Home > Business essays > Effect of training and development for enhancing employee performance (McDonalds)

Essay: Effect of training and development for enhancing employee performance (McDonalds)

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  • Subject area(s): Business essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 20 February 2022*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,105 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: McDonald's essays

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In this essay I will be talking about the effect of training and development for enhancing the performance of employees. The company I will be discussing about is McDonalds.

McDonald’s is a fast food restaurant. McDonald’s has 35,000 restaurants in 100 different countries all over the world. Around more than four million people work at McDonalds right now. The restaurant has 70 million customers every day and this is more than France’s population. In 2014, IBISWorld said McDonald’s has the biggest share in the United States fast food restaurant industry with 17%. Their biggest competition only had 11%.

Companies in the restaurant industry use lots of different techniques to be different from the rest. McDonald’s tries to do this by giving an amazing experience to their customers by using this saying: quality, service, cleanliness, and values (or QSC&V) (Yahoo is now a part of Verizon Media, 2020).

Training is what you use to learn the skills that you need for your job (Training definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary, 2020). Development means having the improvement of something. (Development definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary, 2020). To meet McDonald’s company objective and enhance employee performance, it is very important to have training and development for their employees at all levels. If Employees learn new skills, they can do their jobs better and serve customers better. This will increase McDonalds profits.

Career Development is all the things that people must have to undertake, and the entire organization have to do as well to contribute to development, learning, ability and moving job to job. Career Development is based on managing talent and involves planning careers, having personal development plans, having a personal career map, planning how to get promoted, and learning how to do your job properly.

McDonald’s has Philosophy of Career Development. They focus on employee personal growth and development by managing their talent with objectives to help them to perform at their very best and to get career satisfaction. The more satisfied they are, the more they will want to work hard and stay at McDonald’s.

McDonald’s believe in lifelong learning. They give training and development to all of their employees at all levels to help them improve their skills and do better in their current level or move on to another higher level in the McDonalds company.

Hamburger University is McDonald’s Centre that they use for training. Fred Turner created Hamburger University in 1961. He used to be a McDonald’s senior chairman. He founded Hamburger University in Elk Grove Village which is in Illinois, America and was inside the basement of a McDonald’s restaurant.

McDonald’s is the first ever company to develop a global training center and they get recognised for their excellent training. After it was created, training happening at Hamburger University was all about service, restaurant operations procedures, cleanliness and quality. Hamburger university is now known as McDonald’s global center of excellence for the company’s leadership and operations training (TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT, 2020).

The university was aimed to teach workers who were employed by McDonald’s in the different parts of managing a restaurant. McDonald’s mission is to be the best trainer and to develop talent for people who like to work hard for Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value in the world. 5,000 students have gone to Hamburger University every year since 1961. 80,000 owner-operators, restaurant managers, and not as senior managers have all graduated from Hamburger university. (Hamburger University, 2020)

McDonald’s has a Global Mobility Program. The Global Mobility Program improves the development of their leaders by giving employees understanding into McDonald’s global operations. A global program gives them the opportunity to experience living and working in a global location that is new for them and supports their employees to get the most of out the unique experience on both personal and professional levels.

McDonald’s also does a leadership development program.

As our world is changing and McDonald’s faces many difficulties in business, they need managers who can make and create a change in McDonald’s to bring the company to new heights. McDonald’s future success needs leadership and they don’t need leadership just in management roles, but actually for all employees in the company. They expect all the employees in McDonald’s to have the company values and to show strong leadership skills. It does not matter what their job or level is (training and development, 2020) (2020).

McDonald’s also have Induction training. This has Meetings to welcome new employees, a Development Programme, on-the-job training because staff learn quicker and more when they are practicing, classroom training sessions and here they have to complete workbooks about quality, service and cleanliness. After three moths the employees have a performance rating and they are either kept or fired.

After induction training all of the employees go through a personal training program which has no time limit. It happens when they are working. The training is called the ‘one best way’. It is about McDonald’s business. It starts with meeting and greeting customers, to making the food and cleaning store floors. To keep the job fun staff members, have lots of different roles so they don’t get bored with the same one. Training is given and judged in lots of different ways such as e-learning modules, ‘shoulder to shoulder’ and classroom programs. The purpose of training was to have skilled employees who can do their job properly and maintain McDonald’s ‘Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value’ saying.

So, the main Methods of training are classroom, e-learning, on the job and job rotation. These training involved leadership and successful coaching, Time management, Staff discipline, Financial processes, and Learning to manage shifts etc.


It has been witnessed that a restaurant that has the manager take a hands-on approach to employee training, the employee performance there is good.

Regular, good and effective training brings advantages like having employees satisfied with their jobs which enhances their performance, customer reviews, more company profits and gives lower staff turnover (Khatri, 2020)

Past research shows there are lots of people that have the good academic degrees and qualifications, but they are not ready yet or can’t perform job tasks successfully. That is the reason why lots of big companies like McDonalds have to do development sessions and training for their employees to give them the chance to improve their skills so that they can become ready for helping to improve McDonald’s performance. Training and development also makes employees more satisfied with their jobs, gives them better professional skills and makes the McDonalds employees all better for customers.


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