++ language.It simplify mostly using the task of migrating with existing C++ applications into .NET framework applications.
C# is Microsoft’s new language.It’s a C/C++ style language with .net more support.It has more standard library of its own it has been designed use the .NET libraries as its own.
Microsoft Visual J# .NET more provides the easiest transition for more java-language developers into the world of XML web services and dramatically more improves the language interoperability of java language programs with more existing software written in a variety of mostly from other programming languages.
Active State has mostly created Visual Perl and Visual Python, they support .NET aware applications to be more built in either Perl or Python.
5.2 MSSQL:
Microsoft SQL server is a mostly relational database management system developed by Microsoft.It is a important database server.Its main functions are storing,retrieving and editing the data.There are several number of SQL server versions are available in the market.
The objects that SQL server database consists as shown below:
A database is a collection of relational tables.Table is a collection of records.Record is a collection of fields about a more specific topic.
Views of table:
We can work with a table mostly in two types.
1. Design view.
2. Datasheet view.
1. Design view:
To build or modify the structure of a table mostly we work in the table design view.We can specify what type of data it should be hold.
2. Datasheet view:
Datasheet view helps to insert, retrieve, edit or analyses the data.
A query is a request that can be asked the database server.SQL gathers that a from one or more table and respond to the request.We can delete, update data using queries.
It will used to display the total design.
The feasibility of the project is analyzed in this phase.and business proposal and general plan for the project described.And also specifies cost estimation.During system analysis is the feasibility study of the proposed system should be done.This ensures that the proposed system is not a burden to the company.For feasibility analysis,understanding of the system requirements are necessary.
There are three key considerations in the feasibility study.
They are:
• Economical level feasibility.
• Technical level feasibility.
• Social level feasibility.
6.2: Economical feasibility
Economical feasibility mostly study checks the economic impact that the system will have on the organization.The amount that the company can invest into the research and development of the system is limited.The company expenditures should be more minimized.In a way developed system should be within the budget of the company and this was achieved by the technologies are available freely.Only the customized products had to be purchased.
6.3: Technical feasibility
Technical feasibility study checks the technical requirements of the system.The system should be developed in a way it can run in minimum technical resources are possible.This will not lead high demands on the available technical resources.This will not lead to high demands being placed on the client.The final system must have a modest requirement.And also only minimal or zero changes are required for implementing the system.
6.4: Social feasibility
The social feasibility study checks the level of acceptance of the system by the end user.This includes the mostly process of user training.So that user can user the system efficiently.The user should accept the system as a easy as possible.The user should not feel more threatened by the system.The level of acceptance by the users is depends on the methods that are employed to educate the user more about the system and make him familiar with the mostly system.The level of confidence must be raised.So that the user is able to make some constructive criticism like he is the final user of the system.
The project implementation stage turns the theoretical design into a working system.It also gives the user,the more confidence that the new system will work efficiently.The implementation of the stage involves planning, investigation of existing system and more specify constraints in its implementation,designing of methods to achieve more changeover and evaluation of changeover methods.
7.1 Modules Description
There are mostly four modules in the system as discussed below:
1. Graphical password
2. Captcha in authentication
3. Guessing attacks
4. Security of underlying captcha.
1. Graphical password
It is an authentication for security system that works user to select images in a particular order.
2. Captcha in authentication
Authentication is the process of more proving one identity to someone else.Authentication must be done in the basis of more messages and data exchanged as apart of an authentication protocol.
3. Guessing attacks
These attacks are highly effective and feasible.Generally guessing means lattery.
4. Security of underlying captcha
Computational more intractability in recognizing objects in CaRP image is fundamental to CaRP.
8.1 Design Analysis
UML diagrams:
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard and general purpose of modelling language in the field of mostly object-oriented software engineering.The standard is created and managed by the Object Management Group.
The goal of UML is used to create models for object oriented computer software.In its current form UML has two major components: One is Meta model and the other is notation.
The unified modeling language is a standard language for specifying, graphically visualization, programmatically constructing and documenting the artifacts of software/non software systems.
