SME Corp,(2017) Malaysia provides assistance and support for business startups at different stages of growth and strives to build a vibrant start-up landscape where innovative start-ups can flourish and grow in a sustainable manner. Definition of Startup is the business that is run in less than 6 months in operations.
1.7.2 SKILL
Bygrave, (1993) Skill is defined there as general management skill involving oral presentation, use of power, diagnosis, and decision making. It involves managing established resources in established settings. In comparison, we conceive of new resources skill as relating to resources that are new to the organization. The entrepreneur’s skill with integration, or systematization, of resources may makes or break a start-up. Indeed, entrepreneurship has been described as the acquisition, combination, and redeployment of resources to provide new product and services through new organizations to new market
Johnson and Sherraden, (2007) “Money related ability is both an individual and basic thought. It consolidates a man’s capacity to act with their chance to act. Along these lines, individuals can comprehend, evaluate, and act in their best budgetary intrigue” to be in money related capacity, individuals must be approach monetary items and administrations that permit demonstration in their best budgetary premium. Together, capacity and openings add to a man’s money related working in ways that prompt enhanced monetary prosperity and life shots.
Jaskiewicz and al., (2015) Families support is promptly trade, offer, and process encounters and data, encourage the amassing of involvement in various ranges, promptly help each other, and hence use the effect of instrumental family bolster towards the acknowledgment of the entrepreneurial activity. Zahra, (2012) It is learning business people originating from firm families may feel a solid good commitment to quicken their sorting out exercises to respond the social and money related support offered by relatives.
Kelantan’s student in their challenges in starting their business and explained the scope also significant of the study about this research. The first section describe the background and the relevant of business start-up among the students. For the second section, is about the statement of problem which deal with the measurement of student’s challenges in starting the business. There were three objectives in this study which is to examine the existence of barriers for UMK student in starting their business, to identify the opinion of the UMK students regarding the obstacles that we list in starting a business, and to finds the solutions in helping UMK students in addressing this issue. While, the significance of the study also are stated. Last but not lease, is described the operational definition of the variables used in the conceptual model.
2.2.1 SKILL
According to A. Basu and M. Virick, (2008) for the lack of skill are contact to entrepreneurship studies is a certain impact to the students’ attitude for the students toward entrepreneur and intention to choose it is as their jobs in future. Moreover, also pointed out the connection of exposure education and perceived behavior control or entrepreneurial self-motivated, for the factor that affects the formation of individual intention, which will be set later in this research.
After, according to N. Q. Mai and P. T. Anh, (2013) the influence of the content of undergraduate programs to entrepreneurship is mentioned. The author said that training programs were very important to the students went they have end of the studies in University.
For the new resource skill in the studies, went we have a new resources skill in business, we can set up the business and we can grow an organization. Bhide, (2000) Entrepreneur’s new resources skill involves finding capital and human resources and set-up new operations and new systems. The successful entrepreneurs should know how to search for and acquire financial and human resources shortages, and extreme uncertainly
We can see that the new resources skill and organizational skill is the same in the studies as studied in Baum and al., (2001) furthermore, general management skill involving oral presentation, use of power, diagnosis, and decision making is a organizational skill. It involves managing established resources in established settings. As relating to resources that are new to the organization we can conceive of new resources skill. Bygrave, (1993) the resources may break a start-up that entrepreneur’s skill with integration, or systematization. Indeed, acquisition, combination, and redeployment of resources to provide new product and services through new organization to new market is the meaning of entrepreneurship. Moreover, to arrange and organize resources are predictors of new venture success suggested by Smith and Smith (2000) for the entrepreneurs’ successful effort. Indeed, the researcher said experience limited growth because students and entrepreneur lack new resources skill or fail to employ individuals who are skilled with resources Timmon, (2000). Thus, we hypothesized direct effects upon venture growth.
Taking after earlier research, we quantified entrepreneurial encounter as the quantity of past endeavors established Stuart and Abetti, (1990). In particular, a solitary overview thing requested that respondents report “the quantity of new pursuits begun preceding the establishing of your present business”. Forbes, (2005) we utilize the genuine number of new pursuits begun as our review variable. Zhao and al., (2005) this approach was taken in light of the fact that some extra learning ought to happen each time a business visionary begin another new pursuit. As such, information of the entrepreneurial procedure ought to build each time that an individual continues through establishing an extra new pursuit Wright and al., (1998).
