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Essay: Need for unions in management decision making

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  • Published: 15 September 2019*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
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  • Words: 5,926 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 24 (approx)
  • Tags: Human resource management essays

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Throughout the years, worker distress and disturbances has shaken numerous associations the world over and non-inclusion of representatives in the basic leadership roles and decision making process has represented a large number of these. Basic leadership in associations has been the safeguard of management without the contribution of those on the lower rungs of the stepping stool of administration, yet they are the extremely ones anticipated that would see to the execution of these choices. The non-contribution of lower level administration in basic leadership additionally implies that indispensable contribution from representatives is frequently accounted for in decision making process. This gives rise to the problems that are experienced in organizations when it comes to the acceptance of these decisions and its implementation because employees feel slighted and of no importance because their views were not sought Quagraine (2010). They likewise don’t feel as being a part of the decision making process but instead decisions are taken and ‘pushed down their throats’. This prompts to imperviousness to consistence or a lazy demeanor to usage. Representative contribution or support in basic leadership is an idea that has not been generally understood and acknowledged by many as framing an imperative part of human relations in organizations. The impression given by the individuals who propose it is that it will take out clashes and contradictions between the representatives and administration body with regards to execution and consistence since choices are taken both in light of a legitimate concern for the worker and the organization in general. (McGregor, 1960). Worker investment if rehearsed would guarantee a great climate for usage would be made as staff would have a sentiment trust and a feeling of belongingness and accordingly take responsibility for and see to its effective execution

Unions represent the interests of their members, whether they are nurses, teachers, care assistants or cleaners etc. The main role of the union, according to Morreaux & Media (2016) is to safeguard employees’ rights, ensure safe work conditions and negotiate for the employees through collective bargaining.

In Ghana, the ‘Trade Union Congress’ (Ghana) (TUC), which is the largest labor centre in Ghana, was established to avoid the experiences of the Industrial Revolution in Europe when workers’ struggles against employers led to massive destruction/loss of lives and property. The union is a mother union which currently has fourteen registered unions registered under it (Gockel & Vormawor, 2004).

Lately, various organizations both nearby and worldwide have seen various industrial conflicts and worker agitations which has led to confrontations amongst management and workforce with some extremely critical consequences. There have been many strike activities in different organizations in the previous 10 years. The Prevalent strike activities inside organizations have added to low efficiency. Employee disappointment is now and again credited to the non-inclusion of employee association in decision process, prompting to the absence of inspiration with respect to workers in actualizing management decision. In perspective of this, a few works have been led to contend for or against union involvement in decision making process of the organization Agyeman (2012). All these have emerged therefore of representatives feeling disappointed about a few choices that have been taken by administration and Board of the different organizations with no dynamic contribution of the staff body and such choices have been seen by workers as hindering to their welfare and the development, supportability and survival of the organizations. Non-involvement of workers in the basic management process could lead work disappointment which in the long run would prompt to lost worker hours, low profitability among others that would antagonistically influence the fortunes of organizations and in the end the GDP of the country on the loose.

Employee inclusion in decision making is extremely basic to the survival of each organization and in this manner needs genuine regard for have the capacity to address this demeanor and guarantee congruity in manager worker relationship. The contribution of employee in basic leadership permits them to feel starting at some portion of the organization to guarantee the accomplishment of hierarchical goals. Realizing that productivity is an attitude’ and that it is employee’s motivation that controls specialists yield, the legislature and utilizing organisation need to give an empowering situation, important target exchange amongst workers and businesses keeping in mind the end goal to achieve an enduring condition of modern concordance required for profitability change in Ghana (Daily Graphic , Wednesday, April 20, 2005)

The change of the way of life of the general population demands commitments from all sections of the economy if any critical and significant advance is to be made. The onus falls on each resident of the country and it gets to be distinctly judicious that everything conceivable is done to push this motivation to the fore for the benefit of all. Be that as it may, as organizations are thinking about the issue of involvement of unions in viable basic management, against this foundation, the topic under consideration would seek to research and identify the main causes and effects of low or non-participation of employees in effective decision-making and recommend appropriate measures to address them.

