A : Investigating
Personal interest: The reason I chose this project is because architecture holds adamant value in my life and is a topic which raises a lot of questions in my mind. Being raised in a family which often conversates about civil architecture and engineering, I have been interested in these fields from a young age. My father himself is a civil engineer and he is one of my greatest inspirations in life, therefore I wanted to look deeper into the basis of architecture- as this is the background of engineering.
Context: My topic falls into the global context of orientation in time and space because essentially, I strengthened my understanding of the evolution in Indian Architecture and why it is changing through time which is related to this context. (See appendix a)
Goal: My goal was to create a short yet informative booklet about Indian Architecture and why it is so crucial in where architecture stands in today’s world. To understand how architecture is at a high, modern point currently- one must look back into the past and discover how it began. I wanted to achieve this specific goal because I am very enticed to architecture and I wanted the audience of my product to learn something new after reading the booklet.
The project seeks to explore the architecture in India. I chose this specific project as I have always been very interested in architecture, buildings from all around the world caught my eye and the variations in solely housing always engrossed me. I initially became interested in architecture when I moved to Dubai in 2004. The modern houses in this country easily amused me and throughout my life I became very interested in the design of buildings.
This project builds on my prior learning within the MYP 4 Geography in year 10. During this course we had a unit about civilisations and I did a research project about the ancient Indus Valley civilisation. During this project I developed the skills of researching and also having an open mind because some of the new information I learnt about this civilisation was shocking. The project will also build on my English Language & Literature skills which i have developed over the course of 5 MYP years. My personal project will develop my understanding of architecture by increasing my knowledge of the subject through research. The project will develop my skills in researching and finding real information as I will look through a range of different sources but only utilize valuable information. The project may be challenging for me as it will challenge my understanding of architecture in India. It will also be challenging for me because it will challenge my ability to believe all information I read, I will have to make sure I read the same specific information from at least 2 or more sources before I use it in my booklet.
For my selection of sources I began by searching the internet, then I had to pick and chose series of sources by reading the information and analysing the webpage. Although there were a large range of digital resources available, I had to be selective because not all sources that I came across were fully trustworthy therefore I could not use every piece of information I found. Then I went online on book websites to find suitable books, relating to architecture and I found 3 books which I ended up purchasing from bookshops in India. The first book i used is Masterpieces of Traditional Indian Architecture by author Satish Grover, this book gave me real life examples of Indian Architecture to look at and analyse. The second book, Architecture in India since 1990 by Rahul Mehrotra describes the change within the culture behind Indian Architecture since 1990. The book has taught me that pluralism, fusion and hybridity are the dominant traits of cultural change in twenty-first-century India. The resultant architecture reflects this fabric of one of the world’s largest and most populous states. Architect, educator and author Rahul Mehrotra has been at the forefront of the Indian contemporary architecture scene for more than two decades and demonstrates his valuable understanding through this book. This book was useful to me because it allowed me to fathom what architecture was like in the past and its development through time. The final book I used was Percy Brown’s Indian Architecture (Hindu Period), which provides information regarding Hindu Architecture specifically and it showed me the innovation which took place in the past. I believe my source selection is favorable as I used a range of sources and I conducted CRAAP tests for each of my sources (see appendix d).
These are my success criterion for the product :
1. The booklet should have at least 7 pages (A4).
2. The booklet should have a range (at least 5) of different photos, including some pictures taken by myself.
3. A range (at least 7) of sources should be used- primary and secondary information
4. The book should have information about modern indian architecture.
5. The focus of the book should be Indian Architecture.
6. Information about Indian architecture in the past and present should be included.
7. The book should have a contents page.
8. The booklet should have a title
9. The booklet should have a front cover.
10. The booklet should have a mini blurb.
11. The booklet should have page numbers at the bottom of each page.
12. The book should be divided into at least 5 different chapters
13. The back cover should have information about the author.
14. The booklet should have a citations page.
I chose these criterion because they would ensure that I make an explanatory and high quality booklet. Each specific criteria holds its own importance (see appendix c). I had to ensure that my criterion mentions everything that a booklet should include – a front cover, title, back cover and blurb. A blurb is crucial to include in a booklet (WiseGeek.com, n.D).