According to the Fatoki, Olawale Alufunso, (2010) young people is most of the failure in business because they lack of business skills. Most of the fresh graduates have not the required managerial skill said by Papulova and Makros, (2007) Graduate entrepreneurs, be they technicians, accountants or social researchers, requires skills in the field of management and these skills, especially technical skills seem to be lacking when it comes to business development over the long term. Reduced management capacity in new firms in South Africa has been confirm that lack of education and training by the Herrington and Wood, (2007) one of the reasons for the low level for the entrepreneurial creation and the high failure rate of new business. Development of managerial competencies does not been promote in term of quality and context of the educational system. According to Herrington et al., (2009) the local entrepreneurs and graduate entrepreneurs have poor business and managerial skills because of the quality of entrepreneurship training apart from academic qualification is poor.
Azyyati Anuar et al., (2013) there are a few reviews has been done corresponded to business and entrepreneurial aptitudes and particularly about boundaries to fire up among understudies. Giocamin, Janssen, Pruett, Shinnar, llopis & Toney, (2010) has found that lack of financial, lack of knowledge and experience are clearly identified as the barriers to start-up the business among the Indian students compared to the Chinese, Spanish and Belgian students. Robertson et al., (2003) towards the obstructions to fire up the business among Metropolitan Leeds University has coming about around 22 percent of understudies does not have expectation to open up the business because of absence of thought or chance to put enthusiastically.
Though they lack of knowledge, but still they have guts and entrepreneurial spirit to make an effort. Giocamin, et al., (2010) had purposed, based on their findings that entrepreneurship education programs in India place an emphasis on the support services available to aspiring entrepreneurs and to strengthen students management skills. Linan, (2008) on his research has suggested education and exercise initiatives trying to increase entrepreneurial potential in the participant should include workshops specifically addressed to the development of those entrepreneurial skills. In this way, if an understudy begun without preparation, private venture can be an extraordinary source of data and useful involvement concerning maintaining a business and enhancing the business abilities.
According to Aris (2007), the important went we have a sufficient capital to start-up the business. With the huge capital, particularly at the start up stage, must have the capability to produce product, marketing, and managing the business.
The idea of finance means capacities and openings: Financially individuals have both the capacity and the chance to enhance their monetary prosperity by acting to their greatest advantage Johnson and Sherraden, (2013) implies that who’s that have money related ability can go the following stride of beginning their business. In support of the Pikketty’s hypothesis on finance capacity. General population that are not able and influences the intergenerational degrees of profitability.
In business start-up, the entrepreneur are contribute not only by his managerial skills able, but also contribute with his financial capital. The theory of transaction costs defined by Williamson, (1988) implies that the specific assets generate quitrents for start-up the business. The asset specificity for start-ups gives rise to two main problems. The first is related to the lowest net asset value. The second is related to the “hold-up problem” due to the specific human capital which gives rise to the opportunism problem. In business start-up, the entrepreneur will contribute not only by his managerial skills but also contribute with his ‘financial capital’, his knowledge and his human capital.
In the same note, Fleming, (1996) in her longitudinal study on Ireland University students’ attitudes towards business ownership process argued that several obstacles that militate against entrepreneurship, such as lack of experience, or lack of finance, which hinder the path towards university students preferred future career choice
As per the examination in logical writing Mueller and Thomas, (2001), reasons and deterrents for youth’s unwillingness to work together as well as get required in enterprise can be partitioned into two gatherings: The first are inherent elements, including social mental, statistic and social-monetary variables, and in addition individual’s attributes, values, abilities, observation and conduct; The second one are extraneous elements, brought about by market (fund, work advertise, data) flaws. Zidonis, (2012) to take out these impediments different EU support and youth enterprise cultivating measures are connected, such as, the utilization of finance building instruments mitigates the absence of money related capital by youngsters to some degree, while the association of enterprise preparing lifts business person’s notoriety in the general public and advances business creation as a vocation open door for youth.
Assessment of Youth Entrepreneurship Encouragement Measures, (2012) with changes in the labor market, youth is in a less advantageous position than the rest of the society in a sense of involvement in the labor market and business due to a lack of knowledge, abilities, financial and social capital, as well as professional experience.