The UML is a collection of best engineering practices which are successfully proven in the modelling of large and complex systems.
The UML is a very use full for developing OOS (Object oriented software).The UML uses graphical notations to express the logical design of software projects.
8.2 Class Diagram
The diagrams reveals the static design view of a system and includes few active classes which are used in addressing the static process view of a system.The class diagram consists of classes,interfaces and collaborations.The main purpose of class diagrams is to visualize,specify and document the structural modelling.
Fig:Class diagram.
8.3 Usecase Diagram
Which are used to model the systems behavior.It represents most graphical overview of the most system functionality interms of 1.Actors, 2.Their goals and 3.Any dependencies between usecases.The usecase mostly does not reveal the classifiers internal structure.Here,an actor can be either a user or an entity or another system.
Fig:Usecase diagram.
8.4 Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram is interaction diagrams that shows how processes operate with one another and sequence of the messages.Sequence diagrams are also called event diagrams or event scenarios or timing diagrams.
Fig: Sequence Diagram.
8.5 Collaboration diagram:
Collaboration diagrams organizes various objects participating in an interaction orderly.These objects can interact with each other using various messages.Thus,in short we can say that collaboration diagrams consists of an objects,links and messages.The name of the most objects are also refer to the instance of components,nodes etc. to which they are related.
The most important feature of the collaboration diagram is that,it is used to model dynamic view of the system.
Fig: Collaboration Diagram.
8.6 Statechart diagram:
Statechart diagrams illustrates the behavior corresponding to an interface,collaboration or a class.Hence,in this way it reflects the dynamic aspects of a given system to be modeled.Statechart diagrams encompasses the state machine which specifies various states,transitions,events and activities
Fig: Statechart Diagram.
8.7 Component diagram:
A component is a physically existing part in a system.Executable files,.dlls,object files etc.represent various components,which can exist on a node.They are replaceable and supports openness and adaptability.The diagrams which incorporate these components along with their relationships to model the physical aspects of a system are called as component diagrams.The class diagrams show the logical aspects of a system.Thus,when we have to decide which physical things would be available on a node like executable files,source codes,.dlls,tables etc,we use component diagrams.It is just a collection of vertices and arcs.
When we have to decide the way the source code is to be organized or the way the database is to be laid or the manner in which the executable files of a project are to be implemented,we use component diagrams.
Fig: Component diagram.
8.8 Deployment diagram:
A deployment diagram is a special type of class diagram that is used to represent the configuration of the nodes along with their residue components.
These diagrams may include the deployment of various processors and peripheral devices on which the software is implemented.Thus,we can visualize the layout of these physical nodes and the way these nodes link with each other.It is nothing but visualizing a scenario of systems nodes and their internal components at run-time.The deployment diagram is a collection of vertices and arcs that contain nodes and their associated relationships.The detailed specifications can be shown through the use of notes and constraints.
The most common uses of a deployment diagram are designing of a distributed systems,designing of a client-server system and designing systems with embedding concepts.
Fig: Deployment diagram.