The personal project procedure required extensive time planning, in order for one to manage time efficiently. To plan out my time, I created a gantt chart (see appendix b )
To record my process I wrote a process journal, each time I worked on my project I evaluated what I did (see appendix f). Through the process journal I made use of Organization and Reflection skills as I organized my tasks and reflected on what I did each day whilst working on the project.
I believe the use of the website “managebac” has also been very useful to me in terms of organizing the basis of my project and the website allowed me to have everything in one place. I also kept track of my mentor meetings on here (see appendix h).
In completing my project, I faced 2 major obstacles in managing my time. The first one was gathering all my sources – books and websites. The second was putting all information into my own words. I believed I planned my time for researching well, as I had given myself enough time to research each chapter and I had also given myself additional time to check all my research. I had to use the organizational skill whilst planning my time and planning which sources to use. I also had to use reflection skills to reflect on my process every day I worked on the project.
My goal was to “To compile an informative booklet about Indian architecture and its evolution along the years including information about the past, present and ideas for the near future.” I speculate that my product has most certainly met this goal. I believe my product reflected the global context well whilst also achieving the goal and meeting all my success criterion (see appendix e). I found that one can certainly see my product as a response to the global context by looking solely at the front and back cover of the book (see appendix i).
Throughout the project I have had to demonstrate critical thinking skills such as identifying problems and
developing aims, goals and objectives right when I began the project, make inferences and draw
Conclusions from my gathered research, identified gaps in knowledge and formulate key questions before I began researching. I also had to put to use creative thinking skills such as making intuitive judgement whilst searching the web and time planning. I had to utilize the transfer skills of using my knowledge,
understanding and skills across subjects to create my final product. For example i had to use my knowledge of the Indus Valley from the MYP 4 individuals & societies course and I had to use my English Language & Literature skills which i have developed over all ym 5 MYP years whilst writing the booklet.
Through personal project I have developed better communication skills, because when I began my project I shared minimal contact with my mentor due to the fact that my mentor was fairly busy and thus I had to solve problems solely. However the further I got into the project, the more support i needed, therefore I had to take initiative to contact my mentor and i had to book meetings with them through google calendar. During the meetings with my mentor i had to use active listening techniques to understand them and receive appropriate feedback.
I also had to use social skills such as Negotiating goals and limitations with my mentor, to ensure the satisfaction of the both of us. I also helped my peers when appropriate and encouraged them. Furthermore, I often asked my peers for advice and I then respected and took use of their feedback.
My product met each one of my criterion (see appendix e), as I had made reasonable criterion from the start which I did not have to change. For example, my criteria was that my product should have at least 7 A4 pages an din the end it had 20 pages. My objective was to include interesting and valuable information which will interest the reader, the intention was never to pile the reader with extensive amounts of information leaving them lost within my booklet. I never wanted the readers of my product to be incapable of condensing the text due to the sheer volume of information, therefore I aimed for my product to be a short booklet and not a book. I think my outcome was of satisfactory quality, this is because I had to rush the last few chapters and therefore my last few sections are quite short. I believe my product would also be of higher quality if I formally got it printed out and binded. I used to think that writing a booklet would be easy but now i have learnt that the process of writing the entire booklet is quite long and every element must be precisely completed.
Completing my booklet has certainly extended my knowledge and insight on Indian Architecture because I read so many different books and websites and picked up a lot of new information. The project has also shown me how indian architecture connects to the global context of “Orientation through space and time”, as there is so much history and background to the architecture within the country. I now have a grasp of my topic and I know so much more than I did at the start of the project.