In every organization, democracy is promoted by the involvement of the employees in management decision making. The presence of union in an organization promotes democracy not just in the workplace, but also in the community – locally, nationally, and globally (Rights, 2016). This therefore calls for the need to assess the impact of the unions involvement on management decisions. This research will therefore focus on the need for management to involve unions in decision making, the outcome of decisions with unions involvement and the level of satisfaction of union members on the unions input on management decisions.

In this study, we are going to identify the needs of the organization and union. The level of involvement of the members and the impact and difference the inclusion of the union has on the organization. The way their involvement of affects the organization, how to increase their involvement in management decisions, the extent to which these unions should be included in the decision making process and many more. This has been summarized into the following objectives as outlined in the next subsection:

1.2 Research objectives

1. To identify the need for unions in management decision making

2. To assess the outcome of unions involvement on management decisions

3. To assess the level of satisfaction of union members with management decisions

1.3 Research questions

1. Why should management involve unions in their decision making?

2. Does the involvement of unions in management decisions change the otherwise outcome of management decision?

3. What is the level of satisfaction of union members with management decisions?

1.4 Proposed methods

Questionnaires will be used to acquire primary data from employees whiles interview guide will be used to acquire secondary data from management and executive members of the Union. The questionnaire will be used to assess three major items being; the extent to which an individual is committed the union, perceived effectiveness of union and management response to union. Union effectiveness will be measured using the Union Instrumentality scale designed by Chacko (1985). The scale was measured on a five point Likert scale ranging from 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree to 5=strongly agree. Responses were scored from 1 to 5. The scores will determine the degree or level of effectiveness using the coeffic
ient alpha of this scale reported by Chacko (1985). The coefficient alpha of this scale reported by Chacko (1985) is .74 with the internal reliabilities (Cronbach alpha) of the three subscales being .69 for intrinsic benefits, .74 for extrinsic benefits and .71 for responsiveness to members. That for the current study is .82. With Cronbach alpha for the three subscales being .74 for intrinsic benefits, .86 for extrinsic benefits and .88 for responsiveness to members. Some of the responses on this 10-item scale include “the union makes every effort to help get workers a say in how they do their work” and “the union makes every effort in getting better fringe benefits for members” (Karle, 2013).

This study would involve members of the Barclays branch of the Union of Industries Commerce and Finances (UNICOF). UNICOF was established in August 2003 and affiliated to the Ghana Trades Union Congress which represents the collective Labor front. The Barclays branch of UNICOF has a membership of about 700 members, out of which 150 will be sampled for the study. The Barclays branch of UNICOF was chosen for the study because of convenience to researcher.

The study has been organized into five chapters. Chapter One, which is the introduction, gives a general background to the topic of study.  This reveals the objectives of the study. Chapter Two deals with the review of literature relating to the research study.  This chapter establishes a Chapter Three (Methodology) gives description of the research process and the methods adopted for collecting and analyzing data.  In Chapter Four, results from the research questionnaire and other forms of data collection processes are analyze as discussed in previous chapter.   In conclusion, chapter five summarizes the findings, conclusions and relevant recommendation made together with implications of the study (both practical and theoretical).



2.0 Introduction

This chapter presents a review of relevant literature pertaining to our research questions. This will be done by first of all exploring what a union is and what it entails. The importance of a union especially in the work place will be reviewed as shown in various literatures.

The unions in the work places create an avenue for equality, fair treatments and economic security through the collective voice of the members (Rights, 2016). Recent developments in human resource management (HRM) and organizational science reflect the importance of the unions in organizational effectiveness (Morgan, 2003).

Work fulfillment has been exceptionally huge in visualizing frameworks robustness, diminished turnover and worker inspiration. Going before African studies have perceived the most critical HR devices to oversee work fulfillment; these incorporate compensation, assets, preparing, the working air, strong supervision and acknowledgment (Mathauner et al, 2006; Pillay, 2015). These outcomes are fairly reliable with those of the “Uganda Health Workforce Study”, where the impacts of various occupation related components were evaluated to judge their relative significance in foreseeing work fulfillment. All together of significance, the accompanying was the hugest donors to general fulfillment: work coordinated with specialists’ aptitudes and experience, fulfillment with compensation, satisfaction with administrator, helpful workload and employer stability (Uganda Ministry of Health, 2007).

