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Essay: SWOT analysis of Pizza hut

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  • Subject area(s): Business essays
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 18 March 2019*
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 809 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)

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Opportunities in SWOT analysis of Pizza hut

The best opportunity for pizza hut is further expansion of the food range. I personally am waiting for a mcspicy type pizza being served in Pizza hut. This will give customers the spicy variety that they want. The same strategy has worked wonders for McDonald’s. Another opportunity is to spread out in select B towns and make their awesome pizza available in these places. Sooner or later Pizza hut has to do that. Same ways, if not the dining experience, Pizza hut delivery can be started so that Pizza hut remains in competition with Dominos.

Threats in SWOT analysis of Pizza hut

Dominos is a single major threat to pizza hut when concerned with pizza or Italian food. Dominos does not have a high quality food variety like pizza hut but Dominos is present in most places where Pizza hut is not. Another threat is the wide options of cuisines which a customer has available today through various food franchisee. McDonald KFC and others are indirect competitors who take away customers regularly from pizza hut. Rising health concern and people being more fitness concerned might also cause a drop in pizza consumption.

Pizza hut needs to be on its toes to survive and thrive in a saturated food franchisee environment like India.


Pizza Hut can set up new Pizzas with different crust ranges and tastes. This may attract new consumers with new flavors and this may raise their sales. The Company has expanded into the Indian bazaar menu and seems to the old favorite to bolster sales in the United State. The Company has targeted expensive goods and a reduce consumer base; this will attract customers who are more ready to buy these Pizzas. (Marcus Griffiths)

Pizza Hut is able to readily produce in more sell since it has a very superior group and it has hard market split. In spite of it include a little go down in 1984, and next two years it at rest has rather a good quality marketplace go cut in two imply that citizens purchase Pizza Hut’s produce only as they similar to its crop. The people are these days more worried about their health and pizza hut can meet this need by introducing clean and well pizza. The company can even introduce fresh, healthy and clean food items connected to pizza for example they can launch clean pizzas.

Since for each Pestle analysis models strength is influenced by Environmental factor because The Pizza hut company is utilizing to environment to examination molecules and their comment previous to set up them into new test for human.


In the pizza hut industry the competition is increase. Because consumers now prefer and look for accessibility and affordability. The cost of special elements like cheese, which is used in pizzas, is increase. Cheese costs threaten margin is increase. Cheese is necessary to the industry. Pizza hut faces critical threats from other global restaurant chains like KFC, McDonalds, Dominos pizza etc. So Pizza hut will have to progress or continue the value of the pizzas in order to fight with Dominos and McDonalds, to make sure that Pizza hut dominate this marketplace. McDonalds even tried to launch pizza in its goods collection, which is called McPizza. Besides these challengers the home eating places that provide pizzas offer food item at more reasonable costs as well as know the flavor of the local people better. Many of its challengers are trying to imprison the market share of the Pizza hut by launching like kind of pizzas. They will also have to keep their costs down and this may lead to them buying good from abroad where it is cheaper. (Marcus Griffiths)

As per Pestle analysis models threats is managed by political because here are not a lot of political factors in moving Pizza Hut because is need of opposition. The factor such when law on production service, contamination and taxation is relevant on the association which it has to chase about the system.

This matrix shows the major strategic option available to firms. I think that the top option for Pizza hut is to bring in new crop in existing market. So this firm must follow a product growth plan. It might engage considerable alteration or additions to its present goods variety. So Pizza Hut can bring in a new Pizza with dissimilar toppings in order to widen their goods variety. Also Pizza Hut Lead this marketplace sector they have money to spoil in investigation and growth. New feel that Pizza Hut should not chase the plan of diversification, this is a high risk plan as it would be very hard for them to locate a totally different goods as they are un knowledgeable and they have limited skills for example in manufacturing Footballs.


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