Atherton, (2012) Though equity gap is not a directly important condition of efficient functioning and development of business start-ups in the market, bad proportions in the structure of start-ups financing is the real problem. Here is a very important question: does a limited access to venture capital funds effectively reduce the creation and development of start-up companies? The answer is not so obvious. The financing gap, understood as a lack of funding opportunities for companies in the early stages of development, certainly is a factor strongly limiting or even excluding the activities of start-ups. At the same time, it doesn’t mean that the role of the VC is so exceptional. Geronikolaou and Papachristou, (2012) proved the development of financing needs in innovative start-ups provokes a development but the development of start-ups is definitely not the result of the activity of VC funds.
Sánchez, (2013) Initial, a person’s mentality toward a specific sort of conduct cannot decided their expectations. This is seen as the weighted whole of the apparent outcomes and the likelihood of various outcomes from that conduct, including inherent prizes. The second variable is seen social standards. This implies the convictions of important gatherings and performers, for example, family and companions, will influence one’s expectations to wind up plainly an entrepreneur.
Pruett, Shinnar, Toney, Llopis, & Fox, (2009) with through our journal found that businesses that have a family member or a close relative who is or was a business owner increase the likelihood of self-employment for these individuals can serve as role models. This not only applies to the family or next of kin, but to set one’s close friends and acquaintances. This may be because they can take a closer look in the travel business. Those who have family or close friends who are involved in business will gain exposure directly and indirectly through the experiences of those who have no business background would be less interested in air commerce as considering it too risky. Exposure to entrepreneurs not only provide someone with familiarity, but with an experienced network who can provide advice, insight, and encouragement.
Spender, Corvello, Grimaldi, & Rippa, (2017) In view of what you comprehend from perusing, their entrepreneurial intentions decrease in business understudies as they advance in their reviews and their nearer contact with business reality. Be that as it may, the expectation of enhancing understudy enterprise regarding business understudies when they select the alternative of working an alternate future for work out in the open organization. Buang & Yusof, (2006) as the closest environment, the support of family can create the interest in joining business field. The family plays a pivotal role in inspiring children to choose entrepreneurial careers; parents also tend to encourage their children to take a more challenging career that allows self-freedom and independence. In choosing that the individual is impacted by different elements, for example, work involvement, inspiration, identity, family condition and the standards of society, and different impacts of both has been the principle center of the clarification of the development of new organizations set up by non-part economies and it is this approach has been received in our examination of the inspiration for the foundation of new organizations.
In conclusion, as the mentioned above all the dependent and independent variables are supported each other. The further explanations of the variables will be explain in this chapter. Through this chapter, we will know which independent variables are the stronger related to the dependent variable.
This section is about how the researchers carried out this research. This section includes the population and sampling, and analysis plan. It will explain in detail about each stage in running this research. This section will give the readers more understand how this research was conducted by the researchers. In this research, the researcher will describes the method and technique that use to achieve the aims of this study which includes research design, research instrument, population, sampling design, source of data and also analysis technique. The data is collecting using the quantitative method.
DV: Start-up new business
IV: Skill challenges, financial challenges, and family support challenges
Figure 3.1: Research Framework
The research framework in the figure 1 above shows the relationship between skill, financial, families support and challenge for start new business.
The following hypotheses established to answer the research questions:
Hypothesis 1
H0: There is no relationship between skill challenges and business start-up
H1: there is a relationship between skill challenges and business start-up
Hypothesis 2
H0: There is no relationship between financial challenges and business start-up
H2: There is a relationship between financial challenges business start-up
Hypothesis 3
H0: There is no relationship between family support challenges and business start-up
H3: There is a relationship between family support challenges and business start-up
The research design of this study is quantitative method by using the questionnaire, the questionnaire will be distributed among University Malaysia Kelantan students at Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business (FKP) and Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness (FHPK) that consists of seven courses. The data collected will assist researchers in accessing the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable through this research design which involve the planning and structuring research design and activities. This research method uses because the quantitative data are collect through questionnaire. This researcher’s use correlation method for analysis the data has been collected. The questionnaire consists of the information of age, gender, ethnicity, courses of study, and etc. this questionnaire includes two section A and B which is related with demographic variable, dependent variable and independent variables. The questionnaire was form by 20 questions.
The sampling technique we use are stratified random sampling. The researchers ensure that the population has an independent chance of being selected to be part of the sample and there are no possibilities of bias Salkind, (2008). This study used simple random sampling technique. We used this technique because this method used to create a smaller sample size from a larger population and use it to research and make generalizations about the larger group. 292 respondents will be selected randomly represent the fourth year University Malaysia Kelantan’s student which come from different courses. We selected final year student of University Malaysia Kelantan randomly by refer to the sample size because each of them has an equal chance of being chosen as a respondent.