I believe that the personal project has assuradely helped me grow as a learner. Through the project I have come to know that I learn best under pressure whilst there are deadlines that I need to meet. The project has shown me that deadlines help organize a person and the pressure of meeting this deadline drives me- forcing me to work hard. I learnt about the fundamentals behind researching, and the value of picking out the right sources. The project has taught me how valuable books are because nowadays, I heavily rely on the internet as my main source of research and the personal project has reminded me of how much information you can gain from reading a solid, hard copy book. some mistakes made in research were that i kept choosing the wrong images which were not acceptable for me, and I forgot that I had to use pictures which were free to use or share, even commercially and often times I forgot to filter them if I was on google images and this took up a lot of my time. I had to ensure I was using the correct images as this falls into media- literacy skills. I found that the process during what was a substantial device which allowed me to record my achievements every step throughout the project. The process journal helpt me because I wrote what my next steps in learning would be and I constantly referred back to it. The personal project has helped me apply many IB Learner Attributes such being as : inquirer, being knowledgeable, being reflective, being a communicator, being a thinker and ultimately being open minded. Through the personal project I have had to use social, collaboration skills by respecting and accepting sociocultural difference whilst researching, considering and analyse different opinions, points of view, ideas and preferences, being empathetic to any information which is shocking to me and respect different opinions and the points of view of others whilst reading the books- as I had to respect the viewpoint of the authors. I learnt that I was very emotionally attached to India, and the research was very meaningful to me. I always use support when I needed it, for example I had meetings with my supervisor (see appendix h) and I consulted bookshops for research. I met my goal and I am rather satisfied from my product, but moreover I am satisfied about the whole learning experience and I am happy that this project has helped me learn so much about my home country. This project has helped me grow as an academic student because I have learn about the importance of time planning and of academic honesty – which are both crucial skills in the DP and in college. This process has inspired me majorly because now I have built a stronger internet for architecture and I would like to learn about architecture in other countries besides India as well as this, the researching for my product has also hooked me onto the subject of civil engineering. In the future, I would like to learn more about architecture and civil engineering as they are both imperative in the modern era. The process has also inspired me to write more booklets or informative texts, because I want people to feel the way I felt about architecture after researching and I would definitely like to share my knowledge. The project has left me as an inquirer and I opt to nurture my curiosity in the near future.
Ahluwalia, R.
Ahluwalia, R. (2017). Taj Mahal dropped from tourism booklet by Indian government. The Independent. Retrieved 3 December 2017, from http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/taj-mahal-india-dropped-tourism-booklet-utter-pradesh-government-a7981171.html
Architecture from India | ArchDaily
Architecture from India | ArchDaily. (2017). ArchDaily. Retrieved 5 November 2017, from https://www.archdaily.com/country/india
Architecture: Past, Present, and Future . (2017). Architectureppf.com. Retrieved 26 June 2017, from http://architectureppf.com/
Ajanta Ellora Caves > Images, Paintings, Tours & History @Holidify
Ajanta Ellora Caves > Images, Paintings, Tours & History @Holidify . (2017). Holidify.com. Retrieved 27 November 2017, from https://www.holidify.com/places/ajanta-and-ellora-caves/
Brown, Percy (1942) Indian Architecture (Hindu Period). D B Taraporala Sons & co. Bombay.
File:Brihadishwara Temple at Sunset – Thanjavur – India 02.JPG – Wikimedia Commons. (2009). Commons.wikimedia.org. Retrieved 5 November 2017, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Brihadishwara_Temple_at_Sunset_-_Thanjavur_-_India_02.JPG
Free Image on Pixabay – Hawa Mahal, Indian Architecture
Free Image on Pixabay – Hawa Mahal, Indian Architecture. (2017). Pixabay.com. Retrieved 22 October 2017, from https://pixabay.com/en/hawa-mahal-indian-architecture-1556661/
“Great Bath” Mohenjo-Daro
“Great Bath” Mohenjo-Daro. (2017). Harappa.com. Retrieved 5 November 2017, from https://www.harappa.com/slide/great-bath-mohenjo-daro-0
Grover, S. (2005). Masterpieces of Traditional Indian Architecture. Greater Kailash, Delhi : Roli Books Pvt Ltd.
India, A.
India, A. (2017). Architecture Buildings In India. amplichip.us. Retrieved 7 September 2017, from http://amplichip.us/architecture-buildings-in-india.html
“Indian Architecture.” Indian Architecture – Architecture Styles Of India – Architecture In India – Indian Architecture Styles, www.culturalindia.net/indian-architecture/.
Indo-Persian culture
Indo-Persian culture. (2017). En.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 22 October 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Persian_culture
Kalder, D.
Kalder, D. (2009). What’s the point of blurbs?. the Guardian. Retrieved 4 February 2018, from https://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2009/dec/24/whats-the-point-of-blurbs
Lotus Temple
:: Lotus Temple ::. (2017). Delhitourism.gov.in. Retrieved 14 November 2017, from http://www.delhitourism.gov.in/delhitourism/tourist_place/bahai_temple.jsp
Mehrotra, R. (2011). Architecture in India since 1990 . Berlin, Germany : Hatje Cantz.
