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Essay: Analysis of Mr Price

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  • Subject area(s): Business essays
  • Reading time: 9 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 September 2019*
  • Last Modified: 2 September 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 2,530 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 11 (approx)

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Their beliefs:
Passion: They consider passion to be their engine. They state that their positive attitudes and enthusiasm projects a positive image. They believe that their work is fun.
Value: They consider value to be the heart of their business and they strive to add value to everything they do. They believe that value is doing more than what is expected or required.
Partnership: They believe in sharing ownership and success.
They say that these key beliefs on which the company is built on, is the foundation and building blocks of the business and they will never change their core values and beliefs.
Mr. Price Growth Rate:
Mr. Price started out in the retail sector as just a single store chain and now they have had exponential growth over the years and they have expanded their product range to multiple different store country wide and even some over sea branches. Mr. Price now has extensions in Mr. Price Sport, Mr. Price, and Mr. Price Home. These extensions help Mr. Price to make a profit and to be able to fund their CSR projects more efficiently. Throughout their growth they have held onto the same core values that they said they would not lose which makes Mr. Price a very relatable business in the fact that customers feel as though they can trust the franchise and that they will always receive quality products or be refunded if the products do not reach the standard that Mr. Price has promised them. This helps Mr. Price to expand even further because they know that their customer base will remain steady and even and it will not fall due to bad customer service or due to bad quality products.
Mr. Price Market Shares:
Mr. Price has a very widespread market and the products they sell cater to almost everyone at a good price and they give a good quality product for the price they pay. This helps the business to gain very good market status and keep their shares in the market very high which in turn gives them very good profit margins and helps them to receive very good customer reviews which in turn will help them to keep their well-known good status in the market and they will not have to worry about losing market shares as long as they can remain giving good quality products for a low price as it says in their mission and vision statement. They believe that everyone should get to buy good quality products without having to break their bank account and they have delivered on their promise causing a very good outcome for Mr. Price in the competitive retail market.
They have a relatively wide variety of products offered to the public and they strive to have some of the best products offered in the existing market for their prices. This is because they are a competitive business and they always want to be the best talked of and the best to buy products from. This increases their financial status as a business.
Question 4:
Their CSR programs include:
-Young Heroes:
This project is focused on improving the health of South Africa’s young people. This ideal is focused on healthcare. This is an important ideal to focus on in South Africa because of the lowering health rate in individuals across the country and it is important to be healthy if you intend to find a job someday and be successful in life. You cannot afford to be weighed down by illness or disease. Therefore Mr. Price is using CSR projects to create a sustainable future for the youth of South Africa which in turn could help reduce crime rates and will help to reduce illness and death throughout the country that is poverty ridden. With this CSR project we will soon be able to experience a new South Africa that has less crime, less health problems and in turn less poverty.
-MRP Foundation Schools:
Aimed at providing sustainable improvement in selected underprivileged primary school learners. This ideal is focused on Lack of education. In our country we have the right to free education but it is hardly received or even a good base of education when it is. With this being the sad reality of how many less privileged children have to go to school without stationary and with a lack of educated teaching staff it leads to these very children lacking in education. These children will rise up and replace older generations of leaders in the country but they have been handicapped with poor education which leads to bad leadership and causes poverty in our country. In townships when many children attend school, for every 100 students there is one teacher. These teacher do not have teaching degrees so the information they teach these students is more than likely not accurate which can lead to poor information and misunderstandings of concepts. This in turn can cause diseases such as HIV/AIDs because these kids do not learn about its causes and effects and this in turn makes it easier to contract and spread the dsease and people who are not well educated about it will not know this is the cause and effect of said disease. It can also lead to may uneducated individuals not being able to study at any tertiary institution which in turn will lead to them not receiving a good paying job which causes poverty and theft in the country. This is a major issue in our country because a very high percentage of individuals have not received proper education which is why South Africa has a very high crime rate. With this CSR project, Mr. Price is helping to prevent and cure our society by offering good education and teaching supplies to our youth which should help reduce crime rates and poverty scales.
Is directed at the national challenge of youth unemployment. It aims at providing 18-30 year olds with skills needed to be prepared for the work world. This ideal is focused on Unemployment. This is why this is such a good CSR project because by helping people to become employed it in turn helps to lower the crime rate because crime occurs when people do not have sufficient funds to provide for a comfortable life for themselves or for their families. When people do not have a job they cannot pay for education or food or housing which leads to crime to help provide and it increases poverty in the country. With the program Mr. Price has begun it helps individuals to get jobs to stop the poverty cycle in its track and will help the country with its crime rate.
Question 5:
One major CSR issue that Mr. Price focuses on is the issue of Unemployment. This is evident because of their CSR projects that they focus a lot on.
Unemployment is a major issue in South Africa because it is not due to one factor but multiple factors that are not addressed lead to this one major problem that faces our nation. Due to bad education and poor heath, many individuals do not have knowledge or power to become successful working citizens which leads to poverty in the land. This poverty leads to crime and malnutrition on a wide scale and this is all because of multiple factors acting negatively together because of the state of education in the land. The reason for most of the poverty we experience is because it starts at the root; our youth.