A sample size at 292 was calculate by referring to Krejcie and Morgan (1970) based on a total population of 1180 (Enrolment student FKP and FHPK in University Malaysia Kelantan) The researcher’s population is the total number of student at University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) City Campus in Taman Bendahara in year four was taken from the Department of Academic Administration of UMK. The reason for researchers to choose the students to be the sample, it is because this research would be carried out the survey on the students, toward starting business challenge. Therefore, the result would be clarified because many students involved in the activity. The respondents of the survey were those students who more interested to start their business could be obtain. After the questionnaires were developed, 292 sets were printed out and distributed to the target respondent.
A unit analysis in the subject to be included in the study. The unit of analysis is the major entity that the researchers are analyzing in the study. It is the ’who’ or ‘what’ that is being student. In this research, the unit analysis would be the student.
Based on data collection in this research, it can be divided into two; primary data and secondary data. Primary data is sources that direct or first-hand information that originally from the sources. It is involves gathering data of the first and it becomes a requirement for users in research. In the other hand, secondary data is the information that already describes, summarize, analyze and evaluate by other parties. This secondary data includes government publications, journals, information published or unpublished, books, website and internet. Primary data that used in this research is questionnaire.
This research study needs to use the instrument to collect the data from the respondent. In addition, the instrumentation should assist the survey in a quick way, efficient, accurate. It means the survey needs to assist all of this accessing information of the population that related to this research study.
Furthermore, in this study it needs to use the questionnaire which is close ended question that can allow respondent to choose the answer from the limited alternative that closest to their answer. For the detail explanation, the close ended questionnaire will be in form of multiple choices and it also will be in the scale format that respondent need to decide the rate of scale that provide which is from scale 1 (strongly disagree) to scale 5 (strongly agree).
The research instrument of this study consist 2 section. Section A and section B. For section A, is about the demographic profile of the respondent. Section B were tested the dependent variable and independent variable. In section B, ordinal scale was used with five-point Likert-Scale: 1 represents ‘ Strongly Disagree’, 2 represents ‘Disagree’, 3 represents ‘Moderate’, 4 represents ‘ Agree’ and 5 represents ‘ Strongly Agree’. The five-point Likert-Scale was chosen because it is common. Jan Losby & Anne Wetmore, (2012). Consequently when there is odd number in the scale, the middle label normally represents ‘either agree or disagree’. Jan Losby et al., (2012) However, the use of the five-point Likert-Scale might have bias, as the respondent have their own interpretation on the mid –point of the scale.
The data analysis will carry out through the computer software package. SPSS is an acronym of Statically Package for the Social Science but now is tend to Statistical Product and Service Solution. Data analysis were using SPSS to ensure relevant issues was examined in a comprehensive and cost effective manner. Four windows was use. There were data editor, output viewer, syntax editor and script window. Through SPSS researcher was using reliability test, frequencies descriptive analysis and correlation analysis. Reliability test is to test whether the question is reliable to use during a questionnaire section. Reliability test help respondents to easy know the question and can reduce time of answering the question. Reliability test must be above 0.6 to make the question valid and can give a valid data collection.
Frequencies descriptive analysis is to make a calculation on statistical from the answer of respondent. For example, central of tendency, measure of dispersion and percentile values. Central tendency is functionally to calculate mode, median and mean from the data collection. Measure of dispersion is for identifying the standard deviation, range and variance. Percentile value is to allocate the quartile likes first quartile, second quartile and third quartile. Correlation is to measure the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables. Correlation has two types which are spearman and Pearson Correlation.
This chapter further discussed about the results presented and explained in chapter four. In this chapter will discuss about the finding that already researcher found in the chapter four. This finding will discuss about three independent variable that challenging student in start-up new business. Then, the major findings were discussed in the conjunction with the literature review in chapter two in order to reach the research conclusion. This chapter also discussed about the managerial implications, limitations of the study and followed by recommendations for future research to continue this study about the challenging student in start-up new business in University Malaysia Kelantan and the conclusion
Based on the result presented in Chapter 4, the main objective of this research was to determine the relationships between the dependent variable (business start-ups among the UMK student) and independent variable (skill challenges, finance challenges and family support challenges). Pearson correlation was used to test the hypothesis for this research objective. A total of 292 respondent participated in the study that had been selected through a convenience sampling from the targeted population among forth year student of Faculty Entrepreneurship and Business and Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness. For the research measurement instrument, a pilot test was conducted as to assess the face validity and reliability. Based on the Cronbach’s alpha result, all the items used to measure the independent variables and dependent variable showed a good sign of internal consistency where the alpha values were in range of 0.610 to 0.860.