Symmetry. (2017). Flickr. Retrieved 12 November 2017, from https://www.flickr.com/photos/nam/39557466
Welch, A.
Welch, A. (2017). Indian Architecture: India Buildings – e-architect. e-architect. Retrieved 5 November 2017, from https://www.e-architect.co.uk/indian-architecture
What is a Blurb? (with pictures)
What is a Blurb? (with pictures). (2018). wiseGEEK. Retrieved 4 February 2018, from http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-a-blurb.htm
10 Masterpieces showing Diversity in Indian Architecture – Arch2O.com
10 Masterpieces showing Diversity in Indian Architecture – Arch2O.com. (2015). Arch2O.com. Retrieved 23 November 2017, from https://www.arch2o.com/diversity-indian-architecture/
Appendix a) Process Journal Entry 1 – June 21 2017
Global Context
Today I chose the global context which best fits with my project. The Global Context that will give context to my personal project is “Orientation in time and space”. The line of inquiry I am aiming to go down is “Turning points in humankind” and “Explorations of humankind” because I am planning to show how architecture was discovered and the value it has in the world. I must research about the impact architecture has on humankind, initial architectural structures, causes and consequences of architecture, the evolution of architecture and modern architecture in comparison to the past. The resources I consulted today were the Global Context Presentation. The global context ensures that my project has a background theme in it and the global context will also help guide me while doing my project.
Appendix b) Gantt Chart/ Process Journal Entry 2 – Saturday the 24th of June
Today I created a gantt chart for my personal project. This chart is very important because it will help me with my time planning and I will refer back to it throughout my entire project. A resource that I consulted was an old gantt chart I created last year in my design class, this helped me create one today because the template was similar. It was difficult to plan out all my tasks as I had to ensure I was not missing any, before I allocated time to them. A challenge I faced was also estimating how much time each of my tasks would require, because I did not know how long specific tasks such as researching would take. Today, I put to use the skill of organization which is helping me self manage Over the next few weeks, I aim to gather a good amount of research for the document. An organizational skill which I used today was “Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project” when I created the chart. Another skill that i put to work today was “ Select and use applications effectively and productively”, because I used google sheets as a piece of software to make my chart on.
The gantt chart
This image is fairly zoomed out, the tasks are hard to read. Therefore, I shall mention the tasks :
- Research about the elements that make up in a good book
- Research about Indian architecture in the past
- Research about Modern Indian Architecture
- Research about architectural variations around the country
- Research about architecture in the future
- Develop my own Ideas about possible architecture in the future
- Ensure detailed explanations about the all topics are written
- Make sure all research is complete
- Carry out any additional research which is required
- Check that all sources are cited properly
- Convert research into well organized paragraphs/sections for the book
- Find approved (free to use or share, even commercially) images for the book and cite them
- Look through my personal photos and pick out photos to include
- Add the photos to the allocated paragraphs/sections
- Create a title for the book and write a blurb
- Design a front and back cover for the book on “canva”
- Check all elements of book and make sure everything is complete
Appendix c) The Criterion Table
The Criteria
Why is this criteria important?
1. The booklet should have at least 7 pages (A4).
Because a booklet should be of a decent length, enough for the reader to pick up new information.
2. The booklet should have a range (at least 5) of different photos, including some pictures taken by myself.
Because a selection of images is required in order for the booklet to be interesting and so that the reader can view something visual as well.
3. A range (at least 7) of sources should be used- primary and secondary information
Sources are vital because this is where the information comes from, a large variety should be used to ensure that I have good information.
4. The book should have information about modern indian architecture.
Modern architecture should be mentioned in the book because it gives the reader a perception of today’s world.
5. The focus of the book should be Indian Architecture.
The focus must be Indian Architecture because that is what my goal states.
6. Information about Indian architecture in the past and present should be included.
Because the aim is for the reader to grasp knowledge about what architecture in India was like in the past and also how it has evolved today- this also allows my project to link to my global context.
7. The book should have a contents page.
This is vital because every informative, nonfiction book includes a contents page- allowing the reader to easily navigate throughout the information.
8. The booklet should have a title
A title is imperative in order to catch the audience’s attention. A title is a basic norm which represents the booklet- it summarises what the booklet will be about.