Early hypothesis in specialist fulfillment and inspiration perceived remuneration as a “cleanliness” calculate as opposed to an inspiration component. This implies fundamental compensation fulfillment must be accessible to manage ceaseless occupation fulfillment, however the essential pay accessibility without anyone else won’t realize fulfillment and enhanced measures of pay won’t indicate an expanding level of employment fulfillment. However, look into led in Africa set forward that change in compensation and augmentation in other pay bundles, in the impossible occasion of exceptionally deficient pay and advantages, may in reality add to workforce maintenance (Kober et al, 2006). Against this foundation, it is vital to have a look at the different meaning of occupation fulfillment as delineated by various creators.

Unions’ notorieties for the usage of standard methods which advantage the middle specialist are prone to pull in laborers with generally low income potential (Bender and Sloane, Op.cit). The creators further opined that it is specialists in the lower half of the potential profit appropriation who are prone to line for union occupations. This is to the degree that when interest for union occupations exceed their supply, union bosses will pick the best specialists from the line, with the end goal that those really entering the union area are some place in the mid-scope of the laborer quality dispersion (Abowd and Farber, 1983; Farber, 2001). The individuals who have lined for union occupations however can’t get one will accordingly be in the tail of the specialist quality conveyance. They should look for work in the non-union area and their interest for unionization will stay baffled unless they are fruitful at sorting out a union starting with no outside help. This overflow of laborers who need a union employment into the non-union segment is the thing that delivers a representation hole (Bryson and Gomez, 2003).

As indicated by Farber, (2001) such sorting procedure could have suggestions for employment fulfillment. He clarified that the individuals who lined for union employments and got them are prone to be sensibly fulfilled since they entered the area in the conviction that union institutionalization approaches would profit them. The individuals who never lined for a union employment are those in the top part of the laborer quality conveyance who have an inclination for more extreme income profiles and a more individualistic pay reward structure (Bryson and Gomez, Op.cit). These arrangements, which are found in the non-union area, are well on the way to profit these laborers. It is the individuals who might have profited from union institutionalization approaches yet were declined permission to the union part who are well on the way to be disappointed since the prize framework in the non-union segment attempts to their hindrance.

Research conducted by Dawkins (2005) on the ‘decision of union workers to participate in employee involvement: an application of the theory of planned behavior’. This study used responses of union workers at a small manufacturing company in the Midwestern part of the United States. Responses of the workers in the first of the two questionnaires provided measures of the attitudinal, normative, and behavioral control components of the theory of planned behavior and the degree to which they identified with their labor union. A second questionnaire was administered to measure they intend either to support or oppose the employee involvement (EI) program. Results from the study revealed that at a 0.05 level, the intentions to support EI was predicted from attitudes, normative support, and perceived behavioral control. Level of union identification moderated the impact of attitudes on intention to support EI for workers that did not identify seriously with the labour union, but did not moderate the effect of normative support on intention for workers who identified heavily with the labor union. This study asserted how their attitude predicted their intentions, but our study will look at their attitude towards the union, their perception and how management decisions affected their intention to support or oppose the union.

Schuster (1983) considered the impact of union-management cooperation on productivity and employment. Data on productivity and employment for each of the nine manufacturing plants at monthly time intervals, over a period of four to five years that is from two years before to at least two years after the int
roduction of the cooperative program was collected. Regression analysis was used to supplement data from the interview. Results showed that after introduction of the cooperative programs, productivity increased in six of the eight firms in which it could be measured and employment remained stable in eight of the nine firms. Similarly, our research will focus on the opinion of the union members on the productivity of the company based on the union involvement on management decisions. Though this research will focus on a service industry, the relationship between union involvements and perceived productivity will be assessed.

2.1 Union and its Importance in the Workplace

The Los Angeles County federation of labor defined a union as ‘an organized group of workers who collectively use their strength to have a voice in their workplace’. The guiding principle of a union is that a group is stronger than an individual. Workers have the right to affect wages, working hours, benefits, workplace health and safety, job training and other work-related issues through this organized group AFL-CIO (2016). The famous American Federation of Labor (AFL) was founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers. According to TUC (2012), the Gold Coast Trades Union Congress (TUC) was founded on the September 8, 1945.

In certain cases, unions are politicized and are aligned to a political party. When an employer and the union do not agree, the usual course of action taken by most unions is strike action or other. Some countries however consider strike, which has its own consequences, as the last resort.