There were 138 male respondents (i.e. 47.3%) compared to 154 female respondents (i.e. 52.7%) participated in the study. All the respondents are among Year 4 students. Majority of the respondents’ race were Malay that accounted for 212 people (i.e. 72.6%). Mostly, the respondents aged between 23-27 years old that accounted for 58.6% (i.e. 171 respondents). The result of the student participated in the study majority from retailing course that accounted for 110 respondents (i.e. 37.7%).
The descriptive analysis was conducted on the independent variables with mean values for skill challenges Ẍ = 4.16, financial challenges Ẍ = 4.15 and family support challenges Ẍ = 4.09. The mean value of dependent variable on business start-up among forth year’s student in UMK was 4.12.
This section highlight the major findings that corresponded with the specified research questions, hypothesis and the research objectives as summarized in Table 5.1
Table 5.1: Summary of research objectives, research questions and findings.
Research Objectives Research Questions Findings
1. To examine whether skill challenges has a relationship with the business start-ups among forth year student in UMK. How skill challenges relates with the business start-ups among forth year student in UMK? Skill challenges had a statistically significant high relationship and was influence the business start-ups among forth year student in UMK
2. To examine whether finance challenges has a relationship with the business start-ups among UMK student. How finance challenges relates with the business start-ups among forth year student in UMK? Finance challenges had a statistically significant moderate relationship and was significant influence the business start-ups among forth year student in UMK
3. To examine whether family support challenges has a relationship with the business start-ups among forth year student in UMK How family support challenges relates with the business start-ups among forth year student in UMK? Family support challenges had a statistically significant high relationship and was significant influence the business start-ups among forth year student in UMK
4. To determine the most important variables that influence forth year student in UMK to start-ups a business. What is the most variable that influence (represented by skills challenges, financial challenges and families support) in start-ups a business among forth year students in University Malaysia Kelantan.
Based on the result from Table 4.5.2, family support challenges was the most dominant factor that influence the business start-ups among forth year student in UMK
Kirby, (2004) Personal skills, attributes and behavior may also influence and determine whether one can become a successful entrepreneur in the future. According to Hamidi, Wennberg and Berglund, (2008) High self-confidence and good personal skills are among the important factors that influence success in entrepreneurship. Kolveried, (1996) state that a high level of self-confidence is positively related to a higher intention to become self-employed.
In terms of behavioral traits, students who have participated in learning networks are better aware of their abilities to exploit business opportunities Bergh, Thorgren and Wincent, (2011) and thus, are expected to be more interested in business. Besides, management and technology skills which can be learnt in entrepreneurship courses have also influenced students’ intention to choose entrepreneurship as future careers Love, Lim and Akehurst, (2006).
Lichtenstein and Lyons (2001) argued that it is important for service providers to recognize that entrepreneurs come to entrepreneurship with different levels of skills and therefore each entrepreneur requires a different ‘game plan’ for developing his or her skills. Furthermore, they suggested that skill development is a qualitative, not quantitative, change which demands some level of transformation on the part of the entrepreneur.
Some of the potential sources of finance are too expensive and have stringent requirement for accessing loans, especially youths who have no collaterals to enable them secure bank loans. Some financiers argue that many of the new ventures are simply not fundable. They note a lack of fundable business plans, citing such issues as the quality and feasibility of the business idea and the lack of commitment of the entrepreneur and his or her business management team
In the experimental phase, entrepreneurs often use their own funds or funds received from family and friends. In the initial phase of the development possible sources of financing are as follows: loans, business angels, and venture capital funds. In the expansion phase, the most common sources of funds are venture capital funds and loan funds. At the buyout stage, private equity funds play an important role. Cvijanović, Marović and Sruk, (2008) financing the development of the company can be displayed according to the phases of development.
Characterized by start-up companies having very high sales, as well as customer dependence, and also by complex and rigid markets, repeatable sales processes, more time in relation to the first and second type, in need of more capital
Kotha and George, (2012) showed that entrepreneurs with previous experience in start-ups are able to raise more funds (from both formal and informal sources) compared to entrepreneurs without any experience. Start-up projects and start-up companies are most interesting to those investors who can significantly accelerate the development of the project or product through their investments as well as contribute to strong business relationships which investors tend to have and which are essential for the expansion of start-up products.
