Self Awareness Essay

Self awareness means understanding oneself, being aware of your own capabilities and limitations and knowing what you truly enjoy and hope to get out of life. …

significance of job design

Organizing the resources is the key to the success of any buniness.The business functions and produces better outcomes when the components are more organised and efficient.

Social entrepreneurship

In any analytical paper that deals with the academic and application components, definition of the concepts have always been challenging because of at least two reasons. On the one hand, it has to be easy for reference by policy makers when they want to draw from such references for policymaking and conversely academicians should be able to draw from the existing policies to formulate or refine the concepts.

Rention of Employees

The level of retention of employees differs through out industry sectors, some organisations suffer from internal problems that increases turnover of their key employees…

Sales planning and operations

Personal selling occurs where an individual salesperson sells a product, service or solution to a client. Salespeople match the benefits of their offering to the specific needs of a client.

Introduction to Management

In large organisations, management represents the key factor that propels businesses and industries to attain growth and development. The rise of modern organisations is not only due to the rapid advancements in technology and communications…