Freeman and Medoff (1984) discovered in their study that around one-fifth of union profitability impact stem from lower worker turnover. This appears to clarify that unions guarantee work security. In unionized foundation, specialists will probably be prepared at work or off the employment to upgrade their profitability and hierarchical productivity (Frazis, Herz and Horrigan, 1995).

The presence of unions in the working environment radiated from different elements which laborers saw as unfriendly agreeable to them at their working environment. Specialists regularly get themselves misled by the force/power of administration in case of contentions. The development of exchange unions has in this way, by and large been considered as a force reaction by laborers to the power of administration (Miller and Form, 1969). Specialists attempt to make basic front, a unified body, to challenge the force of administration. Such challenge for force with administration is accounted for to be the aftereffect of ineffective aggregate dealing (Obeng-Fosu, 1999).


2.1.1 Importance or Benefits of Union

The union presents numerous benefits to the members. Benefits may include better working conditions, better remuneration, and so on. Basically, the union stands to represent the interest of the workers. In a well-organized system, the union is to provide benefits to both the worker and the organization and even the market in which they operate Kaufman (1993).  On the part of the firm, they benefit from the coordination, information flow and collectiveness in thoughts, which makes decision taking faster. In any specialist association, there might be statutes that control the behavior of chiefs and laborers alike. With such arrangements, be that as it may, agents in the association may look to control, pick up distinction or secure financial and money related favorable position over others in playing out their capacities. Subsequently, the resulting examples of control, glory and monetary endeavoring may form into substance for force among people and gatherings (Obeng-Fosu, 1999). This is the fundamental element for the development of unions, the exchange or challenge for force.

In spite of the fact that scholars having a place with shifted disciplines have for quite a long time been grappling with the inquiry “Who can join unions?” a complete and all around acknowledged answers have yet to be produced. The accompanying brief hypothetical investigations may be acknowledged as an initial phase toward giving an answer.

At the outset, the Marxist scholars (Marx and Engels, 1977) clarified union participation introduction regarding specialists’ disappointment with the current framework and their political will to topple the “exploitative request”. The overwhelming methodology, embracing monetary investigation, has distinguished variables, for example, the level of unemployment, administrative strategies and the structure of industry which impact the union-joining choices (Bain and Price, 1983; Mason and Bain, 1993). The levelheaded decision hypothesis or hope hypothesis, additionally lying at the heart of numerous monetary investigations (Cooke et al., 1975; Deery and Cieri, 1991), suggests that balanced representatives are well on the way to join a union when they see that the whole of union-prompted benefits exceed the cost required in union-joining. This clarification, however not deliberately tried at the individual level, has discovered satisfactory experimental bolster (see, for instance, Farber and Saks, 1980).

Some early studies proposed that dependability to the union and the business were fundamentally unrelated states of mind (Dean, 1954). Notwithstanding, the discoveries of a few later studies on this subject were sufficiently predictable to make the idea of “double faithfulness” a standout amongst the most ordinarily acknowledged recommendations among specialists of the period (Angle and Perry, 1986; Gallagher, 1984). Bain and Price (1983) even trust that business demeanor and conduct altogether impact laborers’ decision to wind up and stay union individuals. The more noteworthy the degree to which a business is set up to perceive a union, the more probable the specialists are to be unionized.

Gill (2009), in a paper on union impact on the effective adoption of high performance work practices examined the literature and research on unions relevant to the effective adoption of High Performance Work Practices. The study established that a cooperative association with management makes it possible to overcome barriers to adoption of certain practices which in turn gives the company a competitive edge. Unions play a very important role and have a unique advantage in that they deliver an independent voice which cannot be substituted by management. The relevance of the union to the workers is that they ensure that the employees benefit from high performance work practice.  Pluralist model of autocratic management is an impediment to fully benefiting from the value that is added by the union.

Mishra (2009) in a study emphasized the strength that lies in union. Another importance of the union in the work place is that it has a positive impact on the performance of projects and the market. In this study, the research addresses the gap between the efforts by the union and also performance. Responses from 189 new product development managers were collected and it was found that there was an impact of collaborative competence on project and performance. The study found a relationship between collaborative competence and project performance. However, impact on market performance was indirect through project performance.