Atherton, (2012) demonstrated that multiple factors influenced the decision of a start-up founder on the financing source (formal or informal). At the same time, it is possible to observe very high disparity between the highly capitalized and undercapitalized start-ups. Finding investment funds to launch or expand a start-up is one of the biggest obstacles faced by many entrepreneurs Berger, Cowan, Frame, (2011). In their paper, researchers Paul, Whittam and Wyper, (2007) proved that start-up founders first turn to internal financing sources (their own funds), and afterwards they use external financing sources.
Worrell, (2002) the entrepreneur must have certain income at the beginning. Brezak Brkan, (2010) it is rather common that seed investments are collected at the earliest stage of fundraising and they usually include personal savings and funds from family members and friends.
When students intend to make a new business, he or she seeks support from multiple sources such as family, friend or mentor. Mustikawati & Bachtiar, (2008) Motivation for the entrepreneurship activity of individuals are usually family, partner and peers to whom they can trust to share ideas, the potential problems to be encountered along with the way and the means to handle these issues. Buang & Yusof, (2006) as the closest environment, the support of family can create the interest in joining business field. The family plays a pivotal role in inspiring children to choose entrepreneurial careers; parents also tend to encourage their children to take a more challenging career that allows self-freedom and independence.
Based on finding, Business Start-up and Family Support Challenges with r = 0.673, indicating a moderate association between the variables. The research rejects the null hypothesis and accepts the alternative hypothesis. There is a significant relationship between family support challenges and business start-up. The qualitative aspect of this study is relevant in understanding family role model influences.
This approach stimulates discussion on the use of entrepreneurial role models in education settings and pedagogy. Wilson et al., (2007).There are several impacting factors found to influence the essential transitional time between education and career development, namely, gender, social capital, economic landscape, career decision making, historical background, trait personality; attitudes and experiences, parental/family role model and government investment in education and business start-up. So family plays important roles in creating interest in making business. Based research the business start-up are related with
In this study, there are several limitations that had identified. These limitations are as follows.
The proven data and information such as statistics and figures have been replicated and used in many journals and other sources. Most of them do not come with correct citations thus making it difficult to trace the origin sources. It makes more time and efforts were needed to trace the origin sources of needed data and information.
After collecting and analyzing data from all chapters, all three independently independent variables agreed by all skilled, financial and family support respondents became obstacles to starting a business. From this study, the respondents agreed that independent liberalization has a relationship with the factors that influence the barriers in starting a business for University Malaysia Kelantan students.
Although, this research goes smoothly, there are still some improvements to research to find other obstacles that challenge the students of University Malaysia Kelantan. In this study, researchers use quantitative methods such as questionnaires, using this method, researchers are able to identify the challenges faced by University Malaysia Kelantan students to start a business.
In addition, when distributing questionnaires some respondents at University Malaysia Kelantan campus Pengkalan Chepa did not really want to provide feedback or co-operate with us, as respondents did not understand the purpose of answering the questionnaire and amongst them were not interested in the business. To overcome this problem, the researcher will briefly explain the tasks given and will also explain the objectives and objectives of the research to build the trust of the respondents to answer the questionnaire.
In addition, there are many more challenges in starting a business. However, there are only three independent variables investigated in this study which are a barrier to starting business among University Malaysia Kelantan students. There are also other challenges that have become another obstacle not mentioned in this study. Future research needs to explore and investigate more independent variables which become a barrier for students to start a business.
This study provides further understanding on the challenges that influence that business star-ups among FKP and FHPK fourth year students in University Malaysia Kelantan, City Campus Pengkalan Chepa. Statistical analysis was conducted to examine the challenges facing by a UMK student in start-up a business predicted by three (3) independent variables namely skill challenges, financial challenges and family support challenges. All the proposed hypotheses were found to fit with the data and supported the ideas that skill challenges, financial challenges and family support challenges were significantly associated with business star-ups among fourth year students in University Malaysia Kelantan.
In this study, the research objectives were met with the key findings that family support emerged as the most dominant factor that influence the relationship in start-ups the business among fourth year student in University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). The findings are expected to provide insights for further research in the field of business industry. Furthermore, this research helps UMK students including business people and entrepreneurs for a better understanding about the challenges in start-ups a new business.
Essay: Business Start-up study
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