9. The booklet should have a front cover.
A front cover is required as it is always present in any booklet or even book (which I found whilst conducting primary research in bookstores, see appendix g) . A front covers goal is always to attract the audience.
10. The booklet should have a mini blurb.
A blurb, according to “The Guardian” and “wisegeek.org” is required to advertise the work. Again, it is used to interest the reader in your work.
11. The booklet should have page numbers at the bottom of each page.
Having page numbers not only makes the booklet look sophisticated and formal, it is also required in order for the contents page to function correctly.
12. The booklet should be divided into at least 5 different chapters
Dividing the booklet into chapters allows the reader to read what they are interested in, without having to read the entire book. Chapters are also required in order to organize information. 5 chapters were the minimum I decided I had to have because this would ensure that I have enough information for a booklet.
13. The back cover should have information about the author (me).
A section which is about the author is necessary in order to give the reader a background about who wrote the booklet- thus the reader can decide if this affects the information or not and weather or not there is any bias in the booklet.
14. The booklet should have a citations page.
A citations page is substantial because any information which is not my own must be cited. There should be no signs of plagiarism in the booklet whatsoever, as this falls into information literacy skills.
Appendix d) The CRAAP test exemplar
The source:
Mehrotra, R. (2011). Architecture in India since 1990 . Berlin, Germany : Hatje Cantz.
When was the information published or posted?
The book was published in 2011
Has the information been revised or updated?
No, it was moderated before publishing but once it is published it can not be updated.
Does your topic require current information, or will older sources work as well?
My topic requires both- current and old sources as I am looking into architecture from the past as well as in the present day.
Are the links functional?
This is a book, therefore there are no links.
Does the information relate to your topic or answer your question?
Yes it severely relates to my topic because I am looking into Indian Architecture and the whole book is based around Indian Architecture, specifically.
Who is the intended audience?
The intended audience is anyone who would like to learn about indian Architecture. For example- civil engineers, architects or even pupils.
Is the information at an appropriate level
I believe this information is at an appropriate level as it is a book published for people who want to learn about architecture- who will most likely be at a decent level in terms of understanding.
Have you looked at a variety of sources before determining this is one you will use?
Yes, I looked at all kinds of different books regarding my topic before purchasing this one.
Would you be comfortable citing this source in your research paper?
Yes I would be comfortable citing this source in my research paper, as it is reliable and it is a published solid source.
Who is the author/publisher/source/sponsor?
The author is called Rahul Mehrotra, who is an architect himself.
What are the author’s credentials or organizational affiliations?
Rahul Mehrotra is principal of architecture firm RMA Architects of Mumbai, India and is Professor of Urban Design and Planning and Chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) in Cambridge, USA. (RMA Architects, n.d)
Is the author qualified to write on the topic?
Yes certainly as he has many architectural projects.
Is there contact information, such as a publisher or email address?
Yes, there is a publisher & contact information at the back of the book.
Is the information supported by evidence?
Yes, the whole book includes several examples of real life architectural works.
Has the information been reviewed or refereed?
It was moderated before publishing.
Can you verify any of the information in another source or from personal knowledge?
Yes, many websites agree with the information given in the book.
Does the language or tone seem unbiased and free of emotion?
Yes, the information is written sophistically and under seriousness.
Are there spelling, grammar or typographical errors?
No, this is a high quality published book.
What is the purpose of the information? Is it to inform, teach, sell, entertain or persuade?
The purpose of this information is to teach and inform people who are interested in architecture, yet it is a published book which can be sold and viewed as a weapon for boosting the authors economic state. One may also be entertained or persuaded by the book.
Do the authors/sponsors make their intentions or purpose clear?
Yes, the title is clear and their intentions are clear and well explained throughout the book.
Is the information fact, opinion or propaganda?
Facts and a small amount of opinion
Does the point of view appear objective and impartial?
Yes the point of view appears objective and impartial.
Are there political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional or personal biases?
None, the author is not bias whatsoever.
Appendix e) Table of testing the Product against Criterion
The Criteria
Was the criteria met?
1. The booklet should have at least 7 pages (A4).
Yes, the booklet had more than 7 pages.
2. The booklet should have a range (at least 5) of different photos, including some pictures taken by myself.
Yes, the booklet had 14 images.