A study was conducted by Rubinstein (2000) on ‘the impact of co-management on quality performance. In this study, the researcher used surveys, interviews, direct observation, and records of quality performance to examine the system of co-management created through the General Motors-United Auto Workers partnership at the Saturn Corporation. Results from the study revealed that, compared to non-represented advisors, union advisors showed greater levels of lateral communication and coordination, which had a significant positive impact on quality performance.

2.2 Union Involvement in Management Decisions

As proposed by Fernie (2005), support in the union-by-union individuals at the work environment is a starting p
rocedure of union restoration. There is a dependence on activists to bolster and induce interest from general population individuals (Charlwood et al., 2006). Investment in union issues is multidimensional as bolstered by McShane (1986) and can be either formal eg. going to gatherings, voting in decisions or remaining for office or casual eg. perusing the union bulletin or communicating with the shop steward on an everyday premise. As determined by Fosh (1993), these exercises could likewise be arranged as being either (1) simple eg. voting in decisions or perusing pamphlets where individuals can’t be recognized effortlessly or as more (2) troublesome eg. talking at gatherings, remaining for race where individuals can be distinguished (Kelly and Kelly, 1994). Individuals may not contribute at a steady level amid their enrollment as this could be influenced by activities at the working environment and the predominant modern relations atmosphere (Fuller and Hester, 1998; Redman and Snape, 2004). Cooperation at neighborhood level, as indicated by a few scholars – Fosh (1993) and Kelly (1998)-, is needy to a more prominent or lesser degree on the sort of general population administration style. Individuals may likewise groups one of two sorts of alliance with their union at their working environment both of instrumentality or philosophy. This will make their dedication on either an individualistic level or on an all the more all in all common solidarity level where more extensive political and social objectives might be figured it out. The discretion impacts on the degree of investment at the working environment are the neighborhood initiative methodology regarding conferred shop stewards, the mechanical relations environment, past events of the working environment union and the setup of the nearby union (Fosh, 1993). Larger amounts of investment can prompt all the greater getting from the agreeably arranged terms and conditions with the business (Fosh and Cohen, 1990).

Moorhead and Griffin (2004) defined decision making as the process of picking from different alternatives. The process involves linking the possible consequences and factors and choosing the best course of action to take. This is however based on the information available to the decision maker. The union has a primary role of serving the interest of the workers through the decisions of management. Unions could also persuade management to take or withdraw certain decisions to favor the workers.

Deery (2001) in a study on ‘the non-union workplace in Australia: bleak house or human resource innovator?’ related the employee relations practices and results of non-union and unionized workplaces in Australia. He used data from the 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey. Results from the survey revealed that workplaces without unions had distinctly less innovated employee relations practices and outcomes in terms of dismissal and turnover rates. Such workplaces were also characterized by the individualistic nature of its contractual, remunerative and bargaining arrangements. This implies that the unions in the other workplaces did better in terms of bargaining for remunerations, and also ensuring that dismissal of employees and turnover rates were minimal.  Thus they had possibly great impact on the decisions of management in such regards.

Bryson (2005) conducted a study on ‘High‐involvement management (HIM) practices, trade union representation and workplace performance in Britain’. This study considers the relationship between work organization, trade union representation and workplace performance. Findings from the study reveals that there was a HIM had a positive impact on labor productivity. This implies that the involvement of union in the decision of management yielded positive results as the workers were satisfied and therefore worked hard to improve productivity.

A study to examine the influence of trade union on management practices was conducted by Ng (1994). In this study, 37 human resource practices were examined using logistic regression. Results from the study indicated that there was a positive relationship between the union and human resource management. The union influenced management decision on the payment system which was formally performance based payment systems and performance appraisal. Human resources in a unionized environment were seen to be more streamlined than in the other environment. This is again evident in the introduction of probationary period for new recruits and also on training programs given.

2.3 Satisfaction of Union Members with Union and Management Decisions

2.3.1 Job Satisfaction

The feeling of satisfaction and pride felt by individuals who make the most of their work and do it well. Different variables impact work fulfillment, and our comprehension of the criticalness of these stems to some extent from Frederick Herzberg. He called components, for example, compensation, working connections, status, and employer stability “cleanliness variables” since they concern the setting in which someone works. Cleanliness elements don’t in themselves advance occupation fulfillment, however serve basically to forestall work disappointment. Helpers add to occupation fulfillment and incorporate accomplishment, acknowledgment, the work itself, obligation, progression, and development. A nonattendance of occupation fulfillment can prompt poor inspiration, anxiety, truancy, and high work turnover Kotey (2013).