User Login Code is as shown below:
namespace CapchaAsGraphical
public partial class Login : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnimg.Visible = false;
pnimg.Visible = true;
protected void imgTeddy_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Label3.Text = “Teddy”;
Label3.Visible = true;
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session[“un”] = txtName.Text;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[“connection”].ToString());
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“select * from Signin where Name='” + txtName.Text + “‘ and ImageName='” + Label3.Text + “‘”, con);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), “alertMessage”, “alert(‘Login Failed’)”, true);
catch(Exception ex)
protected void ImageButton2_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Label3.Text = “Mikky”;
Label3.Visible = true;
protected void ImageButton3_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Label3.Text = “ZooZoo”;
Label3.Visible = true;
protected void ImgDolly_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Label3.Text = “Dolly”;
Label3.Visible = true;
protected void ImgBarbe_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Label3.Text = “Barbe”;
Label3.Visible = true;
protected void ImgAngel_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Label3.Text = “Angel”;
Label3.Visible = true;
protected void ImgTom_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Label3.Text = “Tom”;
Label3.Visible = true;
protected void ImgJerry_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Label3.Text = “Jerry”;
Label3.Visible = true;
protected void ImgTiger_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Label3.Text = “Tiger”;
Label3.Visible = true;
User registration Code is as shown below:
namespace CapchaAsGraphical
public partial class Registration : System.Web.UI.Page
public SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[“connection”].ToString());
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFname.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEmail.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAddress.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAge.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPhno.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCity.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtState.Text))
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), “alertMessage”, “alert(‘please enter all fields’)”, true);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“insert into Signin values(‘” + txtFname.Text + “‘,'” + txtEmail.Text + “‘,'” + txtAge.Text + “‘,'” + txtPhno.Text + “‘,'” + txtAddress.Text + “‘,'” + txtCity.Text + “‘,'” + txtState.Text + “‘,'” + drList.SelectedValue.ToString() + “‘)”, con);
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), “alertMessage”, “alert(‘registered Successfully’)”, true);
txtFname.Text = “”;
txtEmail.Text = “”;
txtAge.Text = “”;
txtPhno.Text = “”;
txtAddress.Text = “”;
txtCity.Text = “”;
txtState.Text = “”;
catch(Exception ex)
Account Details code is as shown in below:
namespace CapchaAsGraphical
public partial class AccountDetails : System.Web.UI.Page
public SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[“connection”].ToString());
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
try {
if (!IsPostBack)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[“connection”].ToString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“Select * from Signin where Name='” + Session[“un”].ToString() + “‘”, con);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
txtName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString();
txtEmail.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][2].ToString();
txtage.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][3].ToString();
txtPhno.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][4].ToString();
txtAddress.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][5].ToString();
txtCity.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][6].ToString();
txtState.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][7].ToString() }
catch(Exception ex)
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[“connection”].ToString());
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(“Update Signin set Name='” + txtName.Text + “‘,Email='” + txtEmail.Text + “‘,Age='” + txtage.Text + “‘,Phoneno='” + txtPhno.Text + “‘,Address='” + txtAddress.Text + “‘,City='” + txtCity.Text + “‘,State='” + txtState.Text + “‘”, conn);
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), “alertMessage”, “alert(‘Details Updated Successfully’)”, true);
catch(Exception ex)
} }
Upload file code is as shown in below:
namespace CapchaAsGraphical
public partial class Uploadfile : System.Web.UI.Page
{ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void btnUplaod_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ string fn = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FUpload.PostedFile.FileName);
string SaveLocation = Server.MapPath(“~”) + “” + fn;
string path = “~/images” + fn;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[“connection”].ToString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“insert into UploadFile values(‘” + fn + “‘)”, con);
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this,this.GetType(),”alertMessage”, “alert(‘File Uploaded Successfully’)”, true);
catch(Exception ex)
System Testing
Testing is the process of executing a given software with an intention of finding bugs in it.It is one of the essential steps in software development life cycle.Hence, it is the responsibility of the coder into build an error free software.
Unit testing
The process of executing a single unit or module without and effecting more modules present in the software and comparing actual outputs with the predefined outputs in the component level design description document.It focussed on internal processing logic of a module.Moreover,various units can be simultaneously tested by parallel performing unit testing for each unit.
Generally, five tests are carried out for testing:
1. Interface.
2. Local more data structures.
3. Boundary conditions.
4. Independent of the paths.
5. Error handling paths.
Integration testing
As soon as unit testing ends the components are integrated or combined to form a single architecture and any errors resulting from such integrations are uncovered.This process is called integration testing.Thus, integration testing is not just testing but also most building the software architecture.
System Test
In a computer-based system,there is more than software i.e.,hardware,operating system etc.,Thus,once the software is developed,it must be integrated with other elements and tested.This type of testing is called system testing,which is not a part of the development life cycle.The software engineering is not solely responsible for conducting system testing as the system engineer is the one that actually performs system testing.The only responsibility of the software engineering is to sit with the system engineer and check if there are any errors due to software development.Even this can be avoided if the software engineering takes extreme care while designing,planning and testing the software.