3. A range (at least 7) of sources should be used- primary and secondary information
Yes, 15 sources for information were used.
4. The book should have information about modern indian architecture.
Yes, information regarding modern architecture is included.
5. The focus of the book should be Indian Architecture.
Yes, the book is solely based around Indian Architecture
6. Information about Indian architecture in the past and present should be included.
Yes, information regarding Indian architecture in the past & present is included.
7. The book should have a contents page.
Yes, there is a contents page.
8. The booklet should have a title
Yes, the title of the book is “Indulging Indian Architecture”.
9. The booklet should have a front cover.
Yes, the booklet has a front cover designed by me.
10. The booklet should have a mini blurb.
Yes, the booklet has a mini blurb as follows : “Explore Indian Architecture and learn about its connection to the country’s diverse culture. Dating all the way back from 3000 B.C.E until modern day. With a population of 1.3 billion, India is full of creative minds which contribute to the country’s modernised architecture.”
11. The booklet should have page numbers at the bottom of each page.
Yes, every page has a page number at the bottom of the page.
12. The booklet should be divided into at least 5 different chapters
Yes, the booklet has 8 chapters.
13. The back cover should have information about the author (me).
Yes, the back cover contains an about the author section stating : “In essence, a 15 year old girl who is very fascinated by the subject of Architecture. Connecting to my roots, I have written this booklet about my eminent home country, India. Indian Architecture is something which heavily assisted us towards the architecture we have in the modern era. The country has always withheld advanced architecture which has evoked many questions for me. Follow me, in my journey of discovering compelling architecture.”
14. The booklet should have a citations page.
Yes, the booklet has a references section which includes the sources of every image used and every website I visited and the books I read.
Appendix f) Process Journal Exemplar
Entry 17 – Sunday the 1st of October 2017
Today I started to take all my gathered research & put it into my own worded paragraphs. This took a good amount of time because I had to use a wide range of vocab which would fascinate my reader and to find these words I had to utilize the thesaurus (online) a lot. I had to make sure that my own writing differed from the ones found on websites and this was quite challenging because no matter how hard I tried some sentences were almost impossible to fully modify. I had to put to use information and media literacy skills today by understanding that each website or image I use must be sourced and accessing information to be informed and inform
others, reading critically and for comprehension, read a variety of source for information (books, websites), collecting research from a variety of print and digital sources making connections between a variety of sources, utilizing different media to obtain different perspectives and lastly Utilizing appropriate multimedia technology. Whilst converting the research into my own paragraphs I Had to demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills as the work had to assuredly be my own. Whilst putting research into my own paragraphs I also had to use transfer skills- As I substituted the information into my own work. My next steps in learning would be to make sure the writing in my paragraphes is disciplined and sophisticated- so that it engages the reader. The next time I work on my project, I must look at the quality of writing.
Appendix g) Using Books as a source of Information
Entry 10 – Wednesday the 13th of July 2017
Today I went to 3 different bookshops in Delhi(as I am here for the summer vacation). My aim for the day was to look for books which can help me in my research, and I had to be very selective with this. I had to utilize different media to obtain different perspectives and i had been using a lot of websites, however I wanted to use books because I would be able to get a grasp of the authors knowledge and viewpoints. I wanted to use many different sources on my project and therefore I already had a list of 10 books I was looking for before going into the bookstores. The list included books such as : Percy Brown’s “Indian Architecture (Hindu Period)”, Satish Grover’s “Masterpieces of Traditional Indian Architecture.”, Rahul Mehrotra’s “Architecture in India since 1990”, Adam Hardy’s “The temple Architecture of India” and lastly bindia Thapar’s “Introduction to Indian Architecture”. I purchased 3 of these exceptional books and cited them instantly, as I knew this would all contribute to my research.
Citations :
- Grover, S. (2005). Masterpieces of Traditional Indian Architecture. Greater Kailash, Delhi : Roli Books Pvt Ltd.
- Mehrotra, R. (2011). Architecture in India since 1990 . Berlin, Germany : Hatje Cantz.
- Brown, Percy (1942) Indian Architecture (Hindu Period). D B Taraporala Sons & co. Bombay.
Appendix h) Mentor Meetings
Appendix i) Product Front & Back Cover