“Work fulfillment is characterized as “the degree to which individuals like (fulfillment) or abhorrence (disappointment) their employments” (Spector, 1997, p. 2). This definition recommends work fulfillment is a general or worldwide emotional response that people hold about their occupation. While analysts and experts frequently measure worldwide employment fulfillment, there is additionally enthusiasm for measuring diverse “features” or “measurements” of fulfillment.

Examination of these aspect conditions is frequently helpful for a more watchful examination of representative fulfillment with basic employment elements. Customary employment fulfillment features include: collaborators, pay, work conditions, supervision, nature of the work and advantages.” “Work fulfillment is a constructive passionate state that happens when a man’s occupation appears to satisfy one’s needs”. It is not generally related with the cash component since a few people additionally work to fulfill their inclination to work.

2.3.2 Measurement of Job Satisfaction

There are numerous techniques for measuring work fulfillment. By a wide margin, the most well-known strategy for gathering information with respect to employment fulfillment is the Likert Scale (named after Rensis Likert). Different less normal strategies for gaging work fulfillment include: Yes/No inquiries, True/False inquiries, point frameworks, agendas, and constrained decision answers.

The Job Descriptive Index (JDI), made by Smith, Kendall, and Hulin (1969),is a particular poll of employment fulfillment that has been broadly utilized. It quantifies one’s fulfillment in five features: pay, advancements and advancement open doors, associates, supervision, and the work itself. The scale is basic, members answer either yes, no, or can’t choose (showed by ‘?’) because of whether given articulations precisely depict one’s employment.

The Job in General Index is a general estimation of employment fulfillment. It is a change to the Job Descriptive Index in light of the fact that the JDI concentrates a lot on individual aspects and insufficient on work fulfillment as a rule.

Other occupation fulfillment polls include: The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS), and the Faces Scale. The MSQ measures work fulfillment in 20 aspects and has a long frame with 100 inquiries (five things from every feature) and a short shape with 20 questions (one thing from ev
ery aspect). The JSS is a 36 thing survey that measures nine aspects of occupation fulfillment. At long last, the Faces Scale of occupation fulfillment, one of the principal scales utilized generally, measured general employment fulfillment with only one thing which members react to by picking a face.

2.3.3 Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Some Organizational Behavioral Factors

Bowen et al; (2008) demonstrate that the ideas of occupation fulfillment and inspiration are unmistakably connected and perpetually utilized reciprocally as a part of practice. They facilitate clarify that employment fulfillment depicts or measures the degree of a man’s satisfaction in his or her occupation whiles inspiration clarifies the driving force(s) behind the interest or execution of specific exercises or a vocation. Herzberg as refered to in Dinham and Scott (1998) clarifies that both wonders are connected through the impact each has on the other.

Mullins (2005) is however of the perspective that occupation fulfillment is connected to inspiration yet the way of this relationship is not clear and in the perspective of Michaelowa (2002) work fulfillment is not the same as inspiration. She contends that these two terms are connected however may not be utilized as equivalent words.

Inspiration is key to work, as it gives specialists fulfillment, for example, accomplishment, awareness of other’s expectations and joy of the work itself (Enshassi et al; 2007). In supporting a comparative perspective, Chase (1993) (referred to by Mohajed, 2005) is of the perspective that a mix of preparing, introduction for new workers, arrangement of a sheltered and clean environment, consolation of two-way correspondence, representative interest in arranging or basic leadership, and individual/group acknowledgment might be used to accomplish worker fulfillment. Herzberg contends that very frequently administration comes up short in its endeavor to propel representatives since it puts the greater part of the accentuation on evacuating dissatisfies and disregards satisfiers that make inspiration (Oglesby et al., (1989) referred to by Mohajed, 2005).

Robbins (2003) shows the administration capacity of initiative is for the most part meant to oversee representative conduct and by clarifying and anticipating worker efficiency, leave rate and occupation fulfillment with an end goal to achieve a definitive objective for workers’ forceful employment contribution and the dedication to organizations.