Our youth do not always have the privileges to attend proper schools so in turn the do not receive a proper education and they often do not have sufficient funds to attend tertiary education which causes them to not have a degree which hinders them when it is time to try and find a job. Finding a job is never easy, but trying to find a job with no degree and no proper knowledge on anything in the world with often lead to them not being able to find a job at all, or lead to them being stuck in a dead end job that doesn’t pay nearly enough money to sustain themselves and help them start a life. So these individuals will end up with a poor paying job and then because they do not have any knowledge about the spread of diseases they may get married and start a family but they could contract aids to their wives and kids and they will not be able to get good healthcare because they do not have enough money to pay for it.
The major CSR issue that Mr. Price focuses on is Unemployment because all the other socio-economic issues revolve around unemployment. I can justify this by saying that if you do not have a job it can and most likely will lead to health problems and then you do not have a job so you cannot pay for medical services. I can also justify this by saying that if you do not have a job that pays well you will not be able to go and study the things you need to study or be able to put your children through school. Also this goes hand in hand with the fact that you cannot get a job if you did not go to study at university and get a degree for a specific field a company will not hire you. Therefore the main focus in CSR should be on Unemployment just like Mr. Price focuses on helping people to find jobs and preparing them for the work field and how to behave at interviews and how to keep a job once they get it. It is also important to realize that people need an education to function in the real life world because in our world, inflation affects the population and to be able to keep up with food price going up you need to have a stable job where you can afford food and housing. If you do not have a job you will have to resort to crime and this makes the countries inflation and economy worse for people who actually pay taxes and have a job. This is why it is so important that Mr. Price focuses on unemployment and helps people to get jobs.
Question 7:
Is an ability or capacity of something to be maintained or to sustain itself. it should be able to carry on forever to be considered sustainable.
In relation to this specific project, the JumpStart program can be considered sustainable because it is having a positive impact on the youth of our country and it is helping to employ the youth which in turn helps to increase the economic state of South Africa.
By increasing the financial state of South Africa by helping to educate the youth on how to get jobs and how to keep jobs it helps majorly with our economic issues and our crime rates. The project that Mr. Price focuses on (JumpStart) helps the youth by employing the candidates into one of their retail store for a period of a couple of weeks. This doesn’t necessarily ensure them a job, but it does help them when they need to apply for a job or when they are finished with the program. The program equips them with a strategic advantage by giving them the skills they need when they have job interviews. It gives them experience working in the retail sector which will open up many doors for them when they look for work after they have completed JumpStart.
The program also offers help with finding a company that may employ you due to the experience you do have and it will help you to become employed and help to sustain yourself. This is why Mr. Price’s CSR strategy can be considered to be sustainable because it is not only a short period of work training and then they leave you on your own. They take what you have gained with them and help you learn to apply it when you search for a job when you are finished with the program. This is sustainable in the sense that it carries on by itself and it isn’t a waste of time to do the program because once you complete the program and you have done well, Mr. Price group will help you to find a permanent job where you can earn an income and sustain yourself.
Therefore the sustainability of the CSR project JumpStart is very high and efficient because it helps you gain skills you can use in the workplace and it helps you to find and apply for jobs once you complete the program as well as they offer monthly check-ins to see how your job or job hunting is going and how they can assist you even after you have completed the program. They genuinely care about each and every one of the individuals you complete their program and want to see them succeed wherever they want to in life. This is why this project is considered sustainable because it will help you to find work and keep working forward. It is a financial crutch when you are unemployed because it helps you strive forward into a career in which you can provide for yourself and your family in turn.
Question 8:
The professionalism code aims to regulate the behavior of people practicing business.
Their ethical code of conduct refers to organizational positioning and independence, skills and proficiency, nature and quality of work.
Mr. Price focuses on being professional in the sense of giving good quality products for low prices and they follow their code of ethics very seriously.
Mr. Price makes sure they always comply with the standard of ethics laid out in their professionalism code and code of ethics. It revolves around organizational planning and independence, skills and proficiency, nature and quality of work and these factors have to always meet the expectations of the board. It is a personal ethical decision that Mr. Price has made along with the promise to customers that they will always provide quality service and work with affordable prices.
Mr. Price has conducted to always follow ethical behavior in projects they are part of and they promise to always follow professional activity.
The committee always strives to achieve professional practices to follow a specific framework that they need to use to uphold the companies vision and mission as well as their beliefs and promises to their customer bases. They have promised to keep to their code of ethics and always provide good quality service and products.
Rationale/Executive Summary:
The focus question:
Social Responsibility
Brief Summary:
This project is about the socio-economic issues in South Africa and how it affects the country and how all of the issues are interlinked and how they are all interlinked. It also focuses on Mr. Price in the retail sector.
Conclusion/ Evaluation of task:
I have discovered how Mr. Price works in the retail sector and how it relates to the socio-economic issues that are evident in today’s world in our country

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Essay Sauce, Analysis of Mr Price. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/business-essays/2016-9-27-1474979077/> [Accessed 19-12-24].

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