White Box Testing
White Box Testing deals with the more internal logic and structure of the data program code.In white box testing,test cases are derived based on the knowledge of software structure and its implementation.The tester can analyze the code and make use of the knowledge about structure to derive test data.Using white-box testing,the tester can detect which module or unit is not functioning properly.Branch testing and path testing are the techniques used in white box testing.
Black Box Testing
Black Box Testing is sometimes called as functional testing/behavioral testing.It is an effective and efficient approach used to concentrate on the inputs, outputs and principle function of a more software system more module.In black-box testing, the test of a more software is based on system specifications rather, than on code.Thus, the system is assumed to be black box in which behaviour can only mostly determined by studying its inputs, outputs and functional requirements of the software.
Black box testing is helpful to software engineers in order to understand the set of input conditions, which define overall functional requirements of a program. Black box testing is performed after studying the white box testing that prints to the control of the system.
10.1: Unit Testing
Unit testing is usually conducted as part of the entire life cycle of the project.There are two phases in unit testing they are one is test strategy and the other is approach.
Fields testing will be performed manually.Also,functional tests should be written in detail.
Test objectives
• All the field more entires must work properly.
• Pages should be activated from the identified link.
• Screens,messages and responses should not be delayed.
Features to be Tested
• Verify that are entries are correct format.
• There is no duplicate entries should be allowed.
• All links should be work properly.
10.2: Integration Testing
Software integration testing is the incremental integration testing of more than one integrated software components.And it finds out product failures and defects.
Integration test verifies all components of the entire software applications,for example e.g. components in the system or entire system at the company level should run without any errors.
Test Results: All the test cases mentioned should be passed successfully.No defects should be encountered.
10.3: Acceptance Testing
User Acceptance Testing is a critical phase of any project. It also ensures that the system meets the more functional requirements.
Test Result: All the test scenarios mentioned should be passed successfully.No defects should be encountered.
Home page:
Registration page:
Code verify:
Fig: 11-3.
Login page:
Fig: 11-4.
User account page:
Fig: 11-5
File uploading page:
Fig: 11-6.
Details of uploaded files:
We have proposed Ca RP,a new security primitive relying on unsolved hard AI problems.Ca RP is both a captcha and a most graphical password scheme.The notion of Ca RP which introduces a new family of more graphical passwords,which adopts a new approach to counter more online guessing attacks:a new Ca RP image,which is also a captcha challenge,is used for every we have login attempt to make more trials of an online guessing attack computationally more independent of each other.A password of Ca RP can be found only probabilistically by automatic online guessing attacks including more brute force attacks,a desired security property in which graphical password schemes lack.Hotspots in Ca RP images can no longer be exploited to automatic online guessing attacks of an inherent vulnerability in many graphical password systems.Ca RP forces most adversaries to resort to significantly more efficient and more costly human-based attacks.In addition to offering more protection from online guessing attacks,Ca RP is also resistant to Captcha relay attacks,and,if combined with more dual-view technologies,shoulder-surfing attacks.Ca RP can also help reduce spam emails sent from a web email service.
Our more usability study of two Ca RP schemes we have implemented is more encouraging.For example,more participants considered Animal Grid and Click Text easier to use than pass points and a more combination of text password and Captcha.Both Animal Grid and Click Text had like better password memorability of the more conventional text passwords.On the otherhand,the usability of Ca RP can be further improved by using in which images of different levels of difficulty based on the most useful login history of the user and the machine used to log in.The optimal trade-off between more security and usability remains an more open question for Ca RP, and further studies are needed to refine Ca RP for actual deployments.
We have used the following references:
References Made From:
1. Programming with ASP.NET,-N.joshi.
2. Microsoft Azure,url is http://www.microsoft.com/azure/
3. Quality of service for consistency,-L.Veiga, J.Silva and S.Estevez.
4. User Interfaces in CSharp-MacDonald.
5. Secure primitive data-E.L.Miller.

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Essay Sauce, New security primitive relying on unsolved hard AI problems. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/computer-science-essays/new-security-primitive-relying-on-unsolved-hard-ai-problems/> [Accessed 17-01-25].

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