From building up the models of causality variables to influence work fulfillment, Seashore and Taber (1975) suggests that the whole interior association environment incorporates authoritative atmosphere, initiative sorts and staff relationship can influence the occupation fulfillment of representative. Robbins (2003) conducts an investigation with the subject of Fedex. From the examination, it demonstrates that supervisors receiving the transformational initiative administration style can’t just carry with better work execution evaluated by organizations additionally trigger their bosses to permit them with more occupation advancement open doors. The subordinates under transformational authority have less leave rate than that of value-based administration however higher profitability and employment fulfillment.

Transformational initiative is emphatically related with the change of subordinates’ workplace, the fulfillment of requests and executer execution (Liu et al., 2003). From above dialogs, we can reason initiative has a fundamentally beneficial outcome on occupation fulfillment of representative.

In the unionized environment where the workers belong to a sort of union, the prime objective of the union is to protect the interest of the workers. Thus there should be a mode of assessment of the union’s performance, which is best assessed by the level of satisfaction of the members. This is seen indirectly through the outcome of their involvement with management decisions. There are however times when union members are not satisfied with union-management decisions as a result of the adversarial nature of the process, suspicion over alternative methods of resolving disputes and lack of flexibility in a traditional union-management relationship.

Fryxell (1989) conducted a study on ‘Workplace justice and job satisfaction as predictors of satisfaction with union and management’. In this study, the researcher examined the extent to which workplace justice and job satisfaction predicted satisfaction with union and management. The study basically assessed factors that could possibly affect the satisfaction of workers with the performance of union and management. Using multivariate analysis, it was found that major factor affecting worker’s satisfaction with union was workplace justice, which is defined as the amount of procedural and distributive justice. Satisfaction with management was however predominantly affected by belief in a moral order at a workplace.

Bryson (2004) investigated whether union membership reduced job satisfaction. This is to assess the performance of the union. The study employed linked employer-employee data from the 1998 British Workplace Employee Relations Survey. In this study, looks at the relationship between the membership decision and overall job satisfaction and satisfaction with pay. The paper reveals that there is some level of job satisfaction with the establishment of unions. This therefore implies that the unions were performing well.

A study was conducted by Kim (2012) to explore the relationship between participative management in the context of the strategic planning and job satisfaction in local government agencies. The study employed the use of a multiple logistic regression and results showed that managers’ use of a participative management style and employees’ perceptions of participative strategic planning processes are positively associated with high levels of job satisfaction. This implies that the involvement of unions in management decisions affected the job satisfaction positively. The study also found that effective managerial communications in the sense of the strategic planning process are positively associated with high levels of job satisfaction. Again, participative management that includes effective supervisory communications could improve employees’ job satisfaction.

2.4 Theoretical Framework

Figure 2.1: Conceptual framework

Source: Researcher’s construct 2016

Process theories attempt to clarify and depict the procedure of how conduct is stimulated, coordinated, supported, and ceased. To clarify and portray conduct these speculations attempt to characterize the real variables that are critical for clarifying persuaded individuals (Campbell et al, 1970). Process scholars see work fulfillment as being resolved not just by the way of the occupation and its connection inside the association, additionally by the requirements, qualities and desires that the people have in connection to their employment (Gruneberg, 1979).

For instance, a few people have a more prominent requirement for pay and accomplishment than others and where an occupation gives no open door for expanded pay or accomplishment; such people are liable to be more disappointed than those whose requirement for higher pay and accomplishment is less. Three sub speculations of procedure hypothesis have been created: hypothesis in view of disparity between what the occupation offers and what is normal, hypothesis taking into account what an individual need, and hypothesis in light of what the individual qualities.

The theory underlying the study is union-management decisions and outcomes. The figure 2.1 above shows that the decisions taken as a result of union involvement has two possible outcomes. It is either the workers are satisfied or unsatisfied. If union members are unsatisfied it could lead to a strike action or any other, however, if union members are satisfied, it leads to high productivity Bryson
(2005). On the other hand, the workers assess the union performance and their performance is measured by the level of satisfaction of the clients. Satisfaction of workers leads to high commitment to union activities and participation. Low satisfaction on the other hand leads to resentment and Lack of interest in